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Posts posted by Thaliontil

  1. An alternative (and optimistic) point of view: they have previewed everything revealed at LVO and most of the things from the first online preview. With, theoretically, 4 weeks to go before the preorder of 9th edition, there should be a slot for Pariah (next PA book) and then what is left from the previews: Lumineth, Blood Bowl and Scions of the Flame. My bet is on next week.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    The lack of a normal melee hero is unusual for sure. 

    I guess they might think the unit champions are a bit like that. They also put all of them as leaders in the Warcry band which is afaik unusual. Of course they are not the same thing a stand alone unit hero. 

    What I'm interested in is if this is connected to the Lumineth lore. Very often these characters are like noble champions (kings, princesses, generals with an aristocratic background), but maybe that thing is not there anymore in the Lumineth society. So champions connected to their unit, and mystical mages might make more sense for a Teclis faction. Of course that doesn't mean they couldn't have made a melee hero (and a lore was 100% not the reason why it didn't happen), but it might fit in the end. It might have just been something to make the faction a bit distinctive from others, so that not most follow the same formula. 

    Or it could also have something to do with the possible Tyrion faction in the future, 100% will be more melee focused that Teclis one. 

    And yeah, really hopefully this Sunday will bring our announcement. 

    This is really interesting. I have been thinking that, perhaps, some of those champions can act not only as leaders of their units, but as hero options on their own. For example, with the Sanguinary Guard in WH40K, you can turn one of the 5 miniatures into an "ancient", which is a character, and not part of the unit. This would solve the problem of few warscrolls and allow for some cool conversions of said champions to make them look as characters, instead of leaders of their units. However, given that unit sizes in AoS are less flexible than in 40K (So if you take 1 warden out of your unit of 10 you are effectively handicapping yourself without any reduction in points) , I don't think that this is going to be the case, but would love to see it.

    • Like 3
  3. What I can't understand is the complete lack of articles/information not only on the Lumineth, but on AoS in general. I play 40k, and I love it, but even though you are releasing the new edition soon, shouldn't they, at least, save a couple of the 15/16 articles they upload per week to give something to players from their other main game?

    • Like 3
  4. Well, as expected, this week has been almost exclusively 40K focused, so I hope that the next is definitely the pure-Lumineth (with, perhaps, an article or two about 9th edition, which is their main product, in the end) week. I really hope that we get a nice look at minis, alternative color schemes, more detailed rules than those in the WD and...why not keeping the flame of hope alive and seeing that non-named character and another elite unit?

    • Like 3
  5. 53 minutes ago, valenswift said:

    Hoping ours is the first release on 6th June,  can't wait to get my hands on that sweet army box :)

    I hope so too! But i'm a bit worried, seeing that the banner of the article shows the Zoat, new AdMech and Aeronautica Imperialis...Worsdt case, I guess we will get the box on the 13th ^^

  6. Well, I guess that (again) it's mostly wishful thinking, but given that the Endless spells where nowhere to be seen in previous photos (Or, at least, I don't recall any image where they were visible), and that with 10 warscrolls it would be a smaller release than Ossiarchs/Idoneth, I think it is very plausible that they have kept hidden a couple of units to show when they are finally available to pre-order.

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  7. Same. My hope/wishful thinking is that they were using these two weeks to replenish stock in as many LGS as they could and now, with a possible re-opening on the factory in the horizon (depending on what Johnson says today), they are going to start releasing the new things that they had in the warehouse (AKA the new miniatures of the Mechanicus and the Battlebox of the Lumineth). Let's see what WH Community says today ^^

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  8. Back when I started playing Warhammer Fantasy I loved Tyrion (and I thought that his miniature was one of the most stunning of all of the range). However, I think that Teclis is a far more interesting character, both in the previous setting and in this one (Although it is true that Tyrion hasn't had a chance to develop). However, I don't think that GW doesn't have a plan for him, as it would be weird for one of the most well-known characters of one of their best-known factions. I think that the lack of mentions of Tyrion in this release is due to two reasons:

    1) They do not want to put all eggs on the same basket. If they release both Tyrion and Teclis now, the Lumineth won't have any "big new shiny thing" to look for in the future. Similar to what happens in 40K with Primarchs. If everybody gets their Lords of War at the beginning, then it is difficult to maintain that state of constant hype.

    2) As someone has mentioned before, it is very plausible that 2021 sees a campaign related to Slaanesh. AoS 2.0 is, more or less, in the state of 40k one year ago, with all codexes released, so it wouldn't surprise me if GW decides to go "Psychic Awakening" with AoS to release updates for battletomes in need of renovation (Idoneth or Stormcast, for instance) through campaign books, which would come with some miniatures. Fall of Excelsis and "Slaanesh released" come to mind. Tyrion/New units for Lumineth and Idoneth could come with this format.


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  9. Also, the WD comes with a Lumineth battle report! How do you think they are going to handle this? Either the re-opening of the factory is sooner than expected, they have battleboxes in the warehouse or they are going to release the online battletome first, perhaps? (Sorry for doble post, if it is not allowed, i will edit previous one)



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  10. 10 hours ago, woolf said:

    seems to me there should be 2 more kits/warscrolls based on:

    Alarith Stonemage

    Alarith Spirit of the Mountain

    Alarith Stoneguard

    Scinari Cathallar


    ie Alarith =3x, Scinari so far = 1x, and Hysh is all about symmetry right?

    This. It would be very weird that we would only get 10 warscrolls, with the Lumineth been the "spiritual successor" of one of the most beloved WHFB armies + the long teasing campaign. I would say that there will be a Scinari hero and a Scinari "Ellyrion Reavers". 12 warscrolls, terrain, endless spell and the possibility of allying with other elvish factions such as the Phoenix Temple. Obviously, if the release ends up being only this, I will be disappointed, but I am waiting till we actually get the date of the release to criticize if that is the case. Although I agree with GW handling poorly the communication regarding this army, or even stretching too much the reveal period, I understand that Covid-19 has created a disruption which is very difficult to manage properly (By governments, business or even ourselves in our personal lives). So, let's hope that GW can safely re-start their production soon and see if we get anything else.

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  11. I was also a bit disappointed with nothing else but the battlebox today, but we have to understand how difficult it must be to readjust the schedule of releases while keeping the hype with everything in lockdown and no signs of re-opening of their factories and shops in, at least, two weeks. I hope that, following the reveal of one of our allegiance abilities, they will start revealing some warscrolls or spells, with a couple more models, at least, on the preview of the 18th April. So looking forward to having this army!

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