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Posts posted by P'tarix

  1. 4 hours ago, Pandamina said:

    So, new boat endless spell will be extra spell portal for Tzeentch armies. Moving pinks to objective, killing one for summoning points and casting a powerful spell like new pyramids to hold opponents army.

    Yes, it could definitely be useful for horrors, really depends on how many points it is. Shame we can't move the lord of change around, but alas.

    Interesting thing is that the unit transported by boat can still move in the movement phase too. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Calypso2ts said:

    Had a chance to play my first few games of Age of Sigmar this weekend, was at a GT.  I have been following this thread so I figured I would share some thoughts.


    Bottom Line Up Front:

    -Enlightened hit like a truck, need to know how to split their attacks to use to full effect

    -Gaunt Summoner makes those 40 man bricks disappear and when they are not totally gone, he effectively costs the enemy a Command Point

    -Geminids are a steal and have a great cognitive effect on the enemy

    -Be'Lakor's mind games are better than his CC ability

    -Fold Reality can be backbreaking



    Gaunt Summoner (General)

    -Arcane Sacrifice, Glimpse the Future

    Lord of Change

    -Tzeentch's Inferno, Baleful Sword, Wellspring of Arcane Might

    Tzaangor Shaman

    -Fold Reality

    Be'Lakor (Strange choice, more to follow)

    10x Pink Horrors

    -Treason of Tzeentch

    10x Pink Horrors

    -Arcane Transformation (Poor choice, should have been Bolt or Unchecked Mutation)

    10x Kairic Acolytes 

    9x Tzaangor Enlightened


    Balewind Vortex


    Initial Thoughts

    I was banking on there being a large number of horde armies, especially Death.  I chose Treason and brought the Gaunt for that reason. Be'Lakor came in because I had him painted, this was a GT and I did not have the time to finish any other models.  I figured he would provide a melee threat, his Dark Master ability might come in handy and he could cast 2 spells.  Enfeeble Foe is also very good in general,  I brought the Pink Horrors for more casters - I underestimated how hard it is to really wrack up summoning points.  I also liked the idea of being able to drop 20-40 Blue Horrors around the board when the Pinks got eaten up.

    Game 1 - Seraphon

    He had a Slaan, Starpriest, Engine of the Gods, 2x Bastiladon and 20x Sequitur in a block.  The mission was Total Commitment.  We had a large castle on one side for terrain that I hid behind and I camped my objective that got pounded by the Bastiladon fire. I focused down the Skinks after the Enlighted and Lord of Change wiped nearly the whole Sequitur block in one turn.  From there I had lost my pinks to the Bastiladons so I rained them down on the right side objectives while pushing the Enlightened into his Dinosaurs.  I got a key double turn that helped me make up for some bad positioning and I was able to get the Slaan and two dinosaurs to steal his second objective.

    I was impressed with the Enlightened and mortal wound output from the Lord of Change.  Noticed the LoC is terrible in combat, I chose poorly for Be'lakors ability and never got to use it.


    Game 2 - Death, Legions of Nagash

    He had a Mortarch (Mannfred maybe?), 4x Morghasts, 2 blocks of 40 Skeletons, 20 Grimghast Reapers and the usual array of support (necromancers, Vampire Loards,some dogs etc).  The mission is Better Part of Valor.  I learned from last time and setup my casters in more of a block with the Enlighted anchoring one flank and Be'Lakor on the other.  I nominate Mannfred as my target for Be'Lakor which was a terrible idea, I never have a good time to use his ability.

    I start by trying to knock his skeletons low with the Gaunt Summoner but instead get myt 11 for Infernal Flames denied on box cars...with my own dice.  My opponents hands me a beer.  I make a mistake in deployment and he immediately razes my leftmost objective with his dogs.  I also try to fix it with Be'lakor vacating the flank that enables the Morghasts to nuke the Gaunt Summoner.  I wreck them with the Lord of Change's casting and advance into his skeletons on his right flank - wiping the unit.  I get a double turn here and move in to knock out Mannfred - I totally underestimate the damage done by Enlightened and kill him with only spears, leaving two Morghasts to counter charge. They do so with 40 Skeletons and wipe the unit.  I also find out that Legions of Nagash can return the whole unit of 40 from a gravesite..oops.  I am able to raze two of his objectives, however, and it comes down to me throwing out 20 Blue Horrors on my last home objective to keep it from being razed, I eat a number of charges.... He whiffs big time and I actually use petty vengeance to plink off skeletons and keep hold of my objective. 

    This was a close game, minor win and I think I was able to play my way out of several major mistakes.  Exposing the Gaunt Summoners due to poor bubble wrap, neglecting an objective, overcommitting the Exalted to one target and a million other little mistakes.

    Game 3 - Death, Legions of Nagash

    He had the same army as Round 2 except he swapped had a Zombie Dragon instead of Mannfred.  The mission is Focal Points.  I play the same way but this time I protect the Gaunt Summoner and move in appropriately with the Exalted.  I also sit on grave sites to stop his resurrections and mortal wound down, where possible, his support character.  The highlight for me is when I activate Be'Lakors ability against the 30 Grimghast Reapers and they fail every roll to take an action for both our turns - the Exalted smash the unit to pieces, murder a vampire lord, wreck a full block of Skeletons while I use dead Horrors to throw Blues on backfield objectives to hold them and to sit on grave sites where necessary.

    I take a minor loss, I had to wait for him to extend his army across the board so I could destroy those Skeleton blocks in detail.  I think I killed 120+ Skeletons this game with  the Gaunt Summoner, Lord of Change and Treason of Tzeentch.

    Game 4 - Death, Legions of Nagash

    I start to sense a pattern on this one. He has 2x Zombie Dragons, 40 Chainrasp, 30 Grimghast and an array of support characters.  The mission is Scorched Earth.  He vastly underestimates the damage the Enlightened and Gaunt Summoner can do.  I wipe his entire unit of Chainrasp turn 1 and assault into the Grimghast and kill them down to 6.  He has to burn his Command Point to save the Grimghast.  I fail to double turn - which would have probably won it there, and he throws the zombie dragon into the Enlightened.  Even with -2 to hit (Gryph Feather) the Enlightened do big damage to the Dragon since I attack second.  I lose 4 and have to burn a Destiny Dice.  On my turn I clinch it with Fold Reality for 6 Enlightened that get in range to burn his objective and then summon 3 Screamers to eat his center objective by advancing the Lord of Change.

    Game 5 - Death, Flesheater Courts

    He is running 3x Ghoul Kings on Zombie Dragon, Arkhan, and 3 minimum sized ghoul squads. The mission is Places of Power.  I misdeploy my Enlightened and they end up too far out of the main fight.  I also did not understand how his summoning mechanic worked, so I made some other deployment mistakes.  I was able to wipe two of the Zombie Dragons in spite of these mistakes but I was too far out of the scoring to make a comeback.  I end  up throwing down waves of Blue and Brimestone Horrors this game as speed bumps to his summoned troops.

    The real highlight of this game is that I did not have many sources of single damage mortal wounds, I left a few of the Ghoul Kings on 2 or 3 wounds and let them push in deeper when a Bolt of Tzeentch could have finished the job. I also stole Curse of Years from Arkhan but forgot I had the rule...this could have been pretty epic.


    After 5 Rounds Thoughts

    I end up at 3 wins, 1 minor loss and 1 massacre loss for the tournament but more importantly I had a great time playing AOS.  There are definitely some list changes that would make thing works a bit better.  I would drop Be'Lakor and add a Curseling to the mix - there are some spells I wanted to steal and he can provide another Lore of Fate caster.  I am not sure how I would spend the remainder of his point, but if I can gt a unit of Skyfires in I thin kit would help with the single damage issue and kill off some characters as needed.  That might mean dropping a Horror unit for Acolytes to grab the balance of points.

    The enlightened hit like a truck and the Gaunt Summoner is great for the current meta.  The enlightened are sneaky fast but I found they  need to be carefully supported and committed when there is some protection for them.  The other all start are the Geminids, they are insane with -1A debuffs being true all stars.  The ability to hit multiple units is icing on the cake.  I used them to protect the enlightened from counter strikes and they saved at least 1 or 2 discs a game.


    I know this is long, thanks for bearing with me.  I hope there are some tidbits of value, glad to answer any more detailed questions on each game, I tried to keep it brief but informative.

    Hmm, I can't see how you can ally Be'lakor into a Tzeentch army, as he doesn't have any of the allowed ally keywords (Slaves to Darkness, Beasts of Chaos, Monsters of Chaos, Everchosen). Also am I the only one that finds it strange that Slaanesh army can take Tzeentch allies, but Tzeentch can't take Slaanesh allies? (same with Legion of Asgorn)

  3. I know that Fateweaver is not worth it over a lord of change, but would it be possible to make him work with the following combination?


    Magister with treacherous bond

    30 pink horrors


    Basically the idea is to put the fateweaver onto the frontline with cogs active and cast two spawn creating spells as well as treacherous bond on the pinks.

    Could also combine it with insurance (to not roll a 1) for fold reality on enlightened and possibly even a purple sun 6+ snipe?

  4. On 10/25/2018 at 6:47 AM, mmimzie said:

    Oh yeah also i was thinking of hoping over to tzneetch from my ID. Not sure about it just yet, but putting out fillers. Mainly because the list for deepkin is very.... 1 turn?? Either it's all about turn 1 or turn 3 so i want something that gets more out of the game. 

    Doing some research i'm figuring out what looks good. 

    Was wondering if you folks could guidge me a bit in making a list or point me at units of note.

    Currently, i'm interested in a list featuring heavy summoning and magic. 

    So i'm looking at units and trying to figure out what to take. 

    Are pink horrors worth taking?? i guess with the arcane sacrafice the answer becomes maybe?? as you can quite start getting a good chunk of blue horrors on the field?? Otherwise they seem best left at home because it seems tough to get the blue horrors out of them other wise??

    Enlightend on disc seem like the heavy hitters of the force and seem almost like the required beat stick for the army?? Sort of your horde, big thing stomping unit.

    Kairic acolytes seem like your durable tank/objective grabing light shooting back up. keep your coven of wizard mildly safe from alpha strikes. 

    SO my list idea for hoping back into tzneetch would be:

    Lord of Change
    Artifact: arcane conjuration, Spell: Bolt of change

    Gaunt summoner
    general: Arcane sacrafice
    Spell: glimse the future

    Tzangor Shaman
    Spell: Fold reality

    Spell: Shield of fate

    10xPink Horror
    10xkairic Acolytes
    10xkairic acolytes
    10xkairic acolytes


    9x tzaangor enlightend 


    umbral spell portal




    I like the idea of turn 1 army wide +2 to cast to set up the portal reliably and get cogs running. 

    You know that portal was nerfed to only work on 1 spell a turn in the FAQ?

    I think Balewind Vortex is a much better value now. Extra range and extra spell for that summoning point is really nice.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Curzex said:

    I cant win a single Game with DoC.

    I try summoning and magic heavy list..but Seraphon just summon 1500 points and me just 180.

    Tzangors now are nerfed hard.

    Yes, enligtered are buffed, but just one unit. 

    Skyfires sucks at the moment (200points) is so much.

    LoC just die like all un this game (fast) and now is 380.

    I need help.guys :(

    What was your list?

    If you really go 'summoning heavy' you should be able to get around 12-13 summoning points on average. 

    But you don't really need to, could always just go with what is strong in the list right now - enlightened + casters and then build from there to fill the roles that fit your playstyle.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    2 LoC wouldn't help as you can only have one general. ;)

    Personally, I don't think the Mark is that good, worth at most 3 extra fate points a turn (with Cogs) but usually only 1 or 2. which means an extra many 100 points worth of summoning over the entire game (so of which will arrive too late in the game to have much impact). Usually, I'd rather have -1 to hit in combat for the LoC or Arcane Sacrifice for a mortal hero. 

    I agree that there is no point in mark of the conjurer if you don't take cogs, but with cogs almost guaranteed 6 summoning points a turn for 440 pts is pretty decent.

    Arcane sacrifice on the Gaunt summoner (with fams) + vortex and mark of the conjurer on Lord of Change + cogs is what i usually start the lists with. But just wanted to see if there were any other viable builds. The beastmen build seems ok, even though 200 pts for that battalion is a bit too much.

    Also multitudinous host is a build that i'm going to try, but need to paint all my horrors first :D 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    2 LoC wouldn't help as you can only have one general. ;)

    Personally, I don't think the Mark is that good, worth at most 3 extra fate points a turn (with Cogs) but usually only 1 or 2. which means an extra many 100 points worth of summoning over the entire game (so of which will arrive too late in the game to have much impact). Usually, I'd rather have -1 to hit in combat for the LoC or Arcane Sacrifice for a mortal hero. 

    Mark of the conjurer one doesn't have to be a general, just an artefact. So he can hang out at the back casting things and summoning reinforcements, while the other one is a distraction with -something to hit.

    Would need a battalion though, but there is always arcanite cult if nothing else works.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Asimov said:


    I am going to face an Order Draconis army in a 1500pts game. The list will probably be two battalion with 2 drakes and 2 units of 5 dragon blades each.

    I am thinking of a more deamon list with horrors to try to take the first hit and englue him while I cast all I can.  I came up with two lists and I'd like you guys to give me your thougts:

    List 1:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (180)
    - General
    Herald Of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    Magister (140)
    Ogroid Thaumaturge (180)
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    20 x Tzaangors (360)
    1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (100)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 87


    List 2:

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars (180)
    - General
    Tzaangor Shaman (180)
    Ogroid Thaumaturge (180)
    Magister (140)
    Herald Of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (140)
    10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (70)
    10 x Brimstone Horrors Of Tzeentch (70)

    Total: 1500 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 81

    I don't have yet malign sorcery, so no soulsnare schackles or cogs or geminids (anyway I expect to loose first turn because of the batallions and get hit in this first turn).

    Tell me what you think between both lists. I have some back ups and can adapt the list again.


    In the second list you only seem to have 2 battleline. Also if you can take a balewind vortex (sold separately from malign sorcery), take it, because it helps the gaunt summoner a lot.

    • Like 1
  9. True, but that would only be a single model, not half an army. And also only from combat, not universal. But yeah screamers do lack damage output i agree.

    Also the problem with the above is that LoC always wants to take the mark of the conjurer, so other artefacts are less valuable, unless you take 2 lords of change..

  10. True, the problem is that warpflame host has no battleline. And after you take a lord of change with cogs and mark of the conjurer (cause why would you not) and 3 units of horrors, you only have 750pts to spend on units from warpflame host. (make that 710 if using geminids).

    Slightly more pts if using the acolytes as the battleline, but then you have very little summoning potential and no horrors to swarm the enemy...

    Alternatively would screamers based changehost with geminids be worth a try in order to get that -2?

  11. Trying to think of some more diverse lists rather than just mortal wound spam or enlightened focused list.

    Would Eternal conflagration be worth considering? Especially with the Geminids spell? -2 to hit flamers/exalted flamers sound interesting but what to take as a battleline then? (i'm thinking Pinks to get some spells off and also to have a unit that has no -1, but is still not an ideal target due to splitting..)

    Any thoughts?

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