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Posts posted by Drakensgreed

  1. 49 minutes ago, Scaras said:

    I'm hoping for the hobgrots to be a dual-kit with some sort of ranged unit and perhaps a minor hero to make stabbas battle-line. Any word on either of those dreams?

    There‘s no hints that there’ll br a separate kit for Hobgrots, so far. Soul Wars Chainrasps were also the exact same kit that later got released separately.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Sowoky said:

    Reading the core book, by how much they talk about "dawnbringer crusades", a term they never used before and have retroactively applied to happening ever since the realmgate wars, they've gotta have more planned than some terrain...

    Dawnbringer Crusades are represented in terrain for now. I expect future CoS expansions to include „Dawners“ as a playable subfaction with an expansion on flagellants/devoted and a new kit or two.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    To be honest...FEC does'nt need another ghoul king\lord but new troops and some of the court models that needs revamp o are done with conversion between kits.
    Still seems a nice piece..but maybe is not Ushoran...?

    If FEC get a named character, there’s no doubt it would be Ushoran. The matter of „needing“ is a different one entirely, just as e.g. 40k‘s Eldar need new Phoenix Lords, Aspect Warriors and basic troops and haven’t received anything for decades.

    New FEC models would be great, no doubt about it.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Dreddships said:

    I feel like Ardboyz are the issue here.

    The newer Ironjawz seem to look fairly alright near Kruleboyz, but the very squat awkwardness of the Ardboyz - being a pretty old sculpt - seems to throw it off.

    Bonesplitters and Brutes/Megabosses look alright together. Kruelboyz don't seem to throw that too much off - or won't if they're painted similarily.

    Honestly, I'm just hoping one of the new Orruk Warclans units is just an updated Ardboyz that looks much 'nicer' alongside the fairly new sculpts across the Orruk range. 

    Another note though - Kruelboyz seem to look fairly 'right' next to Ogors, in a way Bonesplitterz/Ironjawz do near Gitz.

    Destruction seems to now be 'very gritty' or 'absolutely mad' aesthetically - and also a giant centaur that could have been a perfect BoC centrepiece...

    Ardboyz are in an awkward spot indeed. Back in WHFB, they were the biggest and baddest, and their role reversal of essentially being Ironjaw cosplayers is hilarious. Their models sadly are very much products of their time, forced into same-y poses, squat, blocky. Much of that stems from being a too-literal translation of the previous metal models.

    In fact many of the older Black Orc characters look like what I personally would prefer modern Ardboyz looked similar to, think Grimgor, Facebasha, the Big Bosses. These were permitted more refined poses and a level of detail not available in that plastic kit of limited scope.

    • Like 3
  5. Bonesplittaz got an Underworlds warband in Headkrakka‘s Madmob. They bear enough similarities to existing Bonesplittaz to make a complete replacement unlikely, unlikelier even than going from Sepulchral Guard to the new skeleton warrior kit.

    The basic Bonesplittaz range is fine: they suffer badly from holdover Finecast models and a desperate lack of options.

    Maybe a big brawler unit similar to Toofdagga from the Madmob, but even bigger, could solve some issues - Orruks that have eaten so much beast-marrow that they’ve swollen with Waaagh and Beast energy.

    • Like 7
  6. 28 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    He probably gonna be a big centerpiece model of the Kruleboyz, so maybe those small vultures will be the decoration around the big vulture-wyvern!

    I actually don’t think he‘ll be the biggest model in the army. On the stream, Adam and Eddie said the Sludgeraker is the biggest Kruleboyz model.

    Regardless that was a great story, Gobsprakk sounds like an interesting personality and he‘s certainly mean. Cruel even, one might say.

    • Like 4
  7. 27 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    Heard a rumor that GW fixed their shipping  to EU , lol nevermind 😂 

    What? My local store (Germany) was positively overflowing with Dominion boxes to the point the clerk hadn‘t printed enough price tags.

  8. 39 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    2+ Tough has a video up on something we haven't actually heard much about yet, the background of Dominion:

    It's definitely what you might call starter box background but of interest is that the kruleboys have a pretty cool goal: to poison the living continents of Ghur themselves, make Thondia recoil and contort in pain like a great animal so as to crack open the free cities of Ghur with earthquakes and geological shifting. More to the point, this is meant to destroy Donse, Kragnos's former home, and drive him into such a rage that he'll launch into an eternal rampage through the realms and grant the kruleboys and other orks the forever war they want.

    Speaks to a certain Morky vision on the part of kruleboys, which is nice, and apparently there's emphasis on Kragnos being the unwitting dupe and force of nature for the greenskins rather than a deity to be hailed.

    There‘s two things I love especially about this: Kruleboys being truly cruel on a more than physical level, and the potential for Kragnos to be a tragic character.

    • Like 7
  9. 5 minutes ago, Bolfrig Bearhide said:


    Is it me or does that look very similar to Ironjawz armour?

    The chipping looks like the method used for Ironjaw armour, I agree. Interesting to see the hair/ponytail bound in a vertebra. The return of Hair Squigs to AoS?

  10. Just now, Drezden said:

    So, more rumors arrived about the further development of AoS in the next three years.

    New factions:
    Dawnbringer Crusade - Sigmar Cities Soft Reboot Coming Early 2022
    Umbranet - late 2022
    Chaos Dwarves - early 2023, at the end of the campaign, 3rd editions will build a huge warp cannon to "All Azir to dust"

    The first updated battlefields of the third edition will be Chaos Beasts, Maggotkins, Glumspeit Gitz and Ogora

    There will be a glumspite battlebox versus the beasts of chaos, in which there will be a new skuttleboss on a spider, spider riders and rockgats against new dumblings, jaberslits and bulgors
    (That is, from the side of the goblins, only a new boss on the spider, from the side of the beasts of chaos, everything is new)

    They also promise a new SK Ogorov with gluttons, lead belchers, iron blaster and a plastic slot

    Certainly sounds promising, but what‘s the source for these?

  11. It‘s somewhat hilarious and somewhat sad that one or two lines said on stream by presenters that have repeatedly put out wrong information gets this board so angry.

    The only thing that‘s mentioned to be styled after Kragnos explicitly is the Belcha-Banna, and even then there‘s an annotation saying it doesn‘t look much like him. However, no orruk or greenskin or deity has been depicted with horns previously so there‘s at least one point of similarity.


    So maybe just relax for a bit, wait for the battletome and take a step back.

    • Like 2
  12. One thing I really hope they do is show the „smaller“ versions of the launch box as well. Leaving those out of the preview would disappoint many and stress out others who can‘t guarantee getting the limited box while stocks last.

    On another note, I also hope the full Core Book is included in the set, like with Soul Wars.

    • Like 2
  13. So a nerf to Impeccable Foresight going from 1.5 average to 1 average, a buff to Masters of Order with a flat +1 added to the bonus value, some new tricks here and there that we can’t evaluate until we see the full warscroll. A second command ability could be great or just meh. If his spells stay the same, he‘ll be more of the same, which isn’t a bad thing.

  14. 13 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    In Hamilcar Bear Eater there is a mention of an Ogor Frostlord on a gigantic bear, obviously just something written for the novel and bears are more synonymous with Kislev but I loved seeing something other than a Stonehorn, Thundertusk, Mournfang mount for BCR and would love to see more beasts added now that Ghur is in the spotlight.

    Now that you mention it, bears are one of the most emblematic animals present in high fantasy that are completely missing from AoS in model form.

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  15. 13 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

    It's just me or does it seems the skull has a stitched leather ballon under?

    That absolutely looks like one, yes. There‘s a chain attached to the skull as well.

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