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Posts posted by mclargehuge

  1. 16 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    You have a very solid batch of duardins! Yeah, drop the 10 hammerers at 1000 and go to 20 irondrakes, should be better.

    Thanks. I was leaning that way but I was being swayed by awesome armoured Dwarves. Will save them for when I can field a big unit. 

    15 hours ago, Zadolix said:

    I would probably drop the hammerers unless you want to run them as 20. At 10 the unit loses it's hitting power quite quickly after a few casualties.

    If you make your warriors unit a big unit of 40 they will be able to reroll all wounds in the enemy combat phase for quite some times and also get a 40pt discount.

    That would leave you 200pts to play with, an organ gun and gunmaster could be fun?

    Yeh, true about the Hammerers. I think my main concern was only have one big block of 40 and then one small unit of 10 on the field. Could make surviving tough if they focus on the warriors, but then again I should trust the toughness of a dwarf. An organ gun would be lots of fun. 

  2. So, my birthday just passed and of course I ended up with a bunch of GW vouchers and I was thinking about the direction I want to go in and while thinking back, I remember that the first box I bought was Dispossessed. That led me to think how cool it would be to go back to that now that I have a few armies under my belt and a few years of gaming experience. So I am starting on the bandwagon! This was my thought for the first 1000pts. I really want to head in the direction of more armoured units so I am trying to limit myself to 40 Warriors and then build out from there. 

    Allegiance: Dispossessed

    Warden King (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Grudgebearer 
    Runelord (100)
    - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe 

    20 x Warriors (160)
    - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
    20 x Warriors (160)
    - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Hammerers (160)

    10 x Irondrakes (180)

    Total: 980 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 80

    What would be the best direction from here? Should I opt for 40 Warriors over 2 units of 20? Also, should I drop the Hammerers for now and have a bigger unit of Irondrakes?

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