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Johnny Eyebrows

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Posts posted by Johnny Eyebrows

  1. Hey all - 

    A question for folks, as I adjust my list since the points change.

    Original list -

    - Great Nation: Syar

    Scinari Calligrave (115) *
    - General
    - Command Trait: Goading Arrogance
    - Artefact: The Perfect Blade
    - Lore of Hysh: Total Eclipse

    Scinari Cathallar (145) *
    - Lore of Hysh: Total Eclipse

    Scinari Loreseeker (170)
    - Lore of Hysh: Lambent Light

    Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (740) *

    20 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (300) *
    - Lore of Hysh: Ethereal Blessing

    20 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (290) *
    - Lore of Hysh: Lambent Light

    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (145) *
    - Lore of Hysh: Speed of Hysh

    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    *Battle Regiment

    2 drops
    1975 pts


    So, as it stands, I need to find 15 points.

    Option 1

    Drop the Loreseeker (😭😭😭), and increase the 10-man Warden unit to 20. Takes me to a single drop, but I lose an easy Lambent Light on distant units T1, and an awesome figure.

    Option 2

    Drop the Calligrave (!) and promote the Cathallar. Then figure out an appropriate additional endless spell...

    Option 3

    Drop the Spellportal, replace it with something else? Heck, also reduce the 20 man Warden to 10, and go to 30 sentinels? Though, that idea reduces the defensive castling moves...


    I suspect Option 1 is the right one, but I do like the Loreseeker...

    His highlights include...

    Tanking a 5-man Bloodknight unit for 3 turns, killing 7 of them, before finally going down...

    Killing 3 yetis, then charging across the board to kill the Butcher in the backline, taking out a mornfang rider on the way

    Holding against a giant for 4 turns(!), turns out he had his weetabix that morning...

    Numerous cases of calling the rain on key units, and holding out longer than he should...

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. Hi all - first time poster :)

    I'm going to a tournament towards the beginning of next year, only my 2nd one. I was looking at maybe trying a Changehost, wondered what folks thoughts on the matter were?

    Current idea is (2000pts)

    LoC, with Staff, Mark of the Conjurer, Magical Supremacy

    Ogrid Thaumaturge

    Blue Scribes

    Herald on foot

    2x 10 Pink Horrors

    2x 10 Brimstone Horrors

    2x 3 Screamers

    1x 10 Blue Horrors

    1x 10 Acolytes

    with either the shackles or the wall (forgotten the name...) to limit opponent's movement.


    Not sure on the viability of the list though. Does anyone have experience of using the changehost? What would you do?

    (Ogrid is there because 1- I have one, and 2- the model is great :) )

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