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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


    OBR vs Sylvaneth



    I love both of these warbands, they really manage to capture a sense of twisted/defiled nature that fits the necroquake and age of the beast that’s been lacking in the range this edition.

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, SG Warhound said:

    Singapore Warhound


    They didn’t found me.

    They can't distinguish the East Asian lmao.


    Thanks,kawaii Japanese.



    I LEAK.




    That's either a soul-axe or a soul-hammer either way I'm getting into the Ruination Chamber.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Someravella said:

    Madness is GSG. Don't you remember the "Now it's personal?" DB short story?

    It's Warhammer, every faction has a character that has a personal beef with another faction. 

    1 hour ago, pitzok said:

    Too many mad factions, maybe they should see a psychiatrist?

    @pitzok please read above: If every "mad" faction went to a shrink and actually worked through their various issues and addiction, then odds are we would never have a warhammer game but some kind of modern DND/MTG setting where the worst thing that happens is someone says a bad word.

  4. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    "madness, grief, and ruin" maybe Madness is Khorne then? Aqshy-Shyish-GHR realms being smashed together?

    Madness= Khorne (Khul and/or Valkia whooping Hammerhal booty), Grief= Nighthaunt (Maybe Olynder is trying to make a power play before Arkhan and Nagash come to reset GA: Death's status quo?), Ruin =Rat-Things Yes-Yes (Massive refresh for Skaven, including new Verminlord, Skryre weapons teams, and hopefully Eshin goodness).

    56 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    good news: you can always tell when something is a marine

    bad news: ...you can always tell when something is a marine

    Good thing I managed to get a hold of a HH Night Lords Terminator Praetor/Lord, I do not feel the call of a new leader for my war bands just yet.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Cryptborn said:

    I might be too late to add to the Chorfs discussion, but honestly it saddens me a bit knowing that their aesthetic will probably be different when they get released in AOS (like it happened with HE -> Lumineth and Empire -> CoS).

    I say this because their Mesopotamian inspired look is already quite distinct compared to other fantasy races, and their depiction in Total War is everything I wanted from them.

    Like seriously GW, I would spend SO MUCH MONEY in an army of this particular angry midgets: 


    I would literally run an entire army of the K'daai mixed with the daemon trains and the dual axe wielding Infernal Guard. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Preppikoma said:

    On the Abraxia introduction, she will probably come in a set with Varanguards, Ionus-style. (Educated wishlisting as I'm still waiting what, 8 years, for the cavalry being included in a discount box xD)

    I hope you're right about Apraxia @Preppikoma, mainly because I plan on using her as the base of a slaanesh/soulblight Demi-Goddess kit bash. 

    • LOVE IT! 2
  7. 34 minutes ago, Danaork said:

    I hope There's more fight scenes in the cinematic for 4rth edition than in 3rd.

    Personally I'm just hoping we get a similar campaign to the one that Space Marines and Nids got: where it ties into whose tome and new kits got revealed first. Judging by how many fans the rat-boys have (myself included), I know the answer already....

    • Like 2
  8. 17 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Not only Death. Almost all the warbands have been following that theme as well.

    True, but the other factions have their guys hunting for knowledge, defending their lands, or even just scouting out territory, death has entirely been about hunting monsters/souls.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    It is the end of the hunting season. Enjoy.

    But what comes after hunting season? Are we going back to the eightpoints to spin Archaon’s block? Is Ulgu bout to become Chiraq? I need to know!!!

  10. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Unfortunately I agree. For me Underworlds is the least interesting of the AOS games.

    I've said it once and I'll say it again: Underworlds is where GW experiments with new aesthetics and releases alternate hero sculpts.

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