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Posts posted by Victra

  1. Is it worth to take a cauldron guard battallion for a shadow stone instead of shadow warriors or chariots?

    I have been playing with Morathi and a cauldron guard but I expect a lot of petrifex in my meta and I think 20 melusai would do better. It's not a big change in my previous list. What do you think of the list below? 

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar
    Mortal Realm: Ulgu
    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330)
    - General
    - Trait: Devoted Disciples
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet
    - Prayer: Blessing of Khaine
    Hag Queen (90)
    - Prayer: Sacrament of Blood
    Hag Queen (90)
    - Prayer: Crimson Rejuvenation
    Bloodwrack Medusa (140)
    - Artefact: Shadow Stone
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Witch Aelves (120)
    - Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
    10 x Witch Aelves (120)
    - Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
    20 x Blood Sisters (480)
    5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80)
    5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (80)
    Cauldron Guard (120)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 129

  2. 1 hour ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Depending on the Anvilstrike list, this could be a really tough match up. Simply deploying Katakros >30.1” away denies the Longstrikes entirely (teleport non withstanding). 

    As OBR, I’d be tempted to take the first turn to drop double -1 penalties on the Longstrikes (Katakros and Nexus), then hit the unit with double buffed crawler. 8 shots is some 5 dead Raptors.

    As SCE, I think you need to start the raptors in the sky. 

    Either way, report back @Victra

    I have been playing lately with Pjetsky's list (double incantor, 10 evo, 9 longstrike). Yesterday  I played a game with a friend and his OBR, we have a tournament in mid January and we are testing some lists. Everyone is weak against shooting, but with a 3+ save you can take a lot of firepower. He took first turn and put a -1 on my longstrikes (He was playing with katakros, boneshaper, arkhan, morteks, 3 stalkers, 3 immortis and a unit of deathriders). I deployed my longstrikes in the battlefield because I had no ranged threats. It was a close game and I was surprised how hard it is to remove OBR units from play. If he swaps arkhan for 2 crawlers my longstrikes won't do enough damage before dying and 10 evocators can't kill a unit of 20 morteks in one round. He'll dominate the shooting and combat phase. 

    If double crawler becomes meta I see a return to ballistas. 

    Sorry for polluting this thread with SCE things, maybe we can switch this conversation to the SCE tread.

    I was thinking of including a crawler in my OBR list to deal with shooting but I'm starting to think that we can take the punch and move forward. Two crawlers or none.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    That is precisely what he can do on a 4+-

    If you are worried about extra shooting phases, buy a CP at least for 50 pts, he can't take that away from you. Aside from that anvilstrike should do quite well against bonereapers and Katakros. No rerolls against shooting from Mortek and the ability to snipe characters, If you cant dedicate firepower to kill Katakros, just knocking a few wounds of him will quickly remove his -1 to hit debuff, which he will most likely be placing on the largest raptor unit otherwise.

    Definitely I'm going to make room for that CP. If the only threat is Katakros it's ok. I can't let the crawlers shoot at my longstrikes, the survibability of the longstrikes is nº1 priority, 9 lonkstrike as an average do ~8 damage against a crawler, so I need luck or a double tap 😂.

    Thank you for your response.

  4. Hi!

    Can Katakross deny the command point you get at the start of your turn? OBR is my  second army, my main is SCE and I play anvilstrike. Katakros and 2 crawler looks like an autolose if the SCE player doesn't get any command points in 2 turns.

  5. Hello, we have a discussion in our local group and we are not reaching an agreement.

    The rules say that 'Once all of a unit's attacks have been resolved, add up the damage that was inflected. The player commanding the target unit must then allocate a number of wounds to the target unit equal to the damage that was inflicted.'

    And the evocator's celestial lightning arc: 'In addition, after this unit has been picked to fight for the first time in a phase, after all of its attacks have been resolved, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this unit.'

    The question is. When do my opponent remove the models, after the mortal wounds or before the mortal wounds?

  6. With the point drop to desolators I think they  can outclass evocators on dracoline. I'll try this list, on paper looks like it has good anti-magic,  mobility and shooting. 
    The second Incantor could be replaced by an Azyros or Castellant. The list is basically the meta EvoCat + Ballista but with a 12" mortal wound shooting and better saves. Using Anvils we can shoot twice with the Desolators to clean chaff and then charge. 

    Vexillor 120
    Incantor 140 (celestial blades)
    Incantor 140
    Ordinator 140
    Heraldor 100

    Liberators  100
    Liberators  100
    Liberators  100

    6x Desolators 600

    Ballista 110
    Ballista 110
    Ballista 110
    Ballista 110

    Total 1980


  7. 22 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    20er Sequitor Blob with Heraldor scioned in , or how I like to call it: The art of not having fun while playing aos for all people involved :D

    I'm not sure if that's legal. Onwards to glory happens at the start of your movement phase and Scions at the end. I have trouble getting the heraldor where I need after the 1st run + charge. I'm super new to AoS and last game I used the relictor to teleport the heraldor 😂

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