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Posts posted by VonBenny

  1. Hey guys. Question for you. I can't seem to find the errata about our Irondrake. It used to be ''they can't shot twice if they moved''. But I keep reading everywhere they can now move and still shot twice (unless they have ennemies within 3' or less than 10 figurines). Where was that rules modified? I was wondering if others rules where changed that way? 

  2. Hey guys. I'm sad to hear some people here are leaving the boat, but true dwarven soldiers will grudge this, but keep on the fighting. 

    With that said, I can't wait for the new CoS book to come out and see what news are for us. If we do get those 2 wounds each.... we're gonna rock so much. As for myself, I did buy mostly only elite units so those news doesn't quit bother me. Your warrior could easily be used as Ironbreaker or something anyway. 

    With that said, I had a question for those of you who are still thriller by this army ! With our mighty Warden King, his command trait which add +1 to wound to any friendly units attacking the target. Does that command trait stack ? If I used 2 command point, would it add +2 to wound that unit? (In my nighthaunt army, the hero add 1 attack to a team. And I can use 4x points to add +4 attack to all figurines in that team...) 


    • Like 1
  3. Heros

    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer


    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    1 x Corpse Cart
    1 x Corpse Cart


    The point would be to chock point the objectives, never dying and winning by objectives points with outnumbering anyone. (Also being able to resummon full team of 60 figurines). I know it's kinda a troll army, but what do you guys think? :P

  4. Heros

    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer
    1x Necromancer


    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    60 x Zombies
    1 x Corpse Cart
    1 x Corpse Cart


    The point would be to chock point the objectives, never dying and winning by objectives points with outnumbering anyone. (Also being able to resummon full team of 60 figurines). I know it's kinda a troll army, but what do you guys think? :P

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. Idea 2 : 

    1x Warden King (100)
    1x Runelord (80)
    1x Runelord (80)
    1x Runelord (80)

    Team 1
    30x Hammerer (360)
    20x Irondrake (360)
    10x Longbeard (100)

    Team 2
    30x Ironbreaker (360)
    20x Irondrake (360) 
    10x Longbeard (100) 


    • Like 1
  6. Leaders
    1x Warden King (100)
    1x Runelord (80)
    1x Runelord (80)

    Team 1
    30x Hammerer (360)
    20x Irondrake (360)
    10x Longbeard (100)

    Team 2
    20x Ironbreaker (280)
    20x Irondrake (360) 
    10x Longbeard (100) 

    1x Cannon (140) 


    The idea is to have 2 solid team that can independently move around the map to secure each 1 different objectif while the cannon can support both team when needed. 

    I still can't find a way to fill that 40pts tho. 

    • Like 1
  7. What do you guys think of this wierd list...

    1x Warden King (100)

    1x runelord (80)

    1x gunmaster (80) 

    10x Longbeard (100)

    30x Ironbraker (360) 

    20x Ironbreaker (240)

    30x Hammerer (360)

    10x Irondrakes (180)

    10x Irondrakes (180) 

    1x cannon (140)
    1x cannon (140)


  8. Hi guys, 

    I'm currently playing Nighthaunt and Spiderfangs, but I was thinking of starting a third army. Something good - order and I love dwarves in armor. 

    First of all, is there a reason why we have Dispossessed and a separated Dwarf army? Why not put them together? As I can see it right now, if I am to pick Dispossessed (for their nice figurines) now they have no cannons or catapult? How wrong is that for a dwarven army? Anyway we can get cannons or Grudge Thrower as allies? (Since they have no battletome, I can't see anyway what allies they can take...) 

    Second, what would you think of this army list? 

    Allegiance: Order

    Warden King (120)  
    - General
    Runelord (100)

    30 x Ironbreakers (360)
    30 x Ironbreakers (360)
    20 x Irondrakes (360)
    20 x Irondrakes (360)

    1x Canon (160)
    1x Grudge Thrower (180) 


    The point of this army is to have a solid shield wall while the Irondrakes kills the ennemie from behind. Also, having a canon and a grudge thrower (that doesn't require me to see my ennemy and both with very long ranged attack) will force my opponen to move foward to me, thus making my slow movement not that bad perhaps. 

    Didnt take a look at the magic items yet. 


  9. I thought of 2 lists for a 2000 points Spiderfang theme army. What do you guys think? Any idea to make it better? 

    List 1 

    1x Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (100)  - General
    1x Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)

    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)

    1x Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (250)
    1x Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (250)
    1x Arachnarok Spider with Flinger (270)

    Scuttletide (30) 

    List 2 

    1x Scuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (100)  - General
    1x Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)
    1x Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (300)

    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)
    10 x Spider Riders (200)

    1x  Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (250)
    1x Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty (250)


    Both are 2000pts exactly. 

  10. I keep wondering which Arachnarok Spider(s) are the best to use. Then, I came up with the idea that I would like to use them all depending on the points. Did anyone try to see if it's easily possible to magnet the top so we can switch between shaman, warparty, etc? 

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