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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. 17 hours ago, LegioX217 said:

    Also which enclave should I run? I'm painting them as Ionrach but will use whatever. Dhom-hain for re-roll or maybe Nautilar ?

    I like Akhelian Corps and it's theme, for Akhelians I find Fuethan to be the best option, with Ionrach being useful only when allying. Dhom-hain and Nautilar I find less effective than Fuethan but can be complimentary to your play style. I would test and see what works best for you. :)

  2. 18 minutes ago, Curzex said:

    Thanks all.

    I will try play some different list. 

    A mix of infantry and eels list. Dhom hain or nautilar. I always play the shark. Maybe i buy another one.

    I have a question? After Faq turtle make 12 shoots or 6? I think is 12, 6 per weapon.

    12 :)


  3. 19 hours ago, Curzex said:

    Hi guys, yesterday i play vs Stormcast. I just win so fast, my club dont want to play vs idoneth, they think we are OP.

    What  can  I do? 

    I just have 12 eels 1 shark turtle volturnos and one king, 1 caster and 1 Aspect of sea. 

    Should i just buy suboptimal infantry? Or dont play with fuethan?



    I play to my community. If your list is making the game not fun for people or so you absolutely smash them (which it sounds like you do) then maybe opt for a fluffier themed army. By the sounds of it you know how to optimise, so cut back, do some fluffy games, try some combos that the internet is telling you don't work and find out for yourself. Who knows, you might find that both of you have more fun ;)

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  4. 2 hours ago, Edwang said:

    Choose Volturnos be your  general, prepare yourself 3 cp before the game and you'll have 4cp at your first herophase.

    wait till round 3 then spend all of your cps for the Volturnos' command ability.  your 3 units will have +6 attacks that round.

    Take the first relic from hysh(given to any hq you have), for each cp you spend you can roll a dice, each 5+ will give you one extra cp to use right away.

    My best luck for stack Volturnos' command ability was +16a for 3 units. 

    Try this out before GW nerfs it .

    Don't know about giving 150 points to CP, but I am definitely interested in giving that a crack.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Nerdkingdan said:

    Don't want to nitpick, but 3+ isn't actually 66%, its 66.6 repeating.    You often use 1/2 or 5/6 and the like, but instead in some places you use a rounded percentage,   for example you opted for 66% instead of 2/3 or 4/6.   While this wouldn't be a big change over all its skewing your numbers especially when things are close or have a large number of attacks.    Anything that has a 2/3 chance is losing some of its actual damage, and it does add up when we are comparing things that ultimately vary only a few decimal places.

    Otherwise thanks, great info.

    You are correct, it should be represented as 66.67% as most of the results have been rounded to two decimal places.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mark Williams said:

    I think it’s an oversight that they haven’t. Probably flying under their radar due to having less feedback or representation or something.

    Definitely not an  oversight because they fixed Death and kept ours the way it is (to the point where they made it abundantly clear in the FAQ). And it works with the tide aspect that with a Leader behind them who has single handedly escaped a God, killed three Greater Daemons and championed the end of the civil wars that those in front of him would be inspired to do great things.

    From a non fluff perspective, it is also quite necessary for our army to get anywhere near top tier, we require this ace in the hole to be comp efficient and even then as many have said, once you know how to play against it, it is nowhere near as threatening as it sounds.

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