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Posts posted by TheWolfLord

  1. It depends on the battalions I end up running but I’ll always try and get a Spirit Torment in my list.

    He’s the only way to get some healing if your opponent gets a double turn and as he can heal Hero’s as well as return slain models he could be key in keeping an important unit or model alive until our Hero phase.

    Add in his rerolls plus any artefacts he’s given and he can’t be dismissed. We have a lot of good hero’s but the ones that buff and offer healing are the most important.



  2. 1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    The casket is pretty good. Unlike the Emerald Lifeswarm it heals every unit within range IIRC. 

    Unfortunately it can’t return slain models so has limited use in most Nighthaunt lists. 

  3. Witches aren’t push fit though. 

    Im still hoping it’s 20 rather than 10 because our Reaper are larger models and customisable and only a few pounds more.

    Again £25 for 10 makes them £10 for 4 which is the same cost as the Myrmourn Banshees and Stalkers. Both of them are far larger models with far more detail on the models and bases. Add to that the savings that should be included from buying a larger box of 10 compared to 4 and it would be ridiculous if they were priced £25 for 10.

    I don’t think I’ve ever complained about GW pricing as to me most kits are reasonable, if this is £25 for 10 I will be making some complaints though and I think we all should. £25 for 20 is the correct price given their detail, size, etb status, availability in starter sets and when compared to other army choices. 

  4. I’m having the same quandary about the Black Coach weapon choice. 

    I think in the end it’ll be the Soulreach Grasp for the extra utility it offers. There will be times I want to try to finish off a model or unit on a couple of wounds and charge something completely different. 

    Depending on the kit I may magnetise the options at first.

  5. A Harrow as your general initial sounds like a bad idea but they offer a really good combo with our Command Ability Spectral Summons. Both happen at the start of the movement phase so you could teleport the Harrow 9” away from a key target then use the Command Ability a few times to transport a nasty unit or 2. 

    Im not sure if it’ll be a key tactic but it’s worth testing to see what can be done with it.

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  6. 5 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    I plan on taking a unit or two of Hexwraiths and the black coach but am not sold on Death Riders. I just don't know how often it would end up being useful. 

    It improves the chances of getting Wave of Terror from 16.67% to 27.77% so it’s pretty decent especially with reroll charges. 

    If you use the Cogs you can deep strike 9” away and only need a 6” charge.

    Black Coach’s are great, Hexwraiths are great and a Harrow is really handy to grab objectives so it’s all round useful.

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