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Posts posted by BloodGodWorshipper

  1. 8 minutes ago, Laier said:

    About artefacts. Seems like Daemon Prince of Khorne (+1 to hit) with wings (12"),  Immence Strenght (+1 damage) and Mark of Destroer would be pretty nice:

    8 Axe (3+/3+/-2/D3+1) and 6 Claws (3+/3+/-/3) attacks...

    I think that Mortals can take damonic gifts, but daemons still can't take mortal artefacts. The FAQ changed only the introduction text of the Artefacts of Power. The Daemonic Gifts on the contrary were changed substantially and are now Artefacts of Power with no keyword requirements (apart from Khorne Hero obviously).


    9 hours ago, ledha said:

    As for Mortal Khorne, i think however that a full Brass Stampede, even with the point increase, will still be a force to reckon with

    I was mad enough to play several 2000 pts games with Brass Stampede being the whole army. That's 36 Skullcrushers (5 units by 6 and 2 units by 3) and a LoKoJ.

    I should say that I slightly regret assembling so many Skullcrushers, because this list has a lot of problems.

    To begin with it's hard to control the charge distance and unit positioning, since your opponent will do everything to deny your charges. The best way to inflict damage with Brass Stampede is to charge your opponent before he charges you, but it's not always possible. There is no way to get to the enemy units in the first turn.  Getting a double turn helps a lot but it's unreliable.

    In order to inflict those sweet D6 mortal wounds on charge the unit most contain at least 6 models. Your opponent needs to kill just one model and your unit becomes almost as bad as it is with 3 models.

    Skullcrushers' huge base size in combination with low attack count results in a rather low damage. On average I could manage to get 3-4 Skullcrushers from a single unit into the actual fight, but they didn't perform very well. Sometimes the dice were so bad, they didn't inflict any wounds at all.

    D3 mortal wounds on a roll of 2+ in your hero phase happen only once for each enemy units. It's a nice addition but it didn't feel powerful enough to force your opponent to retreat. I am not sure that taking full Brass Stampede is worth it at this point.

    Skullcrushers seem to be good at engaging the enemy units and holding them in a fight. They have 5 wounds per model with 4+ save which makes them really tanky. I wish they could swing those glaives a little better, though.

    I'd rather take 3 units of Skullcrushers, a LoKoJ and something to buff them up. Brass Stampede is not good on it's own in my opinion.

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