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Posts posted by Pavnik

  1. Here is the biggest Problem for balancing: what is a casual game? For some its like a beginner game. Not all rules will apply, cuz the players will forget them, not playing to the strenghs of the models and abilitys and so on. For others it's bringing an armylist wich isn't top tier, but will perform okayish and has some coherrence.

    There is no fixed form for the term casual, so u can't balance something for a "casual" playerbase. The game is balanced around the top tier and it should be. The only balance problem the game has so far, is that it isn't fully balanced in the top tier. In friendly newb games Ironjawz will shred almost everything (besides nighthaunt), but when u get to a competetiv standard, the orks are the ones which get shreded. Are they now overpowered or underpowerd?


    When the game is designed for tournaments, it should be balanced on a high tournament level.

    You can weaken your army at every time, by just making a ****** list. So when you play a friendly newb game, just build a friendly newb list. When you are competent and bring a top tier list to an newb game, u will shred... at all times... with all armys.

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