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Boss Salvage

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Posts posted by Boss Salvage

  1. Long form batrep pasted over from Dakka for your edification. If I shouldn't be doing this let me know, but reports seem pretty well-received in here ;)
    My ongoing quest to report all my games of AOS continues into 2.0! If you want to dredge through my GHB16 games with Tizz Daemons you can find them here, but be warned that the great Photobucket collapse ate all the photos.

    Anyway, let’s kick things off with my first game of the new edition, a four-way Triumph & Treachery that pretty much boiled down to Chaos vs Order with token bickering between the two pairs. Can’t be helped really. 1000 points for everybody.


    Daemon Prince - Incorporeal Form, Aura of Mutability; Treason
    Herald of Tzeentch - Fold Reality
    10 Pink Horrors - Arcane Transformation
    10 Pink Horrors - Unchecked Mutation
    10 Pink Horrors - Bolt of Tzeentch
    3 Screamers


    Aspiring Deathbringer - [Command Trait]
    Bloodsecrator – [Artefact Banner]
    10 Blood Warriors
    10 Bloodreavers
    3 Skull Cannons
    +1 CP


    Treelord Ancient - [Command Trait], Briarsheath; Regrowth
    Branchwych - Verdant Blessing
    30 Dryads
    5 Tree-Revenants
    3 Kurnoth Hunters - bows
    +1 CP


    Astolith Bearer - [Command Trait], [Artefact]
    3 Kroxigors
    10 Skinks
    +1 CP

    Illegal Seraphon list, but I think she didn’t catch how many battleline she needed to take when we were all unloading models. She could have easily swapped in the very nice looking Temple Guard she had in her bag for the unpainted Kroxies ;)

    Get some! Rebasing in progress. Also those 60mm rounds are brutal on mediocre af Screamers. For those playing at home, my Destiny Dice = 6,6,6,6,4,4,2,2,2. Odd numbers are for suckers.

    We played in the realm of Ghur, so there were a couple random monsters - namely Be’lakor and Drycha! They followed the neutral monster rules from that realm (mostly just attaking the nearest models as hard as they could).


    Turn 1

    Monsters kick it off, with Drycha sprinting toward the Sylvaneth and unleashing her hideous shooting bubble. The Branchwych loses a bunch of wounds and lots of Dryads die, earning the monsters a couple points (T&T awards 1 point for every 5 wounds you do in a phase; Drycha did 12!)


    Meanwhile Be’lakor lifts off and heads for the Khorne lines (seen here glowering at the Tizz lines before taking wing).


    The Sylvaneth stream out to meet their former ally, while growing a wyldwood to occupy Tzeentch. Drycha gets magicked and shot for 5 wounds, and the Kurnoth Hunters take aim at some Horrors and drop 7. I burn a DD (2) to avoid battleshock, but he scores on shooting wounds + secret objective (wound a player to left or right).


    Tzeentch goes next, managing to Shield the Daemon Prince and zap a Dryad or three. Screamers head towards the Khorne lines as the Horrors fling some fire into the Dryads, but 5+/5+ is a tough ask.


    It’s Khorne’s turn to deal with their rampaging monster, and they do so by planting the Bloodsecrator’s icon and sending out the Blood Warriors. We enjoy a brief musical interlude courtesy the Skull Cannons targeting a fresh Horror unit (~4 dead) and then it’s time for fighting:


    3 Blood Warriors die for 4 wounds on Be’la. Fair.

    Finally, the Seraphon slowly plod out of their corner. Pretty sure they deigned to run (somebody should have told her! But admittedly I didn’t need Bastiladon lasers any closer to my tender blue daemon flesh.)


    Turn 2

    The monsters start the next turn by getting stuck in! Drycha switches moods, making her shooting a lot less nasty, then slaughters 8 Dryads for 2 wounds back O_O Not to be undone, Be’lakor limbers up, then fails to cast a spell, fumbles his sword and kills 2 Blood Warriors. The legendary Prince is dragged down and hacked apart in return.


    Tired of watching from the sidelines, Tzeentch skitters out of the corner next, following a truly pathetic display of casting (Mystic Shield on the DP … and that’s it, all other fail casts or dispelled). The Horrors supply pretty fireworks (and no damage) for the Prince as he bounds into the poor Dryads dealing with Drycha …


    … and the Screamers successfully charge into the woods and the waiting Reavers. The Screamers fight first, eating 2 Reavers for 2 wounds in return. Next the Dryads tickle a wound onto the enraptured-buy-incorporeal Prince and kill Drycha. The Prince retaliates by landing 2 wounds with his axe hand and using 2 DD to make that 6 damage total, exploding the unit down to 5.


    Sylvaneth is up next and looking for vengeance. The Treelord grows another wyldwood into Seraphon lands, but really this turn is about Hunters continue to be legitimately scary. Two target the Prince, bringing him up to 6 wounds, while the third drops 5 Horrors from the last full strength unit … who roll a 1 for battleshock and summon 2 back :D


    In combat the Dryads scrap another wound onto the Prince (1 left), before the big blue daemon completely fluffs against them :’( Not pictured, the Tree-Revenants appear in the Tizz deployment zone, complicating things.


    Khorne goes next, shooting Skull Cannons at some lizards and mulching the Screamers in combat. Woo!

    The Seraphon finish the round by plodding towards the Khorne lines, one Bastiladon searing 6 wounds into a Skull Cannon (and scoring for wounding the player to her left or right).


    Turn 3

    With the monsters dead Tzeentch jealously clings to the initiative, with the first order of business spending a CP to swap secret objectives (from slay an enemy general to wound the player in the lead for 3 VP). Going a bit on tilt, the Tizz general burns all but one Destiny Die in an effort to get some fakking spells off: the Daemon Prince receives +1 axe attak thanks to Arcane Transformation with a side of Mystic Shield (for his 1 remaining wound), the Tree-Revenants in the Tizz DZ are eradicated with a full power Pink Fire (18 to cast + 6 mortal wounds!), the Dryads are nuked by something and the Prince convinces the Kurnoth champion to slap one of his buddies for 1-2 wounds. In the charge phase the DP tries for a 10+ charge into the Hunters but can’t manage it (and the last DD, a 4, is no help). Tizz scores a lot of points ?


    Seraphon go next and laser off two Skull Cannons with Bastiladon power.


    Khorne cashes in some Blood Tithe to get a fresh Skull Cannon, and both gun segways power into the waiting star-lizards, along with some Reavers getting in on the Skinks-n-Krox party. This goes on for a long time with mixed results.


    At last Sylvaneth gets to respond to its own daemonic incursion.  The Kurnoth Hunters teleport to a further wood and lay waste to the Horrors, reducing one unit to a lone musician and the other to standard + musician … until another 1 blinks reality and brings them back to 5 ;)


    As for the Daemon Prince, the Treelord Ancient decides to take care of old Skullflüx himself. He barely manages it but does smash off the Tzeentchian general’s last wound.


    Turn 4

    Khorne finally gets to go first, and spends it grinding against Seraphon - he misunderstood the shooting in combat rules and was shooting the skinks up against his Skull Cannons, as opposed to the Bastiladons also within 3”, and also forgot that his Bloodsecrator was powering up his Cannons in combat too, not just the infantry bros. The Aspiring Deathbringer gets involved. Skinks and Krox die, as do Reavers. #khornecaresnot


    The Sylvaneth turn, with just strong functional units left, is pretty simple. The Treelord Regrows the Kurnoth, the magical energy of which pisses off the wildwood near Tzeentch, causing it to eat the 1 Horror unit and the 3 Horror unit, plus a Horror from the last unit. The Kurnoth split fire between the Blood Warriors and the Tzeentch Herald, killing the Khorne unit and slamming 2 wounds into the Herald. Man these trees are good.


    After the Seraphon do bad things to Khorne - everything but the Bloodsecrator and general got beaten down, but only the Astrolith + 1 Bastiladon + 1 Kroxigor is left on the other side - Tzeentch sees what it can do with 1 Herald + 4 Horrors. One crazy Unchecked Mutation later and the Treelord has a staggering 10 wounds on it! The 5+ hit-‘em-again rolls could not be stopped ~8) And then the Herald bailed and hid behind the tower, much to Sylvaneth’s amusement.


    Turn 5

    The last three lizards eat the Aspiring Deathbringer, and thanks to scoring her secret objective every turn and doing consistent laser damage, the Seraphon pop to third place. Also she summoned back the Skinks to mess with the Kurnoth, but that won’t matter for long …

    Khorne summons in yet another Skull Cannon to keep the Bloodsecrator warm, but its shot misses and he doesn’t have a charge to try for. Dejected, he laments his battletome’s worthlessness.

    Shortly after the bloody tears dry up, Sylvaneth hefts its own shiny book of synergies and happy updates and prepares to finish off the Tzeentch in its side. The Kurnoth Hunters teleport to LOS of the Tizz Herald, the Branchwych likewise gets in range of the last of the Horrors and the Treeman powers up, after Regrowing himself 5 wounds. The Kurnoth roll a fistful of 1’s and do a single wound to the Herald :D


    With a shake of the head, the Sylvaneth leadership charge in to finish this themselves, dammit. A single Horror is kicked in the head … causing reality to blink a third time and bring the unit back to six ;)


    Last turn of the game and it’s down to Tizz to do something meaningful. At this point I have to do a bunch of wounds in any phase to make it a win. Also the Screamers get summoned back because I finally have 10+ fate points! But then magic fluffs, (terrible) shooting fluffs, Screamers charge fluffs, combat fluffs on all sides. Fluff.



    Apologies for the leaderboard weirdness, there was a ton to keep track of, and half of the board I increasingly didn't pay much attention to! I'll comment more about AOS once I get a solo game in, but hey we're baaaack!

    • Like 2
  2. 60 points is a pretty sweet handful of points for getting your Endless on.  The Cogs would seem like a no brainer (more spells is more better, especially for Tizz), likewise Spellportal is being hailed as the true auto-include (especially for Tizz), but I've been looking at the Geminids + Prismatic Palisade of late. Geminids do lots of damage and debuffs, while the Palisades offer some neat tactical plays and aren't predatory so don't give your opponent as much of a gift (likewise the Cogs).

  3. 38 minutes ago, ThePie said:

    Do you still have to cast a spell to do the summoning or is it just pay the points and its done automatically? And if so, what replaced the old Mark of the Conjurer that gave +1 to summoning rolls?

    I popped in to ask the same thing :D

  4. Aye, I meant the extra spell deal. Moar fate points plz!

    I ran my grinder throughout 8E and into pre-battletome AOS, and he was typically the only thing that could get any heavy lifting done.  He's actually gotten quite a bit better in AOS over the last years - cheaper now, but can also run and shoot, and has destiny dice powering him O_O Mine has a daemon talon, so that's what I use ... but I'd probably choose that over the blade anyway.

    Main problem with my grinder right now is that I need to build him a huuuuuge base :|

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks for the questions!

    16 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    @Boss Salvage

    Sword or Axe for the dp? (Probably sword, better to hit, though I’ll likely end up snagging my Khorne DP with Axe as a stand-in )

    I assume wings?

    Why not use a Herald on Disc to increase mobility? Are you specifically looking for the spell for the Herald on foot?

    Screamers because of the new faq change? Would they be more beneficial than say an Exalted Flamer?

    What do you think you would do after 1000 points? 

    Any thoughts on the new Realm Artefacts/Weapons?

    - The eternal debate, isn't it? My DP has 2 claws (not a 40k thing, I just liked the look), so it's never obvious to me what I should do. I typically run axe for the consistency of 4+ to hit for both hands, but my DP also never seems to hit :/ Still thinking axe for the rend, as the army suffers for it otherwise. Obvious goal is to buff him with +1A and get him stuck in where his -1 to hit can help him be alive.

    - None of my prince models have wings! But I do typically say they float / jump, which people are fine with.

    - I prefer my foot herald models to my disc model ;) But also for the 3D6 cast ability + foot spell.

    - Yep, screamers because 100 points, and other option would be CPs and/or endless spells, which I don't have yet and I'm not sure they want to roll out at the LGS for Day 1 intro games. I don't think they're terrible ... but I also have no great plans for them. Probably tag along with the DP to chew on things and enjoy his auras. Oh, also no exalted flamer painted :P

    - Here's what is painted for Tizz:

    • 1 Daemon Prince
    • 3+ Foot Heralds
    • 1 Disc Herald
    • 6 Flamers
    • 9 Screamers
    • 2 Burning Chariots
    • 1 Soul Grinder
    • 1 Spawn
    • ~50 Pink Horrors
    • 2 Blue Horrors

    Which comes to 2600+ under the new points? I do want to paint a LOC at long last - and there's another part of me that really wants to run Omniscient Oracles ❤️ - and I may cave in and paint 10 acolytes, simply because pink battleline is rough.

    This is my thought at stepping into 2k, beyond just slapping things down:

    Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
    Herald of Tzeentch
    Herald of Tzeentch
    20 Pink Horrors
    20 Pink Horrors
    10 Kairic Acolytes
    1 Burning Chariot
    1 Burning Chariot
    Soul Grinder of Tzeentch
    + 100 points in spells

    • Like 1
  6. giphy.gif

    Tzeentchians! Finally wandering over to TGA thanks to AOS 2.0 annnnd finally picking up my Disciples book, despite having played Daemons of Tzeentch through 8E and the pre-battletome days of AOS. I'm planning on mostly playing my new Daemons of Khorne in the new edition (questionable decision!), but my DOT are painted and mostly rebased, plus destiny dice are amazing. It's pretty stunning the price hikes our dudes have suffered - to the point that making lists with pink horror battelines is a bit unpleasant - but I'll give it a shot.

    Anyway, LGS is doing a 1k bring-n-battle thing on Saturday, think this is where I'm at:

    Daemon Prince Of Tzeentch (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Incorporeal Form
    - Artefact : Aura of Mutability
    - Lore of Change : Treason of Tzeentch
    Herald Of Tzeentch (140)
    - Staff of Change
    - Lore of Change : Fold Reality
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Bolt of Tzeentch
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Unchecked Mutation
    10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)
    - Lore of Change : Arcane Transformation
    3 x Screamers Of Tzeentch (100)


    I prefer fighty Tizz, hence some of the tooling here, and am aiming on keeping horrors in the game through their banners, destiny dice and folding reality. My original plan was to run my soul grinder (as I did throughout AOS 1.0) instead of DP, but I feel like I needed a second hero and as many spells as I could muster, to at least try for some fate points.

    I've reported all of my AOS games ever (over on Dakka but the great PB debacle deleted all the pics), so you'll hear about these as well ;)

    • Like 2
  7. Happy to see the unanimous response to 50mm just being too big for battleline ogres :D

    FWIW I think a number of these base guidelines were lifted from preexisting community basing docs - I've been looking for ogre re-base guidelines of late and found a set that's basically identical to what GW put out, including gross 50mm troopers. Ultimately the only base size I really need is Butcher with Cauldron, and 105x70 is what I expected (and should be able to slot a 50mm Butcher in and out fairly well).

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