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Posts posted by Darkrich

  1. With the doombull and the slitherwrack helm. I thought you could only have one effect trigger for a die roll. Like choosing to do mortals on a 6 to hit or exploding 6's. Since he has impact mortals, are you just forgoing those for the strikes last? Striking last is probably more effective but want to clarify.

  2. Got my first game in with the new rules against Sylvaneth. Definitely a learning curve in there but the points hikes were definitely felt. I used Gavespawn. I used the propagator of ruin command trait on a shaman general (brought two great bray shamans). My thoughts overall:

    - Rituals are good but you need to pass the wounds off. Both my shamans took 3 mortal wounds from using a ritual turn one. The general shaman was off the table. I had a unit of ungor for the other shaman but durthu killed them all with shooting. This left me in a tough spot where I couldn't maximize rituals as the game went on. Also feels bad to take 3 mortals and only deal 1.

    - We have some really good spells, but... our spell casters can't compete with actual spell casters. The warsong revenant pretty much shut me down. I did get devolve on durthu which was fun watching him limp around the battlefield. Couldn't teleport as then he'd fail the charge no matter what. 

    - Gors are pretty good support fighters. One unit, which was shot down to 3 models had rallied back to 8 over two turns. Charged a unit 6 kurnouths with scythes. Typically a scary unit. Made them strike last which allowed me to use bullgors which killed 5/6 on turn 2. 

    - Ungor raiders. Neat ability to shoot off the table, but temper your expectations. You still aren't killing anything. They shot some tree revenants from off the table, killed one (which was later verduous harmonied back) then came on and did no damage to drycha.

    - Chimera was a test. Was pleasantly surprised. It took out Drycha from full. It's not tough, like our whole army, and durthu killed it without effort.

    - Bestigors seemed alright. They were kinda left out as they showed up and murdered a tree rev unit, and then everything near them teleported away. Also rally on 5's with these guys is great.

    - Morghurite spawns as one of the few units that can run and charge were decent. One spawn killed the arch revenant with hits shooting which was quite the roll. Unfortunately, the warsong revenant kept blowing them up with his spell. I will try them again as a support piece. 

    I ended up getting tabled minus my bestigor. Rituals were not as effective as it would appear on paper. I tried to utilize ambush with alot of my hitters on turn 2 after he had committed some of his things. This was pretty good but can still be screened out easily. I was basically forced into his kurnouths with scythes, which worked out in the end, but good players will not give you good options. Spell casting armies make me want to take a cygor because you aren't stopping them. Against sylvaneth, I know they won't care about a cygor as they can heal the damage, but even a +1 caster can do what ever he wants against us. 

    Points are a little high as our durability didn't go up and we no longer summon to make up for fragility. 

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  3. Played against Belakor's LotFP yesterday. My list was

    Emerald Host

    Olynder - Shademist

    Cruciator - General, Lightshards

    GoS - SoulCage

    Spirit Torment - Arcane Tome, Seal of Shyish

    20 Grimghast

    30 chainrasp

    10 chainrasp

    3 spirit host

    5 Hexwraiths

    4 myrmourn banshees

    2 chainghasts

    Hunters of Heartland and Warlord Battalions.

    He was running Belakor, Great Unclean one, Kairos, Khorne Prince, 2 flesh hounds and 10 plaguebearers. We were playing veins of ghur. 

    Without going into a play by play, I moved up in a big ball with the characters supporting my reinforced units. He stopped all my spell casting except for seal of shyish which I managed to cast every turn. Grimgasts fought over the first objective that appeared against belakor, demon prince, and summoned plaguebearers. But they had the kruciator and spirit torment and GoS in range. Belakor does laughable damage with that setup. His GUO with fourfold blade does scary damage. He went into that fight and did like 8d3 mortal wounds plus his big sword and flail. I survived with a handful of grims left but he killed himself out of combat. I used Olynder as bait to get him to back out of that fight which he took. I wanted the grims to survive and heal up so I continue to fight that objective. Lady O dies in a storm of mortal wounds. He dark mastered the 30 chainrasps, but once they were free, they charged the GUO at the end of the game 1 shotting him through finest hour. I used lightshards on the 5th turn when it didn't matter to see what would happen. 

    I rolled 2 for the emerald curse which I used on Kairos and Demon prince. This was pretty substantial damage. Kairos took 12 damage from it and the demon prince took 8 wounds and forced him to recovery those heroes. The banshees prevented all offensive magic save one enfeeble.

    I think this is a pretty favorable matchup after playing it. LotFP likes to control the board and use magic to snipe support characters and leverage their powerful monsters. But NH reduce the damage and ignore the rend of these big guys so he couldn't chew through my big units and I was resistant to his magic. Next week I'll try to get a game against stormcast dragons with friendship bows or morathi bowsnakes. 

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  4. 38 minutes ago, Frowny said:

     -  *Warlord
     -  **Hunters of the Heartlands
     -  ***Hunters of the Heartlands

    Can only have one hunters of the heartland battalion

  5. 2 minutes ago, theophaniel said:

    Do you think the damage output loss and save loss of 30 rasp worth is vs running 20 Grim worth it ? I feel we indeed need the anvil and the question of 20 grim vs 30 rasp is the right one... short of running both.

    So I may be biased at this point, but 30 chainrasp horde are my favorite unit. And I feel their damage output is actually really good in reality. So many attacks hitting and wounding on 3's is significant. If I had to choose, it's chainrasps over grims. I run both grims and chainrasp in the end, though I may switch grims to bladegheists to see if it changes anything.

    I haven't tried the new coach yet. The fact that I can't heal it worries me and it's damage isn't spectacular for 335 points. But it can do concentrated mortal wounds which is good. But our ethereal save is so swingy. One bad roll and the whole model goes.

  6. 34 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    All said, I think you're going to either want a unit of 20/30 Reapers, or if you have the appropriate subfaction a unit of 20 Bladegheists or Harridans so that you can run the rest of your army MSU. 


    Yes. I have a pretty mean game group. Longstrike dragons, Morathi bow snakes, Seraphon, IDK. All good players. I played two games so far against IDK and Beast Claw Raiders. If you have a 10 man unit of something worthwhile, it's dead.

    The IDK was a standard Morphann list with 30 thralls, 3x 10 reavers, turtle and aspect of the sea. We move just slow enough that turn 1 charges are out and deepstriking and relying on 9's is hard. Of course he moves fast enough to move and shoot you with 60 shots hitting on 2's or 3's. And if you charge he unleashes hell on 2's. And of course high tide is rough. I tried a battle regiment this game and gave him first turn to try and double but failed. My biggest players were a chainrasp horde of 30 models which killed all the thralls after the thralls killed my grimghasts, olynder and the emerald host curse. All the cool toys were shot and crippled or killed. 

    The second game against beast claws. Again I find we move just slow enough to not do turn 1 charges and with screens I can't deepstrike charge things that matter. So we get charged. Eating frostlords on the charge is never fun. I won this game, but it was off the back of 20 grimghasts and 30 chainrasps backed by a krulghast and GoS and Olynder. The curse is also great against his many monsters.

    I think we need blocks of units and use our hero's to get MSU charges on the target. A 10 man unit of bladegheists either has to hide in the back to countercharge or eat 5 mortals from a frostlord charge, then 6 mortals from metal cruncher and die.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    For battalions, I'd suggest going one of two ways: 1) try to fit everything into a Battle Regiment, which lets you drop the whole army in one go and hopefully secure the choice of first turn, or 2) put your three most important infantry units in Hunters of the Heartland to give them some protection from monsters and then fill out a Warlord for the bonus enhancement.

    Not sure we really benefit from a battle regiment. We can't charge turn 1 reliably, so if I was a one drop I'd just move onto objectives and cast buff spells. Which isn't nothing, but not the impact I'd want from a 1 drop army. I do the hunters of the heartland route with a warlord. We are fast but not 'that' fast. So most likely we are getting charged and your defensive wall needs to survive to start healing models.

    I used to run a 6 man unit of spirit hosts and debating if I still should or not. I have a pretty mean meta in my area and long strikes blasting my hero's could mean that a 3 man spirit host gets wiped out immediately leaving me nothing to resurrect. But a big unit is expensive and their damage did go down.

  8. Looks like the scriptor can also pass wounds off to summonable nighthaunt nearby instead.

    Based on the position of the text, there is a third small ability above that one we can't see. Hope its good. He's close to striking out . At least my useless model will live longer.

  9. 1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Dunno, guys, I would rather just go through my days with a hopeful smile than a dour frown, wouldn't you?

    It's the hope that kills you.

    After thinking about it, if they have a bodyguard rule, that's probably enough. They can hang out with your character, plink some wounds and serve a purpose. Not exciting, but a good thing to have.

  10. I'm not sold on the counters several armies thing. As if 12 inch range 4+ 1 damage attacks scares anyone. Ungor raiders shoot that from 18 inches (without the rend of course). These guys deepstrike and shoot Lotann while you laugh cause he doesn't get cover. Lotann lives of course cause this damage output is bad. Then anything in his army retaliates and murders the ghosts. Also, any person who sees you invest a large reinforced squad is just going to screen them away.

    There are going to have to be some sweet other rules to go along with. If we consider our existing units, most only have one real rule. Grimghasts can reroll hits, done. Chainrasp can reroll 1's to wound, done. Harridans exploding 6's, done. Ghost shooty bois, we ignore cover.

  11. Maybe its like the Krulghast, where they just need to cause a wound to trigger some ability. In this case, that would be pretty sweet depending on what they ability being triggered is. But why not reveal that and get hype for new models.

  12. We can only evaluate the rule that is given to us. It may have more rules, but it feels like this rule is the scriptors purpose. First, it's useless in any death matchup. If we are talking from a competitive point of view, I have to consider that the reason I brought this model may be wasted. Second, you always mathhammer on averages. More than likely, the first time you see mortals from the judged character is turn 4. Sure you could roll well, but the inverse is also true. You could literally fail his roll the entire game. As most games see lots of action turn 2 and turn 3 most fights are resolving, it feels bad to have it kick in after things are determined. 

    Based on the model design, it appears like another support hero. In this case, I suspect 3-4 rend -1 and damage 2 attacks. Good but nothing to go crazy about. Maybe some piddly shooting as well. You're right of course, we don't know the full rules and he may slap with a bunch of rend -3 damage 3 attacks, but I doubt it. My guess is, he is also a 1 cast wizard. Hopefully that spell is great. Opinions can change of course as we learn more.  As of right now, this rule is lackluster.

    • Like 3
  13. It's a hard sell to invest in a character that may do something by turn 4, but is still just as likely to do nothing. We don't know his full rules of course, but wouldn't a guardian of souls be better at this point. Deathless spirits can be given by any hero, and a guardian of souls gives +1 wound and is a caster. Is effective from turn 1 since, you know, you are getting blasted by longstrikes and eating dragons from turn 1. Waiting until turn 4 to do anything seems risky at the very least.

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  14. On 3/13/2022 at 7:50 PM, dmorley21 said:

    I've only played them once and had Nagash, but my recommendation would be to try to pin them or feed them screens to prevent them from scoring objectives. 

    So after the tournament, I realize we played his rules wrong. He was new and I wasn't familiar enough. We read it as, blightkings roll a die for each model in the enemy unit within 3". Which murdered my hordes. Turns out you roll a die for each model in the blightking unit if within 3". Would have changed things dramatically.

    And that scriptor mortis is garbage. Thematically useless.

  15. Got a local tournament going this weekend. Over 20 people so good showing. I'm bringing emerald host.


    • Lady Olynder - general
    • Krulghast Cruciator
    • Guardian of Souls
    • Guardian of Souls
    • Spirit Torment


    • 30 Chainrasp Horde
    • 10 Chainrasp Horde
    • 20 Grimghast Reapers
    • 10 Bladegheist Revenants
    • 6 Spirit Host
    • 5 Hexwraiths

    3 Battalions (warlord, hunters of heartland, vanguard)

    I took this to the last local event and took first. I wanted to change it but got lazy and didn't paint. I'll let everyone know how it goes. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Boggler said:

    Nice work. Did you use Nagash?

    Nope. I dusted my ghosty boys off in prep for the new book. It had been a while, but I played them a bit before. Figured, they were decent into hero hammer but shooty armies would be an issue. Prepared myself for middle placings. 

    I played sons of behemat, nagash nighthaunt, and stormdrake guard backed by long strikes. For curse targets, I chose the general gargant, nagash, and lord relictor as the draconis was in the sky. Since we struggle with high saves, I almost always pick a combat monster the opponent relies on. Bringing those to a 4+ makes them sweat a little and gives our -1 rend a chance. 

  17. Nice report!

    On 2/27/2022 at 8:54 PM, Boggler said:

    Emerald Host was ok. I guess. The bonus attack on the charge was great but those Hex have stat lines from 3 years ago. -1 Save on a Hero was ok too I guess, Bodyguard rule didn't come up nearly as much as I thought. and again. This meta is an arms race, I'd never kill a Gargant a turn. I'd just have to block them where they were and anything top tier damage/shooting wise would cripple this me T1 which was why I needed to be 1 drop.

    I recently played in a 20 man event and took first with emerald host. Against some strong lists as well. I don't use emerald host really for the hexwraith extra attacks. Mainly to protect Olynder and to debuff someones big center model. Nighthaunt struggle with 1+ saves and that curse can go a long way.

    From my experience with nighthaunt, chainrasps are my mvp, almost always. Also, I love my guardian of souls. That aura of his is so good. 

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  18. I really like the variety of missions in AOS and actually really like the duality of death and three places of power missions. Some armies have a natural advantage, looking at you morathi and sylvaneth, but once you get passed that, the concept of putting your heroes on the front line to hold something is pretty neat. 

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