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Posts posted by Morhgoz

  1. 1 hour ago, Warfiend said:

    Very true, and if pure demons can't have a priest I'll have to convert a few.

    Maybe that new bloodletter hero IS a priest..?

    And when I did see that Altar, I thought "That would look cooler on wheels!"

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, KoalaSnok said:

    In grand court you dont get to pick command trait.

    Uuups, forgot that part... Well, it was around 4 in the morning when I did do that list or posted those comments.

    I might drop that terrorghast and palisade and adding 40 ghouls or 30 ghouls and that ghoul courtier. 40 ghouls could make decent anvil, yes?

  3. Damn, then I probably give The Dermal Robe to not general Archregent and change general's command for Dark Wizardy.

    And use Archregents to summon Ghouls and Ghoul King to summon Warghulf.

  4. My list:

    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
    - Grand Court: Blisterkin
    Abhorrant Archregent
    - General
    - Command Trait : Magestic Horror
    - Artefact : The Dermal Robe

    Abhorrant Archregent
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon

    - Artefact : Eye of Hysh
    - Mount Trait : Horribly Resilient

    Crypt Infernal Courtier
    3 x Crypt Flayers
    3 x Crypt Flayers
    3 x Crypt Flayers

    Royal Terrorgheist
    Chalice of Ushoran
    Cadaverous Barricade


    Second Archregent sits on throne, at least few rounds, for free summons, second one moves around where needed. Ghoul King summons just Varghulfs, Archregents either Ghouls, Varghulfs or Horrors/Flayers. I can have 3 summons per turn for one command point, leaving 2 extras to reserve when needed. Spells are probably Spectral Host for Ghoul King, Blood Feast for general and either Miasmal Shrouds or Spectral Host for  another Archregent.

    What do you think?

  5. 7 hours ago, Caladancid said:

    I am not sure what point you are trying to make.  In my post you quoted, I specifically say its about the Old World.

    Also, in the absence of lore in AoS, looking to the Old World seems to be better than nothing? That's like saying people couldn't read a novel about Khorne/Nurgle in the Old World and translate some of that to AoS.

    And it's great book,too! Highly recommend to read it! I have read it maybe 3-4 times and probably re-read again inside a month! (After I read Black Company series again and maybe P.I.Garret series, that should take couple weeks)

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Eevika said:

    You can get +2 bravery quit easily with Troggboss giving +1 normally and +2 with the correct trait in a 12" bubble around him

    Plus aren't loonshrine free? It gives you 12" Immunity bubble and that models is quite wide, like 8-10" at base I think.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Which are the Troggoths that puke on people?  That could be a good theme.  

    I just got into Bullgor heavy Beasts of Chaos but these Rockgut Troggoths are sounding better in many ways.  And WOW, love these new models!


  8. 11 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    I’ll put my old grognard hat on for a moment and inform you that is not correct.

    The fluff that orks are part fungoid and actually come from spores originated in the GorkaMorka offshoot of the 40k universe.  They created that fluff to give a good & simple foundation for that game since the Ork civilization were the survivors of a crashed space hulk.

    Then they brought that fluff into 40k when they did a big rework of the orks and made them more bestial and less comical.  Prior to that the 2nd edition ork codex specifically explained that orks had a symbiotic algae in their blood that made the blood green and also caused their skin coloration.  In addition, that algae was primarily what gave them their resistance to pain and injury.

    If you go farther back into the various Ork supplements in Rogue Trader such as Waaagh! Da Orks, Ere We Go, and Freebooterz, they had more explanation of Ork society.  Remember that 40k began life as a hybrid between a Role Playing Game and a Tabletop Wargame.  They spent a lot of effort on worldbuilding in Rogue Trader.  I assume that was partly due to the RPG roots, partly due to help make it more than simply Warhammer Fantasy in space (which is pretty much how it began), and partly because it was a new setting and needed a lot of worldbuilding up front.  There are a few scant references in those old Ork books to female orks and reproduction which was described more like pig/wolf litters, but it was still quite vague.

    In my recollection Fantasy never made an attempt to tackle this topic at all in the older editions.  They simply did not bother to mention it at all.  My fantasy experience only goes back to 4th edition and I don’t have any books older than that.  It may be the case that they described Orc reproduction in older editions or possibly in the RPG materials when Warhammer Fantasy was still just an RPG setting and not a battles war game.  It might also have been in an old White Dwarf.  Or they could just have taken the Tolkien/D&D route back then and not bother with that sort of thing.

    Fantasy eventually brought back the Slaan in 5th editions when they created the Lizardman and started up the Old Ones story.  But even then they did not tie the Orcs/Orks to the Old Ones and that edition predates the invention of the Spore-birth fluff.  They started to slowly flesh out the Old Ones story between 6th to 8th edition and it was during that time that the definitively said Orcs came from spores.  But there was a large limbo period where they did not reconcile that between 40k and Fantasy.

    For Age of Sigmar I have not seen definite fluff that continues or disclaims that Orruks come from spores.  If they have continued that in AoS then I would be interested to go read it - so if anyone can point me to it I would appreciate it.

    There are some old miniatures of orc townfolk from early 80's and those model had female orcs. Also half orcs where thing at 1st and 2nd, possible 3rd, too.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    So I had put my Goblin army on hold ever since the rumors of a book started making the rounds.  I spend a lot of effort on conversions for almost every army that I play (its a tough habit to break) and my goblin army is probably my most time-intensive and all-time favorite.  I decided to wait until we had a clearer picture about what units would be in the army and any new models coming out before I went all-in again.  Now that the book is coming soon I am already getting my stuff out of storage and my hobby space prepared so that I can start as soon as the book hits.  I will probably start knocking out bases for the basic moonclan grots before that as I have a billion of them and I know they won't really change much.

    I decided a while back that I would probably make a blog for it, and I think I would also like to make some tutorials for how I make cavern bases and various types of mushrooms (not just the ones that I purchase).  I spent a long time trying to figure out the best ways to theme bases as a fungal cavern and I don't mind sharing what I figured out if anyone else would be interested. 

    I'm just like you in many ways... I have been thinking about putting out blog for my models and terrain stuff and we are both old timers (I did start at end of 4th/starth 5th edition FB period). And we both have ideas how to make stuff etc. So I will start blog and you start blog, yours being more of fungal cave stuff and mine more of shadowy Ulgu  stuff, in the shadows of Ulgu's elven lords.  Damn, that will be fun! I will follow your staff, I can quarantee that!

    • Like 2
  10. 52 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    Honestly, at this point in my life my time is probably the most valuable resource that I have.  So if I can save some of it and still get the results that I want (or better results) then I will happily pay for it as cost is not much of an issue.  Other people have different priorities depending upon their situation.  

    I posted those links in case anyone else was interested in them.  If people would prefer to scratch build to save cash then thats great - but I am certain that not everyone does.

    Yep, I understand your points, for some one with limited time and money they are damn good. But some of as are damn poor (like me) and other of us just love to make everything possible by them self... I'm actually waiting to make those 100-300+ different mushrooms for my army and terrain, as making them will be fun(for me)!

  11. 51 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    I have to say that I don't like the Skragrott model that much.  Also I was never a fan of named heroes. I like creating my own heroes with their own backstory. A named hero instead always has some kind of backstory, which I can't influence.

    This is why I like unnamed heroes more than named ones.

    You can always do some crazy converted miniature  (like I do), write him nice backstory and name it, and use it as count as certain named character... I have used Ghazghull's stats for my crazy warboss in 40k for several edition now. Everyone who is real fan of this hobby will be trilled to play your count as thing , because they dig good story etc.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 45 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Sounds great.

    good luck then (am doing the same thing)

    I'm building them with Ulgu theme, like my Gloomspite Gitz, so I can have good background for them to fight each other. Also my Sylvainians and Wanderers are based to Ulgu.

  13. 1 hour ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    What was the problem with the beast lord command? I run one and he is a solid hero. He's really really good in gavespawn, since you can give him the unique artifact and he can pretty reliably one phase kill most heroes and trigger reroll failed hits and wounds. Sure, it can be situational, but it's a powerful buff to breyherd. Plus in gavespawn when he dies you get a spawn on anything but a one.

    Gavespawn are best! I'm re-building my beastmen (from mine and friend's old 6th ed beastmen armies) army for AoS and I did chose to do Khornate Gavespawn army. With 2 Beast Lords, lots of gors, chariots and centigors. And some spawns. Maybe add some bestigors later. Beast Lords are one of my favorite heroes on Chaos!

  14. 24 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Must resist army of Trolls lead by a few plucky Gobbos herding them around... 😍

    *sneaky voice under your bed* Ya can't resist, so join uz, ya git...

    I literary did see dream few nights ago, where little shadowy gobbo was moving under my bed mumbling some thing... 

  15. 1 hour ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    It maybe also funny to see if our stabbas will become like witch elves with all the bonuses we may get to stack on them with the sneaky snufflers, the brewgit and any spells that buff a unit. Would be quite scary if all of sudden we had 3 attack gobbos with a 4+ reroll 1s and a 3+ to wound! Maybe they will get a death frenzy type ability.


    Reminds my favorite deck build in MtG, Red mana gobbo horde which keeps growing and gets sane number of buffs...

  16. I have been playing with ideas and background for my Gloomspite Gitz and decided to base them probably to Ulgu or Shysh, or both. As seminomadic tribe(s) with dirt grey and browns as clothing colours and various light greens as skin colours. Planning to order Nighthaunt paint set and use those hunchback ghosts as base for character conversions. And build terrain with lots of dark rocks, cliffs and canyons with dark fir trees, mushrooms and swamps, so lot of los blocking terrain.

    • Like 3
  17. 6 hours ago, Sabotage! said:

    So some good news just came in from Dakka. Apparently someone over there called their GW rep about the Squig Hoppers and was told they are 10 to a box. Which makes the box a very good deal.

    That's damn good news, I might then buy those first! 

  18. 4 hours ago, svnvaldez said:

    Good for you I guess... ebay has a pretty standard 15% off all new GW kits fyi.

    Ebay's shipping fees are bit too high to here, making that option unatractive, plus every order over 20€ at that store gives you stamp and with 10 of those you get 20€ voucher. Plus you usually get your order delivered to you 2-3 days...

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