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Posts posted by mangaramb

  1. People are winning major tournaments with Tree-Revenants and Bow Kurnoths. There is a Youtube Sylvaneth tactics video where they talk about it. It's just different playstyle and requires more skill to play, than just throwing 6 Scythes to your opponent face. Best Sylvaneth lists that are winning big tournaments are defensive, you draw your opponent to the woods, where you have cover and can MW them.

    So if best players are using Bows and are winning, then it means the unit is good, if you think otherwise you are probably lacking skill or your local meta is very specific. In these rend ignoring times scythes are the worst pick, even before swords have been buffed.

    • Haha 1
  2. Against a heavy shooting army is very hard for Khorne, you can only hope for a good mission.

    I've played a few days ago against Skaven with 3x40 rats and lots of shooting and spells. Basically he did around 20 mortal wounds (spells and shooting) and 10-20 normal shooting wounds per turn. And the rats also do some damage. So by end of turn 3 I had only a few units left on table and killed in the whole game only 50-60 of his rats and no other units. He was quite lucky with rolls and also got double turn after my first movement. I don't know what do to against such an army. ..

    I think it's best to always try deploying first (so a some Battalion is needed) and let the other played have first turn, then you can hopefully charge first turn if he moves something forward or at least avoid double turn of shooting at your army.

    Also it's good to have many small units for BloodTithe points and to deny deepstriking/teleporting of mobile armies by keeping a few spread out units  of Bloodreavers in the back.

  3. Does "Mark of the Destroyer" work on Bloodthirster Of Insensate Rage ? It should double it's attacks to 8 (9 with Bloodsecrator), add a few +1 to hit to that and you should get quite a lot of mortal wounds. I think now FAQ allows any Heroes to equip Trophies of War, not only Bloodbound, right?

  4. 22 hours ago, W33daxe said:

    Long story short: I started out with Khorne, lost faith, began Nurgle and Sacrosanct, but keeps coming back to Khorne. I have Archaon and hope to someday do a Nurgle/Khorne list, but it´s not looking good.


    I think your list is too defensive, except for Skullcrushers there are no good hitting units. Khorne is all about offense, you want to be with almost all of your units in melee range asap. Get at least a few units of Bloodletters, Skullcrushers or Khorgoraths. Also always go for MSU, and use Khorne Allengiance for summoning more Bloodletters.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 11/8/2018 at 1:33 AM, andysonic1 said:

    Khorgoraths have the monster keyword and aren't mortals but do a ton of damage, Bloodletters aren't mortals and require you build around them potentially doing a ton of damage, and Blood Reavers' are similar to Bloodletters in that they need outside help to reach scary levels. You could argue that you're already bringing the outside help for all of the above to work, but if your focus is on summoning instead of buffing than Blood Warriors become very appealing as a "plug'n'play" unit.

    Some math:

    10 Blood Warriors (200 points) with Glaive on champ and Bloodsecrator buff do 6.87 wounds to 4+save unit

    10 Bloodletters (120 points) with Bloodsecrator buff do 6.6 wounds (3,5 of them mortal) to 4+save unit

    So that is 200 points vs 120 and same damage. If you add some more buffs to Bloodletters (+1hit from Slaughterpries or 20+models), which should be easy even in all Mortal army, then Bloodletters outperform all other units offensive wise many times.

    I had some games won by just summoning 20Bloodletters at a good time and succeeding the charge. That unit does 20 wounds on average with Bloodsecrator buff to 4+ save unit.

  6. Why do people like Blood Warriors so much? I think they are one of the worst Khorne unit. Offensive power is joke with 2 attacks each and no rend, even with Goreglaive. Bloodsecrator buff helps them a little but helps other units much more. For 200 points you can bring:

    two Khorgoraths, which will hit harder

    16 Bloodletters , which will hit much harder

    30 Blood Reavers, which will hit much harder

    Some say to bring 30 of them in one unit, but why? It's only worse, because they don't benefit from it, they have bad Bravery, harder to keep in cover, reach is only 1'' and from my experience Blades of Khorne army is best played as a MSU and summon as much Bloodletters or Fleshhounds as possible. If I wanted to bring a big unit defensive, then Chaos Warriors are much better, because they are cheaper and have a bonus on 20+ modules and also against mortal wounds and also reach of 2''.

    I am seeing them in every list, but why? Am I missing something? I know that they look great, I have a lot of them, but in competitive army there is no place for them, except min unit in Gore Pilgrims.

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