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Dr. Lao

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Posts posted by Dr. Lao

  1. 19 minutes ago, stratigo said:

    The straight line part gets confusing as it is a straight line to a point, but unless your models are in a conga, that will make them shift their position at an angle relative to each other as they converge towards said point

    Each model would form it's own straight line: 
    "...each model in this unit is moved directly and in a straight line towards the target..."
    So they wouldn't all follow the same line. A unit of 3 would have three straight lines converging towards the same point. 

  2. To me this sounds more like "re-position" rather than "move". Therefore Flying wouldn't apply here. 

    This happens outside of the movement phase, and since flying is only listed during the movement phase the rules do not apply in the shooting phase, or any other phase, except in instances like "There is always a breeze..." where it does specifically state that the move is treated as if it were happening in the movement phase and would therefore take flying into account.

    As far as picking a point on a ship or scenery piece...That is difficult because measuring distance is not base to base. So the closest point base to base will always be at the same plane as the tabletop. For pieces without a base you measure base to closest point, but to go in a straight line AND get 3" above a model means you'd have to have so very vertical scenery that has a much broader top than base. 

    BUT also consider that you have to move in "a straight line" (singular line). Moving to a point high up on the battlefield and then down to the table to put your model takes two straight lines.


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  3. Chaos Spawn Confusion

    Maggotkin cannot take the Tzeentch keyword, the Warscroll on GW’s website lists the Chaos Spawn as Tzeentch. But reading the GA:Chaos FAQ the deleted and replaced warscrolls start on pg 46, the Chaos Spawn is on of 45.

    So, does that mean the Chaos Spawn has two valid Warscrolls? And the one from GA:Chaos can then be taken in a Mattotkin army?

  4. Is there any reason not to assemble the command trio for the Blightkings?  That way you can field 2x 5 or 1x 10 and have full command with both configurations? I just assembled my second five without the standard and bell and am wondering if I made a mistake. 

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