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Querl Dox

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Posts posted by Querl Dox

  1. Lots of good and interesting conversation. I think GW made a really big design mistake when it went ultra high fantasy. First, authors tend to stick to a version of medieval history on a planet similar to earth because you don't have to explain how physics or society works. I have no idea how the physical realm works in the mortal realms - are there tides and currents? Wind patterns? Growing seasons? There's just too much to fill in - and as a game company and not a writer's conglomerate it's never going to get adequately filled in (see Mr. Reynolds comments) - it detracts from the game for me so I just have to ignore the lore. Second, when you have your actual gods on the table, where do you go from here? How are humans or goblins supposed to matter when gods literally walk the earth? I did read where someone mentioned that we're in the era of Superhero-Hammer and I understand what they mean.

    Everybody has their own tastes, and there are certainly many who enjoy this high fantasy approach - I'm just not one of them. So, I have to ignore the established lore and tell my own stories as I play.

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