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Blog Entries posted by TubmasterGeneral

  1. TubmasterGeneral
    Sooo... That was Faster than I anticipated
    I got a little gung-ho this weekend. With only one day off I decided that I needed to get something done, and set out to try figuring out my army schemes. I think I have done that! 
    It started with Two models I have had forever. An old Vampire Countess model, and the newer (though still before round bases) Wight King. These models are so fantastic, and full of character. The old countess is a Metal model, and in the last few years of playing Infinity, I've learned a lot better how to prep and care for these metal minis. Unfortunately for myself, this was in the dark times. I'd built and painted this countess before I knew about filing, and real trimming, and heck, even before basing and priming, so I had some cleanup to do. I love this model to death, but I'd done a fair bit of damage to it over the years, and as such i knew it'd be the perfect "test model" for the death army. It went pretty well, and I was excited enough to strip my old wight king, and take a stab at him as well, to really nail down the palette before I moved on to skellies, and the mortarchs, and zombie dragon. (this stuff has been a grey tide for far too long) 
    I'm still not certain how I'm going to apply this to the skellies, but I'll be taking a stab at this, over the next week (I hope) on the buttload of mantic skeletons I have, and I'm hoping to perhaps work on the black knights and Hexwraiths and perhaps the spirit hosts over the week. we will see! 
    As for the stormcast, I went gangbusters, and got all of them coated in leadbelcher, washed black, and drybrushed Runfang steel, which will help me bust through a whole bunch of minis faster. I then decided to work on my  Retributors. I went with a sort of jade and cream look, and was inspired by a video I saw a while back to paint thier hammers in marble. I really enjoyed this effect and will certainly be continuing it throughout the army!
    now for the pictures! please excuse the phone camera pics, I'm pretty sure they aren't great, but they'll give somewhat of an idea of what was accomplished! 

    so. next week will be busy. I'll be at my sister's wedding, so I don't know how much time I will have to hobby. hopefully enough to get some more stuff moving! thanks for paying attention, anyone who has, and I'll see you next week!
  2. TubmasterGeneral
    so this is where it starts...
    Like most wargamers, I imagine, I have many lofty goals. Play more games, paint more miniatures, have more fun... Profit?
    This blog is my attempt to get all of these things done. 
    I'm mostly new to AoS, as I've been out of the fantasy game since seventh edition (just seemed to fall by the wayside to 40k, and infinity) but I've got loads of GW models. Death, seraphon, high elves, skaven, chaos, bretonnians, I've kept them all. 
    If I have learned one thing in my 20 years of modeling and gaming experience, it's that setting goals, and letting others hold you accountable is the biggest motivator. It's also incredibly helpful to set a long term goal, with small, deadline goals to keep you progressing along the way. 
    To that end, internet, I'm going to set a goal right here, right now. I want two, fully painted 2000 point armies, by the end of the year. I want to have attended at least one tournament with said armies. The two armies will be my death army, (which, granted already has some stuff painted for it, but none of it will be used in this 2000 point force) and a stormcast eternal army, for which right now, all I own is the original AoS starter set. (All gloriously grey with no paint applied)
    I will be getting the new starter set to help bolster both of these lits. 
    I'm really a thematic gamer at heart, and I love to have my lists be themed, so in the end, my stormcast may end up all sacrosanct, or straight stormcast, I don't know. My death though... Oh boy... My death army. My true love. Vampire counts... I mean soulblight? 
    I'm very much looking forward to putting this together. I've got a Neferata and a Prince Vordrai to paint up, but after reading up on the rumors page here about the mortarch of grief being Isabella von Carstein, and the black coach containing Vlad.... Ooooh... The shivers I got reading these rumors... If it's true, it looks like my whole army will change... and I can break out those sweet ancient vampire models for Vlad and Isabella, and just add them in for sweet sweet irony. We shall see. They are my favorite Warhammer characters after all. 
    For now, I just need to get started. So my goals for this, the week ending on June 17 2018 are thus:
    Work out a paint scheme for vamp.. er... Death army (man... That'll take some getting used to) 
    And work out a scheme for the stormcast.
    I'm thinking deep purples and reds for vamps, and silver armor, with cream and green details.
    The goal is just one model, but I'd like to finish a unit, or perhaps a hero for each. It's a small step, to be sure, but an important one, as it sets the workload for the whole army.
    Until next week's hobby update, 
    Nicholas Carreau, the TubmasterGeneral
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