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Posts posted by Paladork

  1. Hey, I'd be willing to sell him as he currently doesn't fit well in any of my current armies.  He's in great condition, in the 8+ years I've had him I've only ever had a wing break and it was a quick, easy fix.  I think he's very well painted, he looks pretty similar to the GW paintjob, very Tzeentchy looking.  As far as shipping, depending on where it's going, I usually split the cost.

  2. Thanks for everyone's insights and opinions, I think I'll try and have a long conversation with him about a middle ground we can both get behind, that way he can still play how he wants and I can get what I want out of our games.  Just a few thoughts, first and foremost, I may have misused the phrasing "That guy" I know it means different things to different people, and to me and my friend group it just meant more that someone was more interested in winning rather than having fun.  Not that he has ever cheated or done anything wrong, but his focus is almost always on winning rather than having what I would consider a "good game."  He has literally ran army lists he openly admits aren't fun to play against or are fun for him to play, but he runs them anyways because they win.  Another example would be there have been times where I would obviously be the winner due to a double turn, and I've just given it to my opponent to make it more enjoyable for the both of us.  Most, if not all the time where that was the case for him, he would just take the double turn and I would lose to no one's surprise.  There are other small things like that, and again, he didn't do anything wrong, it's just...boring sometimes.  As for the folks suggesting just not playing with him, I'm not sure if you missed the part where I talked about how small my gaming group is?  I don't live in a podunk town, but our AoS group around here is fairly small, before he joined my group of friends I'd get in, maybe 2-3 games a year, now, we play almost every week.  So if I choose not to play with him, I might as well just be choosing not to play AoS (40k is much more popular around here and even then that group is small).  As for skill levels, I'd say he definitely has more of a mindset for competition than I do, I mentioned he watches a number of podcasts and reads a lot about tournaments and such, he actively enjoys doing the math on values of units and who is best at what.  So in that regard, he probably is better than me, he see's what is best from a numbers standpoint and goes for that.  I, on the other hand, live by the rule of cool.  Not to say I can't tell what is and isn't good for list building and see synergies and all that, but when I see Archaon or a Hellpit Abomination, I'm of the mindset that it'd be cool to see those on the table, not whether they are the most competitive models.  I love running fluffy lists that have my favorite models and characters in them knowing full well they aren't the most competitive, but they make for a fun game assuming they dont all die turn 1.  So yeah, main point being, I just need to hash out some of this with him so we can both find some enjoyment from our matches, I appreciate the input of those who read my post and understood what was happening and your words of advice!

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  3. So, just looking for a bit of friendly advice, my gaming group is fairly small, and there's only a few of us that can play regularly.  One of the folks in my group is very competitive, he watches a number of videos and podcasts from pro players and tries to build lists like them.  I am not one of those people, I like to build fun lists, have narrative and fluffy battles and just have as much fun while playing as I can.  It's hard to have fun though when one of your regular opponents is trying to end the game by turn 2.  I understand he has the right to play the game the way he wants to, but when I play him, it pretty much only ends up being fun for one of us.  I'd just say I wont play him anymore, but he is one of very few people I can play with any sort of frequency.  I also understand he has smaller armies than I do, so his list building options aren't huge, but every time we play it seems like he's running some variation of a tournament list and I'm running a hodge podge of Skaven.  I've tried to run competitive lists myself, and it at least ends up being an evenish matchup, but I don't get a lot out of running lists like that.  I've talked to him about doing more narrative and "fun" games, but it almost always devolves into him running a hard list and me losing early on with my fluffy list.  Any advice?

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