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Captain James Hook

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Posts posted by Captain James Hook

  1. Hello everyone! I'm trying to come up with a good tzeentch list but something different from what we nowdays. I've got 2 options to choose, it's basically the same list with a different flavor. This list is based on models i own and i've converted. It's not the classic enlightened spam, but i think it shoul work well on the battlefield. So which one do you prefer?

    first list:

    Lord of change, general, arch sorcerer, bolt of tzeentch, arcane transformation 380

    Sayl the faithless and nightmaw 200

    15 chaos chosen of tzeentch 420

    Phantasmagoria of fate battallion 200

    Doombull with ghyrstrike 120

    Doombull with blade of hammerhal ghyra 120

    10 ungors 60

    10 ungors 60

    20 tzaangors, with 8 savage great blade, 3 mutants, 2 shield and the rest with pair of savage blades.360

    Aethervoid pendulum 40

    tot 1960

    Second one:

    Lord of change, bolt of tzeentch 380

    sayl the faithless and nightmaw 200

    gaunt summoner, general, arcane sacrifice, arcane transformation 180

    10 chaos chosens of tzeentch/ 15 chaos warriors with great weapon 280/270

    phantasmagoria of fate battallion 200

    doombull with ghyrstrike 120

    doombull with blade of hammerhal ghyra 120

    10 ungors 60

    10 ungors 60

    20 tzaangors, with 8 savage great blade, 3 mutants, 2 shield and the rest with pair of savage blades.360

    Aethervoid pendulum 40

    tot. 2000/1990


  2. 5 hours ago, KnaveOfScribes said:



    “A lord becomes a beggar. A god becomes a fairytale. A name once whispered in awe now lies forgotten by all. Tell me, o King, what is left for you?”

    Mother Aldwynter








    The King sits upon his shattered throne and broods, and curses, and weeps. By turn’s melancholic, choleric, febrile, and caustic in his bitterness, he has not known peace for longer than he remembers. Indeed, memory itself is a fickle ally for this King. He remembers little of what came before, and what he does remember is fragmented and contradictory.


    It is this more than anything that pains him. Were he to forget everything, to know only his current station, would his madness pass? Would he be one again with the Eversong, instead of a dissonant and faint note? Would his rage still burn cold and fierce?


    But in knowing these fragments, in knowing that some are true, that some are false and that none can be trusted – it is this uncertainty that fuels his bitterness and rage and misery.


    It is one thing to remember glories past, and mourn their passing. It is quite another to not even know if the glories that you remember are even yours, or if they are simply things that you have stolen to give yourself some borrowed shine. If you cannot tell whether you are a great man fallen low, or a thief clutching at stolen treasures and living a lie, how then can you know peace?


    The King remembers a spear, and horns, and a great forest that outlived the world entire. He bears horns still, in spirit and in heavy obsidian that bursts from his aging bark. The spear has become a scythe, the eternal forest a cold and barren prison at the edges of dreams. Was he ever truly a King? Was his Queen ever so wrathful and beautiful and real?


    Or is he simply a broken and shattered thing, cast aside and forgotten, clutching to echoes of past glory that are not even his?


    Uncertainty. Rage. Malice. Madness. Misery. A crown that he may have stolen, or may have saved. A throne he may not have earned or that may be the only thing keeping his grove alive. A life that he at once abhors and hates, but clings to with such ferocity and pride. He will never set down his crown, but will rail and spit against it for all his life.  


    Like the Darkwood itself, the King-In-Horns endures.






    “A broken throne for a broken King.”




    “Regal and ragged both, dying and blossoming at once.”




    “Dreaded and lauded, forgotten and exiled to the cold ends of the worlds.”




    “Our King. Our curse. Our hope.”



    I am so happy that you changed his head! This is one of the most brilliant models you've crafted.

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. Hello everyone.  After my legions of nagash I'm planning to  run a tzeentch army. I started to think of an army mixed with the new beast ost chaos with the idea to create an horde of goats devoted to tzeentch. Since I'll be buy the changecult battle Force and a start collecting beast of chaos i thought of this army:

    alligiance: tzeentch

    Lord of change, general

    Tzaangor shaman 

    Herald of tzeentch 

    10 kairic acolytes 

    6 tzaangors enlightened 


    Great bray shaman 

    20 tzaangors 

    20 bestigors 

    10 ungors

    Tot.1980, traits and spells yet to be decided. Any advices on traits and spells and the list in general? 

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