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Posts posted by Desolater

  1. 1 hour ago, Mark Williams said:

    Paint 3 castigators and take the battalion  in trade for one of the ballista. Put it in the sky. Take 5 sequitors out. Give the LA the Staff of Focus artefact and the LO a melee artefact . Buy an extra CP if you have points left. Otherwise buy the endless spells if you can afford it and take the vortex. Put chain lightning on the LA and combo it with staff of focus 1 turn. Use one of the extra CPs to give castigators rr1s and -2 tend on the drop. GL

    Okay so what stormhost? Or no stormhost? I have 3 Castigators so can do that. Can minus 5 seq and split the 10 to two 5s to fulfil battleline. Don’t have any endless spells so not an option.  

  2. Hey guys, I have my first 1000 pts tournament coming up (it’s more of a beginners thing). I just want to learn more about how to utilise our strengths etc. Here’s my list of what I have painted and therefor my 1000pts list. Looking for recommends on stormhost or traits etc please. 

    LAoGC, 5 Seq, 10 Seq, Lord Ordinator, 2x Ballistas =970 


  3. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    Which do you prefer right now? I get that it changes due to context. 

    but more enjoyment seems to be the obvious choice to me vs efficiency 😂

    Have been doing touch ups recently and basing so no batch/single option but I’ve got a unit of Sequitors waiting

  4. 1 hour ago, Lucur said:

    I take 2-3 hours per Sequitor, 2 max per Liberator. But i also deeply despise batch painting after forcing myself to it a few times and getting no fun and crappy paintjobs from it. Could shave some time there if it's for you. I prefer to finish a model start to finish, just gives me more enjoyment.

    Yeah I can see how it would be more enjoyable but wayyy less efficient surely?

  5. Cheers guys really appreciate this many replies.

    so I’m thinking of starting with 2 ballista on the table with the Ordinator. Then one in the sky along with 10 Seqs and a Castellant. Deep strike those bad boys T2/T3.

    still want to use the skinks to screen so.... if I am to do this, does anyone have any preferences on the load out?

  6. 43 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Actually, if you have a terrain on the battlefield and DS the ballista and oridinator there, you don't even need to have them protected...The ballista will have a 2+ save and you can put the ordinator inside the ballista circle so no one can get melee with him.

    Issue is that people deep strike, then put their face in front of my ballista so I then can’t shoot their hero’s.... so, which build for skinks?

  7. 1 hour ago, XReN said:

    Use cheap screening units like aetherwings and skinks
    Also unless you had 2 units of 5 sequitors and not 10 as in the list you posted - your list was invalid because it is lacking second battleline

    Yeah skinks I think I’ll go. Any suggestions on weapon load outs?

    and yes I am aware of battleline requirements.

  8. Hey guys, so I played my friends FEV Army yesterday, he brought 2 start collecting FEC Boxes; 
    2 x GhoulKings on Terrorgheist 
    2x Ghoul units 
    3 Crypt horrors with another off the table to summon 

    I had 1240 
    Lord Arcanum on gryph Charger 
    Knight Incantor 
    10 Sequitors 
    3 Castigators 
    2 Ballista 
    Lord Ordinator 
    5 Evocators 

    Basically I let him get to my ballista and tie them up, my Sequitors did good work on 
    One of his hero’s but I got overwhelmed. How can I stop him getting to my ballistas but without giving up control of the match? 
    Any help appreciated

    looking to develop to 1500 points then onto 2000

  9. Hi everyone, new on here and have been having a good read of the lists on here but seems to be a severe lack of 1000 point lists.

    these are two I’ve put together and want to stick around this sort of theme in terms of LAoGC, Seqs, at least 1 Balista, apart from that I’m flexible for everything else :) 

    please let me know what you like/would change, not looking for a god tier list just something sturdy, appreciate any help




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