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Posts posted by Midjithero

  1. On 5/15/2021 at 1:51 AM, CarkFish said:

    Hiya chaps, I'm Looking to start an aos army .... I was all over soulblight, but I'm so disappointed in the rules ... IDK have flying sharks so .... I mean .... Obviously I want those! .... But, hobby money must be spent wisely, I have a few questions if ok?

    1. Without spamming eels, what teir would you place IDK in?

    2. How far off do you feel the new book is ?

    3. I've noticed a few "heal d3" rules on warscrolls ... Since SBGL just had these removed (wtaf) I'm wondering how reliant IDK are on this mechanic as it could be gone come new book 

    4. Is the army fun to play and play against? ... I.e. deep rules, customisation, buffs and a few nasty trixy moves?

    Thanks guys 😄




    Hello there!!  

    1) I run 4 sharks and 2 turtles, and am loving it!  Have 9 Ishlann and 3 Morrsarr mostly because they’re so tanky and they fulfill my battleline req. 

    2) new book could be leaked anytime between next month and next year, there’s no way of telling.  Best guess is sometime in summer (July-ish), as 3.0 will drop with new StormCast and new destruction faction...so sometime after that.

    3) depends on the units you run, but I have yet to run one with this rule on it (for idk) and haven’t necessarily needed it.  

    4) I’m having a blast playing the army for the past 6 months, but it’s VERY DEFENSIVE.  Opponents have a hard time just rushing me expecting the units to die...they won’t.  MW spam is best way to counter the deepkin. Turn 3, we become super buffed offensively and usually table the opponent in this turn or cripple them so much the game is over.  Definitely could be construed as an NPE.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/12/2021 at 10:18 AM, djrodriguez123 said:

    Hey y’all, new to this army. I came from playing competitive 40k and got into a competitive AoS scene down by me. However, Still new to AOS, been playing pick up games to learn, was wondering if I can get some feedback on my list below. I did some of my own research and tried to fine tune the list based off other tournament results but curious what y’all think. 



    2 allopexes w/ net launchers 

    6 M guard

    6 M guard 

    3 M guard

    3 I guard 

    3 I guard

    3 aetherwings 




    Like the list, but think with the 2 big blocks of Morrsarr you might want to consider bringing a Soulscryer.  Probably drop the 3 Morrsarr for the Soulscryer, then you can also make use of an artifact. Just a thought!  

  3. So played in my second tourney this past Sunday with Deepkin.  Went a different strat, and allied in 3 Vandguard Longstrike Raptors and 6 Aetherwings.  LOVED the list, but I was dumb on second mission :) list was Volty, 3x3 Ishlann, 3 Morrsarr, 3 Harpoon Sharks, 1 Net Shark, Turtle with Ancient, Corps, 2x3 Aetherwings and 3 Longstrike Raptors.  

    mission 1: Scorched Earth against Beastclaw Boulderhead with 3 Stonehorns.  Top of turn 1 I just put some wounds into everything in range, primarily using general and took my 4 objectives.  His turn 1, he charged into my line, but the raptors blocked the charge.  I got top of 2 and started shooting his mournfangs in the back, charged his general stonehorn with turtle and the turtle feasted!  His turn 2 he was very passive and didn’t charge me, only sent another stonehorn into the far far side which only had 3 Ishlann, mopping them up quickly.  Turn 3 I got priority and proceeded to get Domination by wiping his second stone horn and all of his mournfangs.  We played to turn 4, but I had all remaining objectives and win by points.  

    game 2 Better Part of Valour against the one army I DIDNT want to play in this mission...Hermdar Fyreslayers!  I took first turn, caged myself pretty well on the left and middle objectives.  Went to his top left objectives with 3 morrsarr and killed the Vulkites holding it, securing the objective.  His turn 1, he tunneled in his Lodge HGB in front of my line, and I had screened the back thinking it was only board edge!!!  Ugh my bad :( he got the 9” charge onto Volty/Turtle/3Sharks and also got the double turn.  We fought until turn 5 as he had strung those HGB onto the left and middle objectives so I was shooting him with the net launcher and holding him between 2 points with 3 Ishlann each side.  Bottom of turn 4, a buddy comes over and tells us we had played the mission wrong all game and it was 3” objective not 6”!  But, he had wiped me by bottom of 4 and I never called burning my objectives.  So I gave him the win since we both played 6”.  Lesson learned!!

    Game 3 Total Conquest against Kroak bleh!: he didn’t set up his terrain piece, so I set boats up on the V of his objective (game changer FYI).  I got first turn, so I rushed him with 3 squads of ishlann, trying to do some damage with battleshock to his skinks and also killed his Saugus guard covering Kroak and 2 wounds on Kroak from shooting.  I take the 2 side objectives as well.  His first turn he does some damage to the Ishlann, basically getting them each to 2-4 wounds total left, and he teleports the salamanders to the top right objective and takes it from the loan net shark.  I get priority and proceed to charge Kroaks line with the turtle and 3 sharks. Volty stays near and charges skinks.  Luckily everything is super close cuz I rolled 5 charge rolls of >4!  Morrsarr failed to reach the salamanders, and during shooting I softened up his skink priests.  Turtle and Volty impact hits delete remaining skinks in front of Kroak, so sharks pile into Kroak with turtle and eat him up and also reduce his total skinks to about 15 left on board (between 2 squads).  His turn he splits shots of salamanders to kill morrsarr and 1 harpoon shark, chameleons come on and shoot raptors and aetherwings, and he recaps bottom left with skinks.  Turn 3 I get priority again and move harpoon sharks towards salamanders but fail charge.  Volty retakes bottom left objective and all normal skinks dead at this point.  His turn 3 he takes bottom left objective again and we’re close on points, but he charges salamanders into harpoon sharks forgetting I get strikes first in his turn too so sharks eat them.  Turn 4 he’s got 1 priest left and chameleons but I win priority.  With that game is basically over as I have Volty at 3 wounds, 2 sharks, 2 Ishlann leaders, and full turtle. Was a solid game and he’s a great friend/opponent so I was happy for the win (especially cuz I hate lizards with a passion and always have). 

    ended up 5th of 18 players.  Now I know to ask opponents if thier teleport mechanics are table edge or anywhere on board lol!  That was the game changer for game 2, not having birds in position to soak up the HGB charge.  Also all week I’ve been aaying in the group chat I didn’t want to fight Fyreslayers on mission 2 :( 

    im loving IDK, as it has everything, mobility, great defense, little bit of shooting, strong melee.  Definitely weak against MW though, but that’s ok, everything needs a weakness.  

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/7/2021 at 1:16 PM, JackStreicher said:

    The whole LRL shooting is one big BS. So yeah, it works because it‘s an ability.  🤷🏼‍♂️
    indirekt Fire should never be allowed and there is no reason to grant it to a super strong horde Archer unit with 30“ range.

    Meh, the indirect fire part isn’t that bad.  The MWs on 5+ to hit is the stupid part.  

  5. Played in my first tourney yesterday with IDK...was a blast!   Went 2-1, my first round loss was determined in turn 4 priority and impost the roll (Blades Edge).  Just gotta say, the Turtle did WORK!!!!!!  Turn 2 he would get into combat, and do some pretty solid damage.  But turn 3 I’d buff him with Volty and omg.  He killed soooooo much stuff and only ever took 4 total wounds the whole day.  

    Not sure if I’m sold in the Morrsarr, or the Ether Sea outflank tactic with them...Games 1 and 2 they killed 5 judicators and 10 LRL archers before getting wiped out.  I might try 2x3 or just go 1x6 & 1x3 Ishlann and 1x3 morrsarr as I feel the turtle and sharks were the main highlight of the games. 

    list was Volty, Tidecaster, Soulscryer, 2x3 Ishlann, 1x6 Morrsarr, 2 harpoon sharks, 2 net sharks, turtle, Corps.

    Game 1 against a Kroak led StormCast list with 9 raptors, 10 evocators, Azyros, Lord Aquilor.  Great player, been playing non-stop ShootCast since he joined our group.  I made a mistake turn 2 and didn’t shoot his last bird, which he moved to deny me from charging Kroak/liberators on an objective.  Regardless, the MW from raptors and evocators hurt bad, but if I had won turn 4 priority, I would have tabled him and won.  Sadly lost the roll :( great game and fun! 

    Game 2 against Double Mountain Cow LRL...charged morrsarr into his Cathalar and archers, whiffed bad and only killed the archers.  2h cow came in and pummeled them on his turn...then I unleashed the Turtle into him...was savage how much he did :) called it turn 4 cuz LRL had just 1 cow my turtle was about to charge and everything else dead.

    last game against BoC, I messed up so badly!!  Total Commitment and I moved up the board slightly top of turn 2...he outflanks and takes an objective.  I had only killed about 10 of his 140 models in turn 1 and 2 trying to get Mass Panic secondary, thinking I’ll just wait the game out.  So he room my objective and went up in points....buffed up the Turtle, 6 morrsarr and 2 sharks and flew into his army.  Basically tabled him between my turn 3 and his turn 3.  He called it after that.  But he made me flinch and I almost lost due to stupid positioning :) 

    was a blast to play something with a bit of survivalabity (I normally play Archaon led Pleasurebound so everything but Archaon always dead by turn 2 for me).  Definitely going hard into IDK this year, which I had already planned to play sharks and turtles prior to BR coming out, so it just worked in my favor (although mortal Slaanesh almost took me back....but I equated it to IDK = Holly and Slaanesh = Jan!)

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, LordRhulak said:

    Hi. I have a question regarding the Fuethan ability ‘Fiercest of creatures’. It says that you can re-roll wound rolls of one for mounts, but there isn’t a mount section in the description on any of the warscrolls. I was assuming that the warscrolls were old so it didn’t have the mount section, but now with the Leviadon and Allopexes, I’m not sure. So what can we re-roll?


    So, RAW, it doesn’t list the Sharks and Turtles as “mounts”.  RAI, they are mounts...

    we are just waiting on a Marathi book FAQ to clarify...but in all honesty, why would a Turtle not be a mount for purposes of Fuethán rules, but it’s a mount for purposes of Mount Traits?!?!?

    seems just to be GW inconsistent rules writing.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Frowny said:

    I like the eels, but they are all kinda samey- has anyone tried cutting and molding them so they are in different poses? Pondering trying to make one wound up in a circle or something. 


    I like what you did with the pedastles there. The bases / stands for them are also awful

    I thought about putting them in hot water so i could bend them, but ultimately didn’t want to risk it :) 

  8. 10 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Hi ppl! I'm not a Slaanesh follower (yet) but the new releases makes me curious (being a fan of Emperor's Children doesn't help too):

    How does an army of Mortals play on AoS?
    Are there any musts that I need to take care? I hate spamming the same unit.
    Are there any novels to read about them? I love to read lore about cults and mortals infiltrating cities and corrupting things (the new Battleforce of Tzeentch is really tempting too).


    You have 2 options...buy into demon Hedonites and purchase what you think is cool (or could be used as a summons side board) 

    or save your money and wait until we get more info.  

    there is very little info other than the new sigvald and unit reveal, Hellstriders Warscroll update, and Lord of Pain model.

    you can buy into S2D if you are itching to buy-build mortals, but if you are starting fresh into Slaanesh, and don’t want to paint any of the demons, I’d wait u too we get more solid info. 

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Maybe a slightly warmer base? So it becomes a bit more ‘cream’ coloured instead of cold. 
    so I would try ushabti bone as a base layer and then a few layers mixing pallid flesh and ushabti. So you get that nice build up. 
    Id maybe try blootletter glaze for the transition. 
    but otherwise your suggestions are the same as mine or better ideas. 

    So what I did was a light blue grey like Soace Wolves grey, then feathered with super thin lines of white all along the belly.  The white “spilled” over into the blue skin to help blend it together.  Just 2 paints.  

    First coat of white I did really watered down so it appears darker/more dull.  second coat wasn’t directly on the first coat, so almost appears like 3 colors of paint but only 2.


    • Like 1
  10. On 10/21/2020 at 9:24 AM, testypickle99 said:

    Hi I'm new to Idoneth Deepkin and have thought up this list below

    Enclave Feutan

    Volturnos general 270

    Soulscryer 130 liliandras last lament

    3 Ishlaen 140

    3 Ishlaen 140

    9 Morsarr 510

    2 Allopexes 200

    2 Allopexes 200

    Leviadon 310

    Akhelian Corps 100

    Total points 2000

    I’m doing this exact list, with the exception of Dhom-Hain :)  also new to IDK, so not sure if Dhom-Hain or Feutan will be better for my local meta yet. 

  11. On 10/11/2020 at 12:41 AM, whispersofblood said:

    I'd recommend playing S2D then, or hopefully we get to some more mortal integration in the future.

    Not necessarily true...I’m running Archaon Pleasurebound list in Lurid Haze with good results (3/2/1 so far with another tourney this Sunday). It’s all S2D models, but the Hedonite book offers more for my style of list than the S2D allegiance abilities, namely 40 marauders auto outflanking, double attacking (60% of the time) and getting their exploding attacks generate more without a hero present.

    i do feel that my list is very glass cannon and matchup/no-double turn dependent.  The S2D book (Slaanesh-wise) just doesn’t synergize like Hedonites.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. The way I play Archaon is super dirty (Lurid Haze Pleasurebound) and he has multiple ways to get RR Hits/Wounds/Saves, 6” pile in, exploding attacks, and can stack + saves to a 1+ (melee) or 2+ (shooting).  

    kill the Sorc Lords, Warshrines, Chaos Lords first, aka his buffing supports, and he becomes straight warscroll Archaon.  Which is still pretty good, but it’s not buffed Archaon :) 

    The Cathalar trick is pure evil btw, I got caught by it my first game against LRL, but don’t rely on it as someone who’s had it happen to them, I’ll never let it happen again without a contingency.  It was both funny and sad though lol...Archaon was basically a retreating paperweight for 3 turns.  Luckily the 40 marauders chewed through half his army by themselves, and then took the brunt of his rebuffing spell casts (bravery reductions/missiles/spell like Be’lakor Dark Master ability).

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Drazhoath said:

    Hey hey

    Next week I will have my first game against the Realmlords. My friend will definitly play Teclis and a lot of Wardens. Does anyone any experience against them?

    I play a lot of mortals (3x10 Warriors, 5 Knights) and Deamon Heroes (2x Deamon Prince, 1x Keeper, 1x Epitome and probably Be‘Lakor)

    No exp yet against LRL, but Season of War on YouTube has been doing a lot of LRL batreps.  Check them out if you want to see them in action, they have a great format too.

    on topic of competitive Slaanesh, I think we are going to see the return of depraved drove with a couple support pieces (Enrapturess, be’lakor and epitome) or marauder spam.  I’m currently running Pleasurebound and would have more than 60 marauders, but love using Archaon too much.

    120 marauders, Chaos lord, Chaos Sorc lord, epitome, enrapturess, sybarites, Be’lakor ally might be something to look into 

    • Thanks 1
  14. So played in the tourney yesterday...had a blast but completely forgot all the rules of AoS LoL!  Ran Pleasurebound with Archaon, Chaos Lord, Sorc Lord, 40/20 Marauders, 5 Warriors, Warshrine, Mirror in Lurid Haze.

    game 1 vs Nagash and 20 kavalos deathriders on Blades Edge.  Totally forgot to bring the Fane to the tourney, and my opponent who’s a top ITC player, forgot his endless spell and hero kavalos.  I let him borrow my keeper cuz same base.  Game came out a full draw because I’m 100% rusty and forgot to track depracity all game. I went up big first 2 turns with 8 VP to his 4VP, and Archaon Slayered Nagash un turn 3, but he was able to chip away at my units.  I needed a 5 on a run with the Warshrine turn 4 to get an objective and got a 4...so it was my game to lose for sure :( 

    game 2, forcing the hand vs 200+ wound blight king spam.

    got paired against my brother who lost a tight match against Living Cities...sadly I went up big on objectives early and threatened his back line with Archaon.  Got the major victory, but only scored 1 secondary.

    Game 3 vs ShootCast in Total Conquest, fighting for 3rd place since I was 1-0-1.
    He won the roll, and was able to force me first turn...I really didn’t know how to handle his teleporting.  I moved up a bit and Archaon got intercepted by some Aerherwings, got himself 3 depravity lol!  He dropped down bottom of 1, deleted the Warshrine and got some lucky rolling on Archaon taking him down to about 8 wounds.  Then he got the double turn and game was over at that point.  I started bottom of 2 with 5 warriors and the Chaos lord.  We had a blast playing each other, so that was the saving grace of the fight :) 

    Had a ton of fun at the event, even though it was outside and around 90F.   Loved the list, complete Alpha strike.  Will be fun to keep playing it as we get “Mortal Slaanesh” possibilities in the future

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Deadkitten said:

    Allegiance: Chaos
    Keeper of Secrets (380)
    - Ritual Knife
    The Contorted Epitome (210)
    The Masque (120)
    Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (220)
    30 x Daemonettes (330)
    30 x Daemonettes (330)
    10 x Daemonettes (110)
    5 x Seekers (120)
    Epicurean Revellers (180)Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 116

    What if I pitch Depravity and summoning all together?  Only looking to go 3-2 at the FLGS in casual games.


    My thoughts are if you are ditching depravity you’ll want to include either Fiends or Marauders.  Both are incredibly strong, the issue with Fiends is you don’t Generate depravity :) 

    Marauder spam is also potent, especially with slaanesh abilities

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    I did a lot of experimenting with Lurid Haze when I was deciding what to do with my HoS and it might be the best bet overall.

    I'm not really sure what I think about the war shrine but I think it and the sorcerer Lord are mutually exclusive. I don't think buffing Archaon's defence is worth points since he can heal 2d3 each hero phase if speced for life tanking. 

    I think pleasurebound is just too many units end of the day. And, without locus it's hard to force through double pile-in on the marauders and it's very likely he will be out of range as well. 

    I'd consider dropping the battalion, the chaos lord and the warshrine. Add 20 more marauders, upgrade the Warriors to knights and see what that leaves you with. 

    Where are you getting the 2d3 heal on Archaon?  Born of Damnation? My mind is drawing a blank :) 

    i agree with your sentiment about pleasurebound and locus units, but it’s a 1 drop list.  My other thought is something like Archaon, Keeper, Epitome, Be’lakor 80 marauders and 5 warriors, but it’s so many drops that I lose that choice of turn order.

    even unbuffed, a 40 block of marauders alpha striking is doing roughly 30 wounds to a 4+ save.  So to me it’s kinda key to get the choice of turn and take advantage of the enemies deployment mistakes.  It also scares the opponent and plays that mind game.

  17. 5 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    Even at launch I was fairly certain the chaff heavy Depraved Drove list was the best list. But that required the flexibility of multiple flying KoS to apply scalpel like dmg. I'm of the mind now that the best build is a variety of explosive glass hammers, and cheap durable scoring units. KoS is probably not even competitive at this point with all the ranged dmg flying around. Depravity is a very marginal Battle Trait at this point I wouldn't even bother considering it in list building. 

    Archaon seems ok in HoS only if so we can get access to different Endless Spells that support S2D units, a good platform for Hysterical Frenzy, and fight on death for Marauders. 

    I’ll be running a Pleasurebound Archaon as Lurid Haze list here in a couple weeks.  List is:

    Archaon, Chaos Lord (LH req +1 wound), Sorc Lord (Rod of Misrule)

    40/20 Marauders, 5 warriors, Warshrine, battalion, Mezmorizing Mirror.

    Give Archaon reroll hits of 1 from the Fane, Warshrine buffs him with Nurgle buff, gives himself +1 save from LH CA, and Sorc Lord gives oculus...so he’s running around with a 1+ RR save and hitting almost all attacks on 2+ RR 1s, RR all wound rolls...he can locust and generates depravity and can cast the Mirror for funsies as needed...all while the marauders outflank and chew things up.  Oh and pleasurebound will let him pile in 6” when he charges...

    question about the mirror as it’s been a long while since I’ve used it...ALL movement generated the d3 dmg correct?  So if you move in pile in/hero phase/etc you take d3?

  18. Played my first game as FEC yesterday and had a blast!  Played my brothers new 210 wound Blight King list, it was Rediculous LoL!  I made 3 pretty critical mistakes but played the mission (new Forcing the Hand) and snuck a 14-12 victory.  

    List was AAR, 2x GKoTG, 2x Ghoul Courtier, Ghouls 40/10/10, Chalice and Ghoul Patrol.

    he deployed heavily caged screening his heroes and 5man groups with his 20 blight king unit and 30 plaguebringers.   He gave me first turn so I outflanked the 2x 10 ghouls to the side objectives and took the center with the 40 and chalice.  Pretty much the game revolves around the center as he didn’t want to die, and I kept replenishing ghouls ;)

    my first mistake is I should have waited for turn 2 to summon.  I brought in 6 flayers and a varghulf but they literally did nothing and I forgot to do feeding frenzy for free.  

    second big mistake was I forgot to save a CP to inspiring presence the 40block on turn 3, so they died to battleshock LoL 

    I also kept the AAR on the Throne (albiet next ti an objective) but didn’t really make good use of him or Blood Frenzy.

    overall we had a blast but we did have 1 tough question pop up...Chalice says it’s ability happens at End of Turn, and Objectives are scored at End of Turn.  What is the order of operation?  We rolled it and determined to do chalice first, but if it was opposite it would have totally changed the outcome of the game.

    thanks for reading! :) 

    • Haha 1
  19. I know everyone talking about how to use S2D in Nurgle (or other god books) is Just attempting to show the viability of the units, and I completely agree, the units are 100% better suited for use in those books...

    I just wish they made S2D book better, argh it’s so frustrating lol!  I wanted it to be it’s own stand alone book and not a supplement.  Oh well, guess we will have to wait until the next S2D book release. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Knights at 160 are very good. The question is why would anyone use other units now.

    Don't like karkadrak over mounted lord or DP.

    Rip marauder ponies and gaunt. Furies are probably strictly better choice than marauder ponies now.

    I also think Varanguard in Empty throne host are a sleeper. They are your best "hero" deal in the book and the CP ability to deny scoring seems nuts.

    Knights are meh...I had fun with a 10 block w/ Lances and buffed by Karkadrak, but unless they killed their target in 1 turn, they fought with pool noodles afterwards.

    i do agree that Varanguard as a leader unit is good, especially considering they get Leader and can cap objectives in the new battle plans. 

    • Like 2
  21. A lot of great comments about the point changes, but here’s my take:

    Marauders are still king - there is still almost zero incentive to take something else over marauder unless you need to squeeze something in due to points.

    marauder horsemen (my favorite unit mind you) will now very rarely see game play...

    Karkadrak - yes it dropped in points, but it didn’t need to because of access to a rend -3 artifacts.  Helm of Many Eyes is “descent”...but not enough to make him worth taking. 

    Gaunt Summoner- I’m happy with the nerf, it was way too strong and now we are more apt to summon furies for board control, plaguebeareres for defense, pinks for Cabalist lists, and daemonettes/bloodletters for offense 

    Varanguard- honestly doesn’t change my views on them other than it’s still balanced with a unit of marauders.  260 will start to make them competitive, 250 I think ya the sweet spot

    Daemonfire Rift - needed to increase for sure, but is still an auto include.  LRL still laugh at it, and it’ll be the go-to bottled spell for KO.

    they didn’t address any of the books “issues” - marauder spam, warcry not having marks, aura system, DPs not having Mortal keyword and not working with 90% of the book.   

    • Like 1
  22. Quick question - Feast Day states “once per turn”, so just to verify, I can do it in my opponents turn too... 

    example...Battle Round 1: opponent Turn, My Turn...

    if my opponent charges a unit into me on their turn, they select a target to attack, then I select a target to attack, and then I can immediately use Feeding Frenzy on the unit that attacked, and can utilize Feast Day to do it for free.  
    Then, on my turn (still Battle Round 1), I can select a unit to attack, immediate use Feeding Frenzy to attack again, and utilize Feast Day again to do FF for free?? 


  23. 2 hours ago, SoSoCho said:

    Also the "thrones free summon" obly works on the ghoul king on foot ? No free summon from "gkotg and gkozd" ?

    Ghoul King and Archregent are able to use their summons next to the throne and not spend command points.  

    And, to the best of my reading comprehension, you are correct that the GKonTG/ZD do not get to use their command abilities for free.  

  24. 3 hours ago, RoyalDachshund said:

    Lads, anyone know any decent lists revolving around Archaon? I have an itch for painting this model :D

    So, because of the new release of LRL, I figured the only thing that “might be” competitive with them in the meta, I was planning on a Nurgle Archaon build.  HOWEVER, that was 24 hours prior to knowledge of the GHB2020 coming out this upcoming Saturday, so it’ll probably change.  But the list is as follows:


    Chaos Lord

    Chaos Sorc Lord

    Harbinger of Decay

    40 Marauders, 20 Marauders, 10 Marauder Horsmen w/ Javelin


    all marked Nurgle to take advantage of -1 hit General aura and +1 save from Warshrine.  Archaon also makes your army battleshock immune and gives a second CP per turn which counters 2 of LRLs new features (double cp spell and redirecting battleshock modifiers).  Harbinger and Warshrine give FNP, and Archaon’s Will of the Everchosen is a redundancy to both Sorc Lord and Warshrine.  

    no clue how this will look though with potential updated points, but we will see.

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