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Posts posted by Click5

  1. This is just a bug in the Warhammer system.  Without more granularity in the costing, and more nuance in battle plans, it devolves into more bodies = more wounds = more dice = better (which also equals selling more models)

    ...Until you tip the scales by making something elite so good, that it becomes feelsbad and starts to effect the perception of scale, where it will be inevitably nerfed.  See the Castellan 

  2. 15 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

    Out of curiosity, what paint were you applying?  I've used Dryad Bark, Std Mech Grey and Leadbelcher without any issues straight over Grey Seer - but they're all base paints which may have contributed.

    The main offender for me was Castellan Green.  I was trying to power through a bunch of Cadian infantry by priming in Wraithbone and hitting the fatigues with Aggaros Dunes, but then blocking out the armor took two to three thin coats.  My next attempt was to essentially wash the entire mini in Aggaros Dunes to add tooth to the parts that will then be green, but then I just figured, why don't I just prime them in Zandri Dust block out the colors and wash everything in Agrax Earthshade?

  3. One small thing that kind of bugs me, I haven't seen mentioned really... the contrast specific primers are designed to have less tooth so the contrast paint can flow appropriately, well this has given me a bit of trouble when using normal paints over the top of it.  Normally thinned down paint goes over the top of Wrathbone and Grey Seer kind of splotchy, so I'm actually spending more time base coating.  Something to keep in mind if you are not using strictly contrast paints

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