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Posts posted by Splint

  1. 1 hour ago, albionsangel said:

    Hi all, 

    I need some quick help with a 500 pt first army.

    If I made 500 point I'd go something like:

    General: wraith - 80p

    Unit: hunters sword/scythe - 190p

    Battleline: 5x tree rev - 80p and 10x spites - 120p

    For 470 points.

    Gives a summoner of dryads, a beat stick with hunters, a unit to capture objectives and another unit for objectives/damage.

    Alternatively im tempted to put dryads instead of spites.

    For artefacts I'd either use the stave for extra spell/throne of vines. Or acorn just to ensure you have 2 woods out so you can move around.

    Drycha might be tempting but she is pretty fragile and will be focused down ... All of a sudden your 300 points down. Same goes for durthu, but imo he has more going for him in survivability and utility.

    Dreadwood/winterleaf are probably your go to glades but the others would work pretty well in this bracket.

    Starter box includes all tree variants, do you can make TLA with it. I'm converting my wych to a wraith. And if you need dryads too the SC is a really good option. I got 2, for TLA and durthu.

  2. Building up to 2k for casual and some competitive play at my local scene after some hiatus from the hobby. Looking for some feedback on the list.

    After a few 1k games and reading through this sub and got a decently good idea were the army is and feel like I should give it a go for 2k.

    With my 1k games (mostly against seraphon) I initially used winterleaf with drycha. And honestly it was just not doing the damage i thought it would,  Not terrible, just not enough to push the balance. The Slan also made getting wildwoods down a major issue, So I changed my tact to utilising dreadwood and durthu for better mobility around the board ... WOW, wish I did that sooner. With out reliable teleportation we just cannot do anything.

    Having the ability to move a screen/tarpit, eat up one flank, grab that objective even for a turn...etc; changed everything. Our games feel stressful now, as it's always so close, it's great. 

    Choosing to run a less magic dependant army, just can't compete with what's out there. So TLA for woods and stomp. And wraith for mid-late game summons.

    Want to try life wreath on durthu to give some staying power for himself and kurnoths around him. However, am unsure if crown of fell bowers will just be a better choice for an offensive push.

    Not really a fan of free spirits but it means  a 6 drop from 10. Game plan is similar to what the 1k games and adopt a choose the fight, get rid of that weak side snd Score those unkept objectives.

    am also playing around with a harvestboon and trying to make heartwood work... (Though why do many redundant buffs in that glade). EDIT: think I'll pass on heartwood.

    Would really appreciate the feedback, 

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Dreadwood

    Treelord Ancient (260)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Paragon of Terror
    - Artefact: Jewel of Withering
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
    Branchwych (80)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Spirit of Durthu (300)
    - Artefact: Lifewreath

    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)
    30 x Dryads (270)

    6 x Kurnoth Hunters (380)
    - Scythes
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (190)
    - Swords
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (190)
    - Swords

    Free Spirits (140)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 129


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