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Posts posted by Cedricisme

  1. On 8/9/2018 at 5:13 AM, someone2040 said:

    The Amber Battlemage's Wildform only affects attacks made in the combat phase, so you can't use it to get Crossbows rending on 4's.

    Oh damn ! I was thinking a little bit too big I guess :B.  Thanks for correcting me.

    4 hours ago, Talarian said:

    1. I’m building my army up for an escalation league and was seriously debating crossbowman vs rifles. 

    Supposedly crossbowman are without a doubt better this edition. Now, is it only the case because they get two attacks at over 20 models? What if you only have a unit of 20, would it be better to run rifles? 


    So... I thought that generally crossbowmen was better for offensive purpose and handgunners better for being defensive. But, I wasn't sure so I used Mathhammer and there's the results:

    - 30x Crossbowmen with 60 shots with no modifiers on the to hits or to wounds (4+/4+), have an average of 7.5 wounds (that don't count the -1 rend on 6+ to wound) against 4+ save. But when they're under 20, they get only 2.37 wounds in average at 19 shots against 4+ save.

    - 30x Handgunners with 30 shots when they move, so 4+/3+, have an average of 6.67 wounds against 4+ save. BUT, if they don't move, they'll hit on 3+ so the average go up to 8.89 wounds against 4+ save.

    In conclusion, I think I was right to use crossbowmen offensively and handgunners defensively. Because, when you move your handgunners they're really less efficient than if they doesnt move in the turn. So they're at their best when they can shoot at a charging ennemy (Great compagnies FTW). Crossbowmen are still effective even if they moved and with their 20" range its a 25" range of potentiel shooting turn one (considering that most of the scenario gives you an average of 24"  and less between you and the other player). So they can be use offensively for shooting at the ennemy before they get reck and  killed. Perfect for flanking or take control of the mid table.

    My advice ? Use both. One compagny with crossbowmen and the other with handgunners to keep warm and safe your precious objectives. 

    4 hours ago, Talarian said:

    2. Greatswords are a fantastic model. Does anyone use them? Are they any good? Or has their role been replaced by guard with halberds?

    I play them and I love them, they look so good on the table ! But honestly... They never really did something.. Generally my opponent kill them before I can go on close combat.  But, when I use them in a pack of 10 suddenly they're not a big deal to my opponents and in my previous games they let them live.  So I use them defensively in a great compagnie with 30 handgunners and 20 guards with shields as an anvil. When they get to close combat, if you've your general within 14"... 2 attacks 3+/3+ -1 rend is something that speak for itself.... even with 10 models they can deal a bunch of damage, 6.22 wounds to be exact against 4+ save. So try it for yourself but I think it's not bad to play them. Probably better in 2000pts game though...

  2. 1 minute ago, SilverJelly said:

    Crossbowmen no longer get double attacks for have 20+ models. They get +1 to attack for 20+ models. 

    Yes I know but in the end they have twice more attacks whatever.... That's why I said "double" :P.


    17 hours ago, Talarian said:

    I dig the second list! I might try something similar :) 

    but why the second general? 

    Im new to AoS so forgive the noob questions. 

    Why pick the Ghyran realm? Isn’t the point of realms to choose artifacts? I didn’t notice any in yor list. 

    Thanks for the insight! Excited to build my army. 

    Think I might build up to your second list eventually with some modifications perhaps to fit in a second general on Griffon!

    I think he use the second general for keeping the banner buff and command ability in range and ready to use. Now, with command points you can use the command abilities of all FP heroes so its worth it to get two Freeguild general. And he can do some -2 rend damage with his great weapon, that's a nice addition if you want to be more agressive on a flank.

    Don't hesitate to ask questions, we're here to learn so its normal :). If you want my tips with FP, use crossbowmen...lots of them. With the FAQs they are really better than they were in the previous GHB. My real competitive list consist of two great compagnies with 20 guard each and  2x 30 crossbowmen. I use an Amber battlemage for boosting the wounds rolls for one of my pack and combine with the command ability of your general, you get them rend on a 4+ to wound. So one pack can do an average of 33 wounds which 16 of them with a -1 to rend... at 20" of range this is really a nasty combo. Even without rend, they're more effective than handgunners because they can double their attacks if they're more than 20. Of course, below that, they're really less effective but still, 20" of range can always be useful. 


    Another tips, use a Luminark of Hysh if you can fit it. You will have a lots of models on the table and no protection against mortal wounds.. so the Luminark can give you that protection and honestly, on 40 models a 6+ save can save you enough guys to keep them running. Plus, you have a wizard free with it and a bonus to unbound. 

  4. Hi pals !

    Since AoS 2.0, I have played few games with my free people and I was wandering on this forum for some insight and ideas for a competitive list (as far competitive the FP can be).

    So, I just want to give you my feedback on my last game. I've been highly inspire by the list @Origin had post here a couple days ago. With the "wholly within" thing and the new rules for controlling the objectives in most scenarios (more models within 6"), I think the batallion is now something we can consider. This is the list I have played last evening:


    Froufrou's nation:

    Allegiance: Free people

    Ally points: 120pts/400pts

    Extra command points: 2 pts


    - Freeguild general w/Warhorse w/Banner w/Sigmarite weapon w/Shield

    • Command trait: Indomitable
    • Artefact: Lucky stone

    -Freeguild general on gryphon w/Sigmarite greathammer w/Shield

    • Artefact: Meteoric armour

    - Battlemage



    - 20x Freeguild guards w/Sword  w/Shield

    - 20x Freeguild guards w/Sword w/Shield

    - 10x Freeguild guards w/Haldberds w/Shield

    - 3x 10x Freeguild handgunners w/Long rifle

    - 10x Freeguild greatswords

    - 3x Demigryph knights w/Lances


    Others units:

    - 10x Freeguild outriders

    -10x Freeguild pistoliers


    Warscrolls battalion:

    - Freeguild regiment


    Endless spells:

    - Malevolent maeslstrom


    Total points: 1950pts/2000pts




    My main strategy on this list, is to use 2 great compagnies. The first, which I use for my anvil, is  20 guards, 10 handgunners, 10 handgunners backup by the Freeguild general with indomitable. Second one, is 20 guards, 10 guards with halberds and 10 handgunners with 10 greatswords which I use for my hammer. My big hamme tho, is  my Freeguild on gryphon, my demigryph, pistoliers and outriders. They are capable of a good damage output and  they were always feared in my games.

    My opponent was playing Tzeencht. The scenario was Borderline war, no battlerealms or artefacts of the realms. With the nerf bat Tzeencht got, he gets less models on the table as he has before the 2.0. Though, Tzaangors are still a great unit and can be really dangerous. So in the first battlerounds, I’ve managed to get my left flank completely destroyed (bad luck on my side, good luck on his... sometimes that’s all you need to **** up.). But, I have slow is unit of 20 Tzaangors on foot and meanwhile, I managed to get control on the right flank, where he was having 10 pink horrors, 3 flamers and one gaunt summoner (A.K.A. The Toaster). So after a couple of rounds, he have blasted his tzaangors on my great compagnie (20 guards, 2x handgunners) who had stay on my side objective and I managed to get his objectif with a reckless move and I won by 2 points because of that. 


    Overall, It was a competitive game with casual list and I think that if my opponent had play a harsher list, I don’t think victory will had be mine. But in the end, I feel like the battalion was very stronger than my memories (back to the v1.0 before GHB 2017). Playing with great compagnies as their minimum is something really more manageable and easier to move. I feel like you get more ground control on the objectives than playing with big great compagnies, and still having some power for counterattack the ennemy ! And the "wholly within" feel more like a up than a nerf.  Anyways, I was thinking of playing the same list this evening but with two generals on warhorse and one excelsor priest (to get at least, 1 undbound) without the endless spell and the battlemage. My opponent will be a Sylvaneth player, so I think it will be a harder match up than Tzeencht.



    If you want to, I can give you my feedback on the battalion after my next game.

    But I was wondering, how do you play the battalion ? 



  5. On 13/04/2018 at 7:49 AM, Mayple said:

    I will :) I'll try to get ahold of it sometime next week. 

    How does it handle hordes? I play skaven, so my model count quickly goes above 200.

    And what about terrain? Is it all flat, or?

    For hordes it's a little bit tricky but I handled it nicely after my first two games (I play Free people). The hard part is when you'll have to move an entire unit into a scenery. You'll have to go one by one in those situation. 

    For the terrain, it's situational. Somes maps are flat, somes have hills... You can also add your "touches personnelles"  in the maps by adding terrain you will choose. I have made a pretty nice maps with hills, forest, ruins and sanctuary places. It's look really nice and its easy to move your units throught. You can also find tons of maps in the steamworkshop. But beware, somes doesnt have the exact size of a standard Warhammer map (6'x4'). 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Thundercake said:

    Are the armies prebuilt or can you add whatever units you want to? Sorry, I don't know how the pieces part of the simulator works.

    The armies are all prebuild directly on the steamworkshop. I'll explain the whole game :




    For the gameplay, the game is a "sandbox" so the controls are designed to reproduce a realism at the level of manipulation. I mean that when you play a game, Tabletop simulator is like playing in real life but with your mouse and keyboard. So, at first is a little hard on the manip but after two games, I'm personally very skilled. The games are faster once you mastered the controls (especially if one plays an army with many models) and one is not mistaken for the measurements. Speaking of that, they have a tool built into the controls to measure distances. We simply draw a line and we have, in real time, the measurement of the line in inches. In addition, you can create many items in the game to facilitate actions. For example: a big wooden box that automatically calculates the dice results when thrown in or a ruler in inches for moves.


    Here is a battle report of a game on Tabletop simulator:




    To acquire the armies, it is necessary to browse the mods available for this game. On Steam, each game that can have mods has a "steamworkshop" section. This section brings together all community mods for the community. We can find there all the armies of AoS and 40k. For AoS the majority of the armies are done in 2D whereas for 40k we find 3D models extremely detailed ... The quality goes with the popularity I must believe .. It also includes 6'x4 'maps for playing our games.


    Here is the link for the game:




    And the link for the workshop containing all the mods, so there's the place where you'll find your army :




    Once in Tabletop simulator with the mods added, we create a game, we load the mods and we register the units in our objects. That way, we can add them to our future games. After all that, if you are interested and you buy the game, let me know! We can connect to a voice chat, introduce ourself and we can do a little game  for learn the basic manipulations :). In addition, as I mentioned, the game is a "must" because in addition to being able to play AoS and 40k, you can find almost all existing boardgames on the planet! So this is an ideal platform to test games to see if they are worth the trouble we add them to our collection :)!


    There's a little video I just made for you all to make this all clear. My first language is french so I'm terribly sorry for the bad speaking and the nasty accent :).

    If you want a more detailed video on the manipulations, stand up and tell me, I'll do one.


    This is another one, maybe more clear than the first but with potato quality:


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  7. Hi !

    I've recently discovered that you can play Age of Sigmar online ! I'm really excited about this because I'm don't have a time schedule that's fit with my local gameclub AoS games. It all in tabletop simulator, a sandbox game focus on boardgames which you can buy on Steam. The game have a huge modders community who make tons of mods. In thoses, I have found all AoS armies and several 6'x4' maps for a nice little game. I know, this is not like a real game with our models but, seriously, that game do a great job ! I've played two games with a friend, one  at 1000pts and the other at 2000pts, and we were really satisfied of our games. 


    I was wondering if any of you will be down to play somes games on it ?

    We can connect on Discord, introduce ourself and have a great time on tabletop !

    What do you think about it ?

    Let me know if you want more informations or if you have any questions ! And by the way, its the perfect thing to use for playtests some armies and lists before get the models you don't have (I don't like proxy models in my games).


    Cheers !

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