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Posts posted by Tsorg

  1. 4 minutes ago, Kelsicle said:

    That’s a good question. I know that models lost to battleshock count as being slain and so rules that are worded regarding slain models are triggered.

    Id say the intent of the rule would be to only trigger when a units attacks destroy an enemy unit, but the wording is ambiguous. Someone with more experience may be able to clarify.

    Yup, as for lore Knights Excelsior units are mostly hard hitting retributors turning enemy to ash but becouse of the rules I feel cheated whenever for instance 20 model unit gets 19 models destroyed, one flee and I get nothing from that trait. So far I am playing as whenever I destroy a unit in combat I get the benefit. Any thought Stormcast players ?

  2. I've got a rules question. When playing as Knights Excelsior for instance against Khorne I manage to kill so many models in his unit that it routs. Do I get the benefit from Storm of Annihilation or no ? In Blades of Khorne "Blood of the Blood God!" wording it says "whenever a unit is destroyed" so obviously he gets the Blood Tithe point.  Furthermore if more than one unit of mine makes attacks against a unit that routs they all would get the benefit if the answer to the first question is yes.


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