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Posts posted by Imperi-um

  1. Hey gang,
    I want to expand my Maggotkin army from 1k to 2k.  I'd like to add in a battalion & am thinking of Plague Cyst. 
    - I threw in the nurglings and soulsnare shackles because I didn't know what to spend the last 120 points on.
    What do you think of the following?


    Lord of Blights (140)
    - General
    Harbinger of Decay (160)
    The Glottkin (420)

    Sorcerer (120)

    40 x Chaos Marauders (200)
    - axes + shields
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    3 x Nurglings (100)

    Jabberslythe (160) - Ally

    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    2000 points

  2. Hey all, dumb question as I'm still a noob regarding AoS.
    I really really want to run a Jabberslythe in my Maggotkin army as they seem to fit in perfectly, so gross. Now they don't contain the "Nurgle" keyword but is it still possible to get one included some other way?

  3. 19 hours ago, ReAnimate Studios said:

    Ok I'll have a look at those instead :)

    Only thing is I will need to find 40 hand weapons (axes)  and shields?

    I'm building 40x Marauders and had a hard time coming up with a cool idea to make them look Nurgle-ish.

    I picked up a box of 20x Marauders and 20x Zombies and am now kitbashing them with other bits from my bits box.
    Some of the models look a little disproportioned but I actually like it as they all look like they're suffering from numerous afflictions.

    Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 12.23.00 pm.png

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    Screen Shot 2018-09-11 at 12.22.51 pm.png

    • Like 7
  4. 8 hours ago, sorokyl said:

    For drone heavy list, Lord of Afflictions makes a great hero, he counts as a Daemon so can keep up with them to buff them. You can also convert one with a blightking and a plague drone, just have to chop the legs up some and maybe make him a greenstuff saddle=)


    I like the idea of this. I'm new to AoS and Maggotkin so am a little unsure; is one able to field 5x Plague Drones or do you need to take the compulsory 6x? If its possible to take 5x drones and convert the remaining one into a Lord of Affliction, will this be a viable unit that can survive being isolated from the rest of the army?

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