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The Mysterious Mr B

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Posts posted by The Mysterious Mr B

  1. 4 hours ago, Blueraven84 said:

    Heavy spoilers about latest WD: There is a story in the latest wd, where Grungni is watching suffering of duardin through ages.

    Everyone else is fleeing to Azyrheim for the coming chaos, but main point of story is duardin are made of stronger stuff. In the end he makes Grombrindal in his forge to unite duardin.


    Time for the Dispossessed to become the Repossessed! 

    Maybe my theory about the meaning of Grungni 'shaking up the pantheon' is more accurate than even I thought.

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  2. I know Grungni was involved on the (re)forging of the new type of Stromcast, but when I read this I immediately thought a new Duardin faction could be in the works.


    Shaking up the balance of the pantheon? Sounds more than just him helping Sigmar. That wouldn't really be shaking up the balance. And by this point the new Stormcast have already been talked about, so is this something else...?

    Rumours for the Rumour Throne! Uh, rumour thread, sorry.

    From this, by the way, bottom right on the penultimate spread:


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  3. The various tribes of the Eightpoints (i.e. the Warcry warbands) have differing interpretations of who or what they each worship, and focus on differing aspects of Chaos as a whole and each individual Chaos god. I can't point to a specific example at the moment but I'm sure somewhere it at least hints at the Chaos god they are worshipping not always being the same. For example, maybe the Untamed Beasts worship Khorne without necessarily knowing it when they fight, then worship Slaanesh when they do something excessive, and so on. 

    I might have imagined it but there might be something similar inplied for Slaves to Darkness in their battletome and general lore - which god they worship at any time being more fluid for some segments of their society than for others. That would make sense for any followers of Archon, considering he is champion of the pantheon! 

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  4. I'm going to contradict my previous answer now because humans are fallible and we are capable of complex, situational thought. 😁

    Technically the letter of the law states 'Thle unit can then move up to that distance in inches'. If you roll a 1 to run and decide to move 0, that is still 'up to' 1. You have already declared you are running so the run sequence has started and you have moved 'up to' whatever you rolled. So in that respect, you have 'run' a distance of 0". 

    Note the word 'technically' and the phrase 'letter of the law'. If you're at a tournament, maybe stick to rules as written unless a judge says otherwise or the opponent is gracious enough to offer a take-back without you even asking.

    However, in your original question you mentioned you were at your gaming group. Surely we have to allow ourselves a bit of relaxation within our local gaming groups, playing by the spirit of the law in a way that is still fair and fun. In combat, if a soldier says 'Let's leg it!' and then realises that his unit wouldn't be able to run as far as he was hoping and it would be better for them to keep fighting a bit longer, they'd just keep fighting and still be able to do anything they would have been able to do had he not said anything and the result was the same - they remain in combat. 

    At a local club or game store, Wheaton's Law must surely be the most important rule for any player.

  5. To some degree (note the emphasis) it's down to your personal preference. Do you want it to feel like a skirmish game? Then build and play your army in that way. Do you want to it feel more rank and file? Then build and play with that in mind. You can't control what the opponent does, but if your half of the game feels that way to you, you're halfway there. 50% might be the best you're going to get.
    Of course, you'd still be playing within a ruleset that you personally feels skewed more skirmish or less skirmish, however you interpret it, but there's a certain degree of flexibility within that ruleset to play how you want. 
    I know that doesn't directly answer your question as to whether AoS is or isn't a 'skirmish game', but the discussion seems to have established that what a 'skirmish game' actually consists of is pretty nebulous. So if what 'skirmish' means is personal taste, maybe you can bring your own personal interpretation to AoS and play it in the way you wish it were (i.e. more skirmish or less skirmish). 'Be the change you want to see in the world!' 

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  6. As far as I am aware there is no rule to say a model has to face a certain direction in combat (or at any other time). My experience is that people do indeed position their models in such a way as to get the maximum impact from them, no matter which way the model is 'facing'.
    In lore-terms, the fighters aren't static anyway - a large creature would move the bulk of its body around for full combat effectiveness, swinging and swaying this way and that as it fights. In game-terms, you are playing by the rules as written.
    Whether all opponents believe you are playing by the spirit of the law, rather than just the letter of the law... well that will be on a person-by-person basis but as far as I have experienced , virtually everyone does it and I can't see it being an issue. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    Bloodtoofs CA is basically a tax but their other abilities are solid. +1 charge means ardboys charging +4 and brutes/pigs charging +2. I think the real value is in the artifact though, with wizards being as powerful as they are now its hard for us to use magic against an army with strong magic. The bloodtoofs artifact gives us the option of not playing that game by leaving the wizard at home and still getting hand of Gork.


    Undispellable hand of gork on ardboys with +4 to charge is pretty consistent I'd say.

    Ahh, so are you saying most Bloodtoofs players just ignore the whole relegate thing entirely and see it as a way for the designers the balance it out - the rest of what Bloodtoofs get is so good it doesn't matter not having a usable Command Trait? 

    Because if so, doesn't that make them pretty unique in all of AoS? I can't think of another faction or subfaction for which it's just accepted by the vast majority of players of that sub/faction that one of their benefits intentionally isn't used as a 'tax' due to how good their other benefits are. 

    My original questions still stand, for anyone who does use realmgates. 

  8. Part of me wonders whether so many people would take such large unit sizes if the whole 'how many drops' system when setting up armies before the game were to change.

    If it were to change, it would probably have to go hand in hand with how first turn is decided changing, and potentially how the turns work over all. 

  9. I'd love to see some sort of Devoted of Sigmar/standing armies of Azyr theme. The artwork of the mortal 'helpers' (for want of a better word!) in the Stormcast battletome and the various illustrations of life in each realm in the AoS big book are exquisite!
    For specific examples see p59 of the Stormcast 'tome - the attendants and hangers-on of the Celestant-Prime could easily be units in their own rights! And pages 87, 93, 99 and 105 in the AoS big book - as soon as I saw them when I first got my hands on that book my mind was racing with possibilities! 

  10. Re. Bloodtoofs' Get Da Realmgate command trait

    I love the sound of the Bloodtoofs' abilites... except I find the whole realmgate thing a bit odd as it's not something I've ever experienced anyone actually using. Is it worth going Bloodtoofs if not using a realmgate, and if so are you missing out on a command trait that other warclans have as you'd basically be sacrificing having a useable command trait?

    If taking a realmgate, how exactly does it work in terms of setting it up/them up (and do you take one or two?)? Do you just rock up to the game with a realmgate/s, declare you're going to use it and plonk it down wherever on the board... and it doesn't cost points??
    I know it would depend on context - is it your local club or a tournament, etc, but as a general rule of thumb, how do Bloodtoofs players go about it? Does your opponent ever have an issue with it, or even say they're OK with it but clearly are seething inside and it sours the mood of the match? Or does it essentially work like the free (in terms of points) army-specific terrain pieces other factions get to use? 

    As a side question but related, I don't have the 'official' model but do have these (see image), which believe it or not are meant to go in fish tanks but I think look just as good if not better than the GW models, and certainly thematic for a Destruction army! Anyway, the question is - at your average FLGS or games club, how bothered do you think people would be about these not being the 'proper' size, etc?

    (I've searched 'Bloodtoofs', 'Baleful' and 'Realmgate' and I haven't come across anyone specifically discussing this topic, but apologies if it's been done to death and I've just missed it somehow!)

    Baleful Realmgates.jpg

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  11. 5 hours ago, Snakeb1te said:

    Questions 1 and 2 are referred to various times in this topic. You may want to use search.

    Short answer - both weapons are viable for the demon prince, you can see what the minor differences are. Some people are convinced the sword is better and some that the axe is, but they're close enough to each other to be comparable.

    Fret not about the knights! They're fine, you just need to make sure your positioning is good.

    - if you run them as a 10 you will have to be mindful of the hero auras (because knights aren't going to be any good without some buffs). You would have a decent alpha strike unit that could do ok against most things... if you charge. I wouldn't run them as a 10 unless you know your opponent and their list and can see it being useful. If there's terrain you will struggle further. If you take them as 10, ensure you have the Chaos Lord on Demonic Mount or Karkadrak for their command ability.

    - two units of 5 makes more sense, which as someone said previously, allows you to alternate them cycle charging. Aura buffs should be easy to apply, though not sure if it is worth using one of the mounted lord CPs for just 5 guys.

    As you're using lances, the khorne mark is probably the most efficient, as nurgle and slaanesh tend to do better with more but lower quality attacks. With the knights you want to get the lances to 2+ wounding. As such, any allied Bloodsecrator would be pretty neat too!

    No idea why've acquired so many Gorebeasts ;). For 150 points cost they are truly ass. They're slow, not that survivable, no rend on the crushing fists. The only good thing about them is the base size and if you can charge into 1" of two units at the same time only then it is putting a little damage.

    I'm sorry to say but I don't see a use for them at all - I'd just proxy as normal chariots which are cheaper, move faster, and can count as battleine. Perhaps sometime in the future we will get the points cost reduced for them by at least 50.

    Ahh, the Search function! I hadn't realised that was an option or even seen it until you mentioned it!

    It sounds like axe or sword for the daemon prince, ensorcelled weapons or spears for the knights don't make a huge amount of difference but I definitely appreciated the answer and was very interested in your point about making them Khorne. I have only really used StD as Undivided, though not for any real game-related reason, more lore and not making my mind up. 

    As for the Gorebeasts, the real reason was that someone was selling them dirt cheap on eBay (probably shifting them for this very reason!) so thought I'd go for it. I wish they had better rules to go with (what I think, at least) are pretty kick-ass looking models... alas. That said, I think there's something about them in the new Morathi book so I'll have to keep my eyes open for any shred of hope... 

  12. Hi all! StD collector (alongside half a dozen other armies!) for a while now but I've never had any success with them on the tabletop, but then I've not played with them since the Battletome came out so I'm hoping the Chaos Gods will smile on me now! 

    Previously I'm mostly just built according to the rule of cool, i.e, whatever I think looks best. Now they seem to be at least a potential contender on the tabletop (rather than being laughed off it by any army with a proper book!) I want to take them a bit more seriously. So two build questions:

    1. Sword or Axe for the Daemon Prince? Pros and cons of each? 

    2. I have 10 Knights, all with Lances (rule of cool - I think the lances look awesome!).  But now I look at their warscroll again I think I've made a mistake, but I'm not sure either way! Would Ensorcelled Weapons be better? I would probably take them as two units of 5, if that makes much difference, but could be persuaded to make them a single unit of 10. 

    Bonus question: Which of the Chaos Gods corrupted and warped my mind into thinking having four Gorebeast Chariots made any sense? 

    (Apologies if either of these topics have been discussed already. I tried looking back through several pages but without reading 100+ pages there's no guarantee!)

  13. A lot of people here and in the rumour thread seem sure it is a Death faction. I'm not saying it's not... I just think the people above who have mentioned Ogors might be more along the right lines.
    The reveal directly before the 'Tithe' video was the Ogor Tyrant reveal, the video for which mentions a 'Pact of Bones' and a 'Feast of Bones'. There's no reason the 'Tithe of Bones' isn't related to that, especially considering the accent in both videos - linking them thematically.
    If that's the case, could the 'master' mentioned simply be the Great Maw or another Ogor deity? 

    Regarding the homeland, it is the one who was locked up who has returned to their homeland, but their 'master' could have been from the World that Was. 

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  14. 23 hours ago, Killax said:

    Love the new look and design largerly.

    Except for that infantry, does it lack eyes? Was it just not painted on? It looks a bit strange to me.

    They're supposed to have lived underwater for a long time, so presumably some would have been in deep, dark trenches and lost the need for sight, much like some existing real-world deepwater fish.

    Personally I quite like the idea and look.

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