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Posts posted by Jazzbeaux

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hannibal said:

    The problem with Grashnaky Despoilers as well as generic Ungors is that both of these units can be fielded in a Nurgle army, meaning these units could lead to false assumptions regarding their rules.

    That is a good point, but I play with a very small number of players and am not planning on playing at a tournament.  However for those that do you are right.

  2. The Rotmire Creed have now been added to the WarCom Warscroll Builder for those that use it.  I have also been looking at alternate/proxy units for the Rotmires so that I don't have to duplicate figures too much.  I am looking to use the Underworlds beastman group, Grashraks Despoilers with a few additional Ungor Raiders.

    Grashrak as the Witherlord, axe dude as the Bloated One, spears as Carrion Catchers, then bows as the rest of them.  Need to check the base sizes unless anyone here knows them?


  3. So my purely speculative guessing on what the Rotmire Creed might be like. 

    Assuming they are Maggotkin they will get Diseased and Disgustingly Resilient.  Looking at them, they are lightly armoured, but fleshy.  There are a couple of interesting weapons, including a syringe and blowpipes.

    So perhaps move 5", faster than the rest of the Maggotkin, but slower than other Cultist groups.  Maybe 2 wounds each, but only a 6+ save with a 5++ from the Disgustingly Resilient.  4+ to hit, 4+ to wound seems standard.  A range 8" for blowpipes?  Maybe Mortal Wounds on a 6?  The syringe perhaps does D3 Mortals in melee, also on 6?  Then they can spread Disease Points like the rest of the Maggotkin.  Points?  90?  Current range for Cultists is between 70-110.


  4. 4 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

    Also want to add that i am no native english speaker. I had to read the new fighting in ranks rule 7 times and still kind of get it. 

    I can understand that, as a native english speaker it still had me confused.

    When checking range for melee weapons, if in a Galletian Veterans unit you can attack as long as the attacking model is within 1/2" of a model from the same unit that is within 1/2" of the enemy unit.

    Thats how I think it works.

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  5. Thanks for the reply.  I have joined the FB page.

    I am really looking for a group that my son (age 13) could join in, as he has been playing AoS with me but would like to stretch his wings a bit.

    I have just been asking on the FactoruM FB page (which is a good venue as you say) but they aren't looking to do junior events at the moment.

  6. 13 hours ago, Hannibal said:


    Well, the preview vid "this week in warhammer" or what it is called shows the table of contents:



    So every single unit entry is well known.


    It´s rather interesting that Lord of Afflictions as well as the Maggot Lords all fill a whole page with their warscrolls which is not mandatory with the recent scrolls. Does it mean we will see enhanced rules?


    Oh, and 3 pages for battle traits?!?

    I hadn't watched that, but good to know what is in the book.  I had thought that the Finecast figures would have been removed but they are still there.

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