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Posts posted by Lord_Orzhov

  1. I also heard on a certain podcast about the meta and tier lists, one of the complaints you could say about SE, are that they are poor at handling horde armies or units that can just back on the field, by that logic it could be better to use more units with more bodies, and not rely  too much on hero hammer. Also  give that drakesworn templar a second thought (although it is cool)since its one massive point costed target, what i am saying is that generally having more bodies on the field to help fend off other horde armies or have more options in capping objectives might be beneficial.

  2. Same i really like the look of the ballista but it feels it's more of same stuff we already got in terms of firing support, my suggestion is having a 30 inch single shot /hits on 2   /Minus 3 /6 damage and a 15 inch mode which would fire 6 shots /hits on 4 /minus 1 /2 damage, then we can adjust pounts accordingly, the sniper rifle and the shotgun approach.

  3. Another thing im testing is fulminators vs evocators on dracolines, fulms has that survivability and charge devastation, but evocs on dracos have more bodies for the points, less survivability, but have access to magic/unbind,i need to math out which of the 2 are better at wounding overall later

  4. 16 minutes ago, Kugane said:

    At which range are you generally using your Ballista?

    I use both modes depending on the situation/ how close an enemy is but generally it would be long range mode until there is an immediate threat, dont get me wrong ballista is good on paper but there has been those times where i miss on the initial shot or i get 1 on the ammount of hits.  There is also the ordinator option but thats a 140 tax and its dependant on how many ballistas you run to make him worth while.

  5. So i have been experimenting alot with the ballista, from personal experience i found it too swingy and not as reliable compared to just bringing more bow judicators, sure its 60 pts more but they are consistent as fire support, also i like chain lightning on a SE wizard since it can camp with the judicators at that 24 inch range. Thoughts?

  6. So i was wondering, how much is everyone investing in magic? in terms of how many casters/endless spells and others sources for unbinds, personally i am running double incantor with cogs, geminids and comet although thats like a quarter of my list invested in magic. So what different approaches have you peeps  have taken in their sc magic. Thoughts?

  7. 3 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

    5 Sequitors can have 3 Grand Weapons. Little Sitenote.

    2 in 5 + 1for the Prime.

    Yeah, Sequitors are crazy strong for the 20 points over liberators, it's kinda sad that the liberators feel kinda redundant now and u can just fill the battle line with judicators.  I just wished libs/seqs were more viable options than simple power creep, similar to juds/castigs or retribs/evocs or exorcist/incant, I just wished castigators, exorcist and old paladins were just as viable too in 2.0 ?

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  8. So here i am looking at the updated warscrolls on the aos app and some stuff come into mind for the casters.  1. Why no mount option for the knight incantor, 2. what is the purpose of Lord exorcist being same price of an incantor with the lack of unbind scroll, 3. is lord arcanum on foot really worth the 180 points, seems pretty pricy for what it does unless the foot version still gives battle line to sequitors which i have to double check.

  9. So with a chance of a heavy magic meta in the new ed.  How much will ppl be investing on the stormcast spellcaters to help counter this, or can stormcast being an elite army can actually afford to go heavy in casting be it the amount of wizards spending points more in  endless spells, with horde armies still on the plate i feel we cannot affrord to spread ourselves too thin. Thoughts?

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