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Posts posted by Larkspur

  1. My wife and I are looking to get into AoS. She has settled on Idoneth Deepkin, and I’m looking at going with spiderfang gtots.  The models are pretty cool and I like the idea of an all cavalry army. Before starting, I had a few questions:


    1. Since this is an army without a book, it seems like it might be missing a lot of the bells and whistles that other armies have. Will my spiders be able to have fun games against Idoneth (no total domination on either side)? My wife plans to play an eel/shark army.


    1. We may try to join an escalating league at our LGS. Starting at 500 points, I was looking at 2x10 spiders and a fungoid cave shaman. Does this seem like a good starting point? I plan to scale into one of the arachnarok spiders when we get more points.
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