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Posts posted by SlyRebirth

  1. 27 minutes ago, CarkFish said:

    It's terrible UX if your not interested in the big new release and just want supplies 

    I don't think you're allowed to not be interested in the big new release...

    I'm also not particularly surprised it's been so AoS-lite recently - not even the event coverage this weekend gave a nod to AoS games from what I could tell. But it's really been an underwhelming release for a new version of a primary game - nothing actually new since Dominion, not even an actual 3.0 battletome for what will be about 10 weeks by the time the first ones drop.

    I realise they showed new models (and oh boy, what new models!) but it's a bit ridiculous, COVID delays or not. And now they're even telling 40k fans what to expect for new codexes for the rest of 2021, and telling Kill Team fans they have a roadmap of new content every three months.

    We don't even seem to be able to get any noteworthy rumours 😕

    • Like 4
  2. 8 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    In other words, GW's plan to sell me a book and scrolls twice in a short span, doubling those sales from about $75 to about $150, has likely resulted in their loss of $1000+ sales for an indeterminate amount of time, perhaps even permanently as my interest could easily wane as I await their release of the "actual" Battletome and scrolls.

    This is exactly me as well. I had been planning to finish off my Death alliance with the new Soulblight Gravelords range, and I like all the models... but... after the Lumineth (and, to be honest, Cursed City) releases I'll round out the Broken Realms series with the last book - but I'm not spending any more money until AoS3.

    And then, unless something changes in the interim, I'll be quite a bit more circumspect I think.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

    Anyone want to talk about the theory going around that Malekith is dead and possibly never existed at all? I'm still  suspicious of that WarCom article that implied so at the end. Along with Be'Lakor coming in and Morathi eating up most of the classic Dark Elves' old niches (in-universe and out), I'm not really sure where Malekith would fit in anymore.

    Did we ever get a steer on where the Tenebrael Shard and Mistweaver Saih would fit in?

  4. Fair enough - but they're still selling the 'old' battletome which they know will be superceded shortly.

    And, it rubs both ways... COVID also means there's been no opportunity to actually use the book or warscroll cards. It's unfortunate, I agree, but honestly I feel like there should be a bit more effort than "oh don't worry, you can just buy a different book" approach.

    I'll get off the soapbox now :)

  5. Great to see all the excitement for the new plastic - amazing models, so good...

    But is nobody a little concerned/annoyed that a battletome and warscrolls are superceded after less than a year? It's one thing to commit to a general's handbook every year, and I understand the logic of an annualised update for balancing purposes.

    However, I'm not overjoyed at having bought the book (as part of the lovely launch set) and the cards (separately) only to find I have to now buy another book (either BR:Teclis or the new battletome), while the warscroll cards will either only represent half an army, or if I buy the new ones, I'll have half an army of duplicates.

    I suspect this whole split-release is probably down to COVID issues with production or something, but there's also a risk that jumping into a new army on day/week/year one isn't sensible in case you're repurchasing within 12 months...


  6. Maybe worth changing the title of this thread since it's not a "Win your basket" competition. It's the less catchy variant "Have something in your basket and if you do, you're in with a chance of winning a bunch of stuff that you then tell GW you want when they contact the winners".

    Of course, nothing wrong with filling your basket with £300 of stuff you want (and sharing and discussing!) but this competition isn't that.

  7. I have no interest in warbands. I'd be really excited to actually see a new AoS armies though :)

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Rumour Engines won't mainly be for ancilliary games this year (though I'm happy for all the WarCry/Underworlds fans who have been getting lots of good stuff in the past 18 months+!)

  8. I'll post mine here too, even though it doesn't count. I'll bear it in mind if I attempt to join in again on the painting contract, but I'm probably going to go for a palette cleanser with some 40K in July.

    Anyway, here's June's results - a big chunk of my OBR army done. It's Petrifex Elite colours... don't hate me, I don't play competitively. I just went with this scheme because I didn't want another bone-coloured death army, and I thought this would be an interesting challenge.

    5 x Khavalos Deathriders:


    30 x Mortek Guard:


    And a group shot to round it out:


    Well done to everybody else who posted - some amazing models, very humbling and inspiring at the same time!

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