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Posts posted by GameSpark

  1. This is my Legion of Blood army list.  

    I wanted to do Legion of Sacrament for an undead army, but they're a bit to similar to my Gnarlroot Sylvaneth; magic heavy.  I might do a Legion of Sacrament army later but for now I'll try Legion of Blood.   I'm hoping to make a tourney-worthy list and this is my idea so far; 

    Neferata, Mortarch Of Blood - 400 

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed - 140 (Orb of Enchantment)

    Vampire Lord - 140 (Flying Horror)

    Reikenor the Grimhailer - 180  (allied)

    40 skeletons - 280 (Spears)

    5 dire wolves  - 60

    5 dire wolves  - 60

    3 Spirit Hosts - 120

    5 Hexwraiths - 160

    20 Chainrasps - 160 (Dreadwarden)

    Terrorgheist - 300

    Total 2000


    I'd use the Hexwraiths as war machine hunters while the fast moving elements can also reach combat quicker to avoid some shooting and hostile magic.

    The prime candidate for Neferata's "immune to rending" spell is the Terrorgheist.  In addition, the -1 to bravery for enemies within 6" makes them more susceptible to the Terrorgheist's Death Shriek.  Neferata's Twilight Allure can also put a crimp in enemy shooting.    

    The mounted Knight of Shrouds can boost the attack output of my Nighthaunt units to increase the chance of dealing Mortal Wounds  (except the Chainrasps, and I'm not sure if it works on Reikenor's CC attacks).  He also carries the Orb of Enchantment to tie up a powerful character for a turn of combat so they can't attack (looking at you, Archaon, Alarielle or Vhordrai). 

    I think this army has some combat potential and puts out a decent amount of Mortal Wounds; several CC attacks along with the Death Shriek and spells of Neferata, the Vampire Lord and Reikenor (along with Reikenor's candles).  Death Wizards in Legion of Blood knowing an extra spell is quite handy, and for Reikenor he'll have the spell Soul Cage to make an enemy unit attack last.  The +1 attack for the Vampire Lord is a small yet noteworthy bonus.  There's also some healing in the form of Neferata using the Lore of Vampires spell Vile Transference and the Vampire Lord's Deathly Invocation; throw in the gravesites and that'll give the army some staying power.

    I can use the Chainrasp to quickly capture and hold an objective, with their high unit size and ability to fly, while my Skeleton blob can sit on an objective in my area.  

    I don't think this list would be great on every opponent, but on things like Stormcast, Ironjawz and maybe Deepkin it would be brutal.   However, I have no Blood Knights and limited defense against Mortal Wounds.  Does this sound like a strong list?  Or should I try again? 

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