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Posts posted by Gdead909

  1. On 11/24/2018 at 6:37 PM, Sastopher said:

    I've spent a lot of time strategizing with this list and have played against it in tournament (as Skaven). It's a glass cannon that wants to strike hard enough that the enemy is crippled and can't hit back effectively. Generally this means focusing high-value targets with mortal wounds, such as heroes and synergy pieces. As a sort of corollary, it does very poorly against horde armies with lots of cheap wounds, because it means your rather expensive mortal wounds aren't getting good value. Lots of models also allows deployment strategies which keep you out from reaching the key pieces of their army, either by bubble wrapping or by spreading really wide.

    This concentrated fire strategy also means you are kind of all-or-nothing on objectives. If you don't wipe your opponent out, it's hard to maintain objective control across the mid and late game.

    My take on theorycrafting the list is it would feel oppressive to non-competitive players, but perform poorly in tournaments where opponents are familiar with counterplay options.

    Ya I wondering about adding in 40 to 80 clan rats to help with objecrives while everything else goes ham. 

    Or have 1 unit of storm fiends set up with shock gauntlets with a pack master to help mitigate them

  2. 20 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    There's one guy in NZ who runs Skryre and does quite well. He came second in two recent tournaments (Sigmonkey being one). The New Zealand Masters tournament this year will also feature a Clan Pestilens army. I think the Skryre guy might have qualified for Masters as well.

    Sweetness. Do you know where we can get the lists?

  3. Hello all that skitter, 

    I am looking to start a skaven force. I posted in the verminus clan as well. Sunce skryre and verminus are the two I plan on focusing on. 

    So what is a good starting point for us? I want to try and focus my purchases.

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