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Posts posted by bk5b

  1. 3 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Most mortal stuff is ok (but not super amazing), it seems the consensus is that Chosen and normal chariots are the only real yucky units (and sorcerer on manticore being really pricey). Oh and Forsaken are not slaves so they don't count for allegiances which makes them very moot (well they dont even sell them anymore anyways).

    10x knights
    chariot (old)
    archaon on horse
    5x marauder horsemens
    10 - 20x warhounds
    verminlord (older one) 
    2x giants
    10-15x chosens
    lord/sorc on manticore (on sprue still)
    2-3x daemon prince
    khorghos ghul and bloodsecrator
    ogroid thaumaturge
    tzeentch sorc lord on disc
    darkoath chieftain
    exalted deathbringer with bloodbite axe

    And I would gladly add more stuff to make something competitive if some of the stuff here is worth something (competitive wise)

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