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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 16 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    First of all remove the Slayer Crest, and replace it with the most elaborate hat you can find. Ironically I'd actually recommend waiting until the Elves with the giant bull headed helmets come out and seeing if you can co-opt one of those! If Dawi Zharr kept Books of Grudges then the fact that the elves with giant warhammers are walking around with icons of our Chaos God on their head would be right up there with the fact that the Beasts of Chaos got the massive metal bull that's on fire endless spell!

    Then again, maybe the fact that the Elves are walking around with icons of our Chaos God on their head is actually all part of the plan, and shows that they are slowly being corrupted from within despite, or perhaps because of, their supposed enlightenment. Who knows? (Apart from the Father of Darkness obviously...)

    Secondly he needs back banners! It used to be possible to source second hand ones fairly cheaply, but I've not tried for a while, so don't know if that it still true. If not then it shouldn't be too hard to make some.

    He then needs to be standing on something other than a pile of skaven, Maybe flames, maybe bodies of a different sort, perhaps the back of one of those giant flaming bulls the Beasts of Chaos got! So long as its on fire Hashut should approve.

    I was planning on using thousand sons bits for the conversion, as it ties into my ongoing chaos kharadron fleet:

    I was planning on making him stand on either a giant treasure chest or a dead Tzaangor, showing Hashut triumphing over one of the major powers.


    Please don’t mention the cow elves, it’s taking all my will power to avoid buying and converting them as my next army.

    • Like 1
  2. Oh, so you wish to know about the Ash-kin beardling? Well let me order another round and I’ll gladly tell you a tale of those damned souls. 

    it’s no secret our bodies do not mutate as quickly as the umgi, but when we do it is quite the spectacle to behold.

    If you believe the grumblings of Barak Thryng, then the Ash-kin are a part of the remnants of Barak Easifa, and a grim reminder of what happens when one betrays the Ancestor Gods, but I’m not so sure of that. What I do know is that they’re an absolute terror.

    From the moment they’re borne their bodies are becoming part of the storm that consumed their sky port, and it is only through the transfusion of souls and Aether Gold do these twisted beings manage to live past a century.

    Another thing I can tell you that’s there’s always an easy way to pick out these damned cousins of ours, they’re always wearing these Grungi Damned huge hats.......


    ladies and gentlemen I give you Haz-Dereth the Poisonous, aether khemist and priest of Hashut. Though he’s mostly made up of Thousand sons parts I assure you this beast is loyal only to Hashut and his greed. EF747359-148D-4EB4-B659-B96E5F665CF5.jpeg.1a149c04bd4694bb83bdeec891f49a3c.jpeg


    up next for the fleet I’ll be converting a group of arkanauts as well as a navigator, and I’ll also post a shot of a soon to be fully painted Feraq! 

    after that I plan on adding two more gunhaulers, a frigate, a unit of five thunderers, and The Avatar of Greed: a Gotrek Conversion(need I say more?). Till then stick around!

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  3. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Mate thank you so much for the support, I'm over the moon with the announcement today and having other Members such as yourself happy for my excitement and joy makes it all the more sweeter. Thanks again mate I truly appreciate it.

     We’ve all had that one army man, no need to thank us.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    Finally a thread of our own. 

    So with the hopefully more traditional Dwarf army for AoS coming sometime what kind of units do you imagine would be in it?  You can think out of the box (Cow Mountains).

    I hope for a Grungi center piece and Golems at the very least.

    Since I'm one of the "evil" guys on this thread(though Grungi abandoned us), Im hoping for some plastic Chaos Dwarfs.

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  5. 18 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Btw, if we count Allarielle as an Aelf, the pointy ears are going to have 2 Gods on the game soon!!!! That's another line in the Grudge Book!!!! 

    While adding a Grudge is always a good thing, technically we have the elgi outnumbered divinity wise as Gotrek is easily worth a pantheon of the pointy ears.

  6. 13 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    My Chaos Dwarves and Dispossessed Dwarves are all completely painted. Thus the only dwarven project I've got on the table at present is adding the relevant half of an Aetherwar box to my Kharadron skyfleet.

    I keep eyeing Fyreslayers, but have yet to branch out beyond the Forge and Magmadroth. The forge presently goes with my two anvils of doom, and the magmadroth tends to be ridden by Chaos Dwarves as a stand in for a K'daii destroyer. Once i've finished a few more projects their time will come and I'll actually buy some troops to make a proper fyreslayers army.

    can I see a picture of your guys? I don't really see a lot of chaos dwarf conversions on this site.

  7. 10 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Indeed, and in "A Dirge of Dust and Steel" Shyish duardin worshipping a death diety are able to bring him back through faith to drag a Slaanesh daemon into the underworld even though their Stormcast allies noted Nagash had long since devoured their god. Their response was "What is death to a god? Dust and less than dust."

    So being devoured by Nagash isn't permanent as long as faith remains to have those death gods manifest in some way even though it may be as a assimilated aspect of the Undying King himself.

    That's really an important thing to remember with the Mortal Realms gods, it's actually more that they're the realms themselves but can use avatars to physically appear and through different faiths can spawn different ones for different followers like God-king Sigmar as a golden god for most Azyrites while the Crawling City made a Sigmar worm god aspect and the Vurm-tai raiders of the amber steppes worship him as wraithful storm god Zig-mah who helps them capture merchants and prey.

    Nagash has a great list as an example:

    He has a number of aspects for like Sigmar he contains multitudes - All are one in Nagash and Nagash is all.

    Black Priest: He who gives succour to those whose deaths are too painful to be borne. 

    Nagash-Mor: Calm and silent, he weighs the hearts of dead souls against a feather

    Nagash unbound: A titan of death who strides across a field of corpses and wherever his shadow falls the dead rise and walk, ravening for the flesh of the living.

    The Forlorn Child: He leads those who die before their allotted time to gentle slumber.

    The Undying King: He leads the nine hundred and ninety-nine legions to war and walks in every man’s shadow and wades in every man's blood. The one who draws up the bodies of the enemy and hurls them back at their allies and who will not rest until the realm of death is scoured clean of false life.

    And then there's this art of Grimnir's aspect being warped by Flesh Eater faith.


    "No, it's just that in this particular image, he is witness to a battle where the Fireslayers are losing. Since the Gods are powered and shaped by belief, the death of the Fireslayers, who picture him as a giant flaming dwarf, is slowly being replaced by the picture of him as whatever the Flesh Eaters might see him as.

    On the other hand, if it was Nagash who was witness to this battle, and the Fireslayers were winning instead of losing, Nagash might appear as a giant, burning skeleton."

    Two final notes.

    One, Gorkamorka does already split into Gork and Mork when they begin to argue, it's been that way even since Sigmar saved them in the Age of Myth from the original god-beast of Ghur (a great blob of sentient amber) and after being saved Gorkamorka punched out Dracothion and fought Sigmar whose blow split them in twain but when they're in agreement and ready to unleash waaaghs they become Gorkamorka. Also, Taal was mentioned in "Sacrosanct and other stories", he was a minor diety that was worshipped by tribal kingdoms in the realm of beasts among several other deities that were  also forgotten in the Age of Chaos which saw the kingdoms destroyed and things like their sentient mammoth allies they traded labor for food with corrupted into mindless monsters. Some may still worship them but many had to go to stronger faiths to protect them from Chaos like Sigmar or Nagash.

    Two, I think Nagash is fine for now as he does unify the faction and his aspects cover the death god bases enough. I'd say wait until much after the Soul Wars before having Nagash take a step back and other death gods carve out their places in the underworlds but with the ever looming threat of Nagash regaining his momentum and pulling them back into him. Him as a god of death juggernaut that's making chaos think twice is really good for the current plot and adding variety to the wars.

    I will say I want more God-beasts but it's looking like that's in the cards with the Lumineth spirits getting more attention and the Sons in the near future. Definitely more of that and the original dieties of the realms before Sigmar and his pantheon arrived.

    what tome is that from?

  8. 1 hour ago, michu said:

    And to go back to rumours. As Katakros invaded All-points maybe it's not WHU warband but a Warcry one?



    Maybe it’s the remnants of the chaos armies the OBR tore into grabbing the weapons of “dead” legionaries, fighting to get back home in order to prove to Archaon they’re the most resilient fighters around.

  9. 7 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    I‘ve been thinking about why these aelves bother me so much. So I‘ll share my opinion one last time and then let the topic rest:

    GW teases us with story bits of a new High Elf faction. Then we get to see 3 Units that actually look like really well re-imagined High Aelves (Spearmen, Riders, Eltharion).

    And then we get more Lore about how the Lumineth tried to remake the culture of Ulthuan.

    The next release is suddenly rather weird and very Arabic (Teclis).

    Then the whole faction makes a 180 degree turn and suddenly is tibethan and Chinese.

    And then they build giant Cow spirits!?

    what was that part about Ulthuan? Why are these even called aelves!? Why were we teased with new high aelves just to be shown the middle finger with something that‘s totally not even their aesthetic anymore? Imo that was a pretty mean deception towards us as customers.

    I‘d like the cow spirit in pretty much any other army, it‘s a good model. If they‘d just said: Well, here‘s a new faction and they‘re not even aelves but cow people so we can expand our business more towards the Asian market. That‘d be fine. But don‘t tease your customers with new somewhat high aelves just to show them the middle finger and Kick them out of the door with the final message „High Aelves are dead, fool, what were you thinking?“


    that‘s my last word on this

    They probably did this just to watch guys on boards like this go crazy with all the bitching and moaning they’re doing. So you don’t like their design, where does it say you have to buy them?

    • Like 7
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  10. 9 hours ago, ShadowSwordmaster said:

    Keep in mind that animal imagery or themes is nothing new in both the Old World and in AoS and there is overlapping with different factions.  Also, Slaanesh should not have a monopoly on bovine related stuff for the most part as there is different kinds of bovines like Yaks, Bison, and so on.


    You’re right, only Hashut should hold the right to such a monopoly*laughs in chaos dwarf*.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Nos said:

    The cow angle is weird.

    I liked how new Slaanesh incorporated a lot of Aelf, given the genesis of that whole arc.

    But Aelf incorporating Slaanesh the other way round seems a weird choice.  

    Cool model though.

    Looking  back at the last east Slaanesh models I see your point, this is messed up.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    I'm really wanting to do something for Azghor guys but I wonder what you could do to really set this model in with the force. I mean the bull head and mountain pads are pretty much perfect, but obviously the design is more Aelf than Duradin. 🤔

    Well, as the saying goes “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

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