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Posts posted by CarkFish

  1. 1 hour ago, Udalriki said:

    Because of your post and the last Pages, I got a little bit Carried away and went down a Rabbit hole with ancient alphabets and historical depictions of Goats and horned men. Now it is almost 6 am and I should really go to slee

    Nice work! ... I'm pretty convinced that the red wispy stuff is important! .... it's ever present and yet under stated .... Perhaps a new evil "Will O' the Wisp" kinda thing?


  2. 2 hours ago, Red Bull said:

    This is why I only play factions I enjoy from a model/background perspective. I'll try my best to win with the stuff I like.

    I first started playing in tournaments in 6th edition with Dark Elves. They were really bad. I tried everything, amassed a huge Dark Elf army in the process. I was usually towards the bottom of tournaments and my friends constantly beat me. However, I was becoming a very good general. I was learning the game on hard mode.... and then the 7th and 8th edition Dark Elf books happened and I was rewarded for my dedication.

    GW is too expensive for me to buy an army based on the rules. Rules change, but minis are forever. If you like Slaanesh that much, and think their sculpts are gorgeous (I agree!), then I think you should absolutely start them. Play them on hard mode now and enjoy the pain. You know Slaanesh wants you to.

    Whenever the rules change, you'll dunk on everyone and you can brag about how you played them before they were cool... like I've been doing for 20ish years with Dark Elves 😆

    Thank you! ... This is genuinely the best hobby advice and very well delivered .... This is a game, if your not having fun even when you lose your doing it wrong

    • Like 4
  3. 5 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I would recommend reading them yourself and seeing from there :) I've just seen a lot of disappointment, but I saw that around the Slaanesh rules and I still enjoy playing them 

    Ahh well.... It's only a games of toy soldiers after all :)

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    Others who have seen the full battletome leaked agree that it's very similar to the Slaanesh tome, with weaker allegiance abilities than LoN and rather plain Warscrolls. The only thing they have over Slaanesh is the points costs

    I have a feeling there's movement from one of the ruleswriters to tone down books in AoS 3, but unfortunately they're not being very clear about it and it doesn't quite balance out with AoS 2 battletomes. 

    Please no..... This si why im refusing to buy any models untill I've been through the book myself.... I'm in the market for a new army..... but.... I cant afford to spend my hobby pounds on trash rules .... No matter how much I like the models

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    You are supposed to subscribe to receive these early. :) They are then uploaded to the Community site for everyone else a few days later.

    Haha! ... They need to hire better IT people ;) .... May send my CV in :P 

    What stands out to me in this story isnt actually Malerion ... It's the comment ::


    ‘I have plans to avert it. Besides, I fear he will have his hands rather full if he seeks order now that dear Alarielle is making her play. Even in Ulgu you must feel the realms shiver with unease.’

    This makes me think (genuinely) that Alarielle may well move against Sigmar... (Perhaps even switch allegiance?) ... She must be due a new model right?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Still-young said:

    There’s been a pattern thus far though (or rather there’s been no pattern). If they break it, I’ll shut up about the words not being related to the rumour picture. But they haven’t yet. 

    Not entirely certain you understood what I was saying.... I didn't for a second suggest that you were wrong.... Just that your line of reasoning is flawed, the two are entirely mutually exclusive.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Damosane said:

    Makes much more sense considering the wood elf god's comments about life getting out of control and becoming a huge threat to the realms!  They did say there are hints in the broken realms stories too

    Honestly I'm out if it's goblins again, Gloomspite still feels very recent all things considered

    Same.... really do not need another greenskin faction ... destruction needs "something" ... especially if it's the focus of the 3.0 release..... just a new greenskin mob isn't doing it justice... I cant believe they'd miss the opportunity to sell a new army to people along with that man/horse mountain kragnos ..... I am perhaps just in denial sadly

  8. 33 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    Because people would have spotted a pattern if they did, and we’d be talking about the words they use as well as the image. But the wording is always vague future seeing speak about the engine itself, and not clues about what is in the picture. 

    Your argument is non sequitur ... Past performance is no indication of future behaviour

  9. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    No, not exactly. Think of it like this.

    Turn 1 your unit of 10 Black Knights dies. We will call it unit A.

    Turn 2 you get to resurrect something. You choose unit A. You get 5 Black Knights.

    Turn 3 you get to resurrect something. Since resurrection does not "use up" a destroyed unit, you can just select unit A again and get 5 more Black Knights. Your previous replacement unit of 5 Black Knights need not even have been destroyed for you to do this.

    If one of your replacement units of 5 Black Knights dies (let's call it unit B), you get the choice of choosing unit A or unit B for resurrection. But since unit A will always bring back more models, you should always choose that one.

    You can think of it like this: The smallest size a resurrected unit can be is half the size of the original unit that you included during list building which got destroyed at some point. Because once they are destroyed, they remain a legal target for resurrection. Even if they have been previously resurrected and their replacement unit is still on the battlefield.

    Thanks for clarifying.... This sounds like it will be FAQ'd pretty damn fast tbh 🤣

    • Haha 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Here's a small thing I noticed about the new Endless Legions that has not yet been discussed:


    The mechanic has been changed (clarified?) a bit. The resurrected unit you get from it is now a new unit. It's not 100% clear that this is different from how it worked before, but the old rule at least seems to imply that previously, it was the same unit that came back. The most significant effect his will have is that resurrected units don't keep their battlefield roles anymore for scoring purposes (resurrected zombies and skeletons will not be battleline). Another small thing is that they now lose "for the rest of the game" effects on resurrection.

    Overall, a slight nerf, but a good change in so far as it makes the game behave more like people would intuitively expect: Once a unit is destroyed, it does not "remember" what happened to it before while being in the "removed from play" zone. The resurrected unit is just treated as fresh.

    Also interesting: The new implementation of the rule suggests that Fell Bats will not be resurrectable through grave sites. Neither will Nighthaunt if we get them natively somehow. I wonder if the bats will keep their summonable keyword or take on a different role this time around.


    Also worth noting: As currently written, nothing prevents you from resurrecting the same unit more than once, since the unit you get from this ability is a new one. So you could, for example, charge in 10 Black Knights turn 1, have them die, and resurrect 5 Black Knights turn 2,3,4 and 5.

    Are you saying that if the destroyed unit was at it's Minimum size i.e. 5 Black knights...... then it will return at the minimum size rather than with 3?

  11. 8 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    <Grumpy dwarf mode>


    Goblins have pointy ears, and are just as trustworthy as an elf, so just roleplay a lot of arrogance on top of that and stick a few extra legs behind them, and you're there!


    </Grumpy dwarf mode>

    I won't lie ... I'd prefer centaur based top hat wearing dwarves .... But feel that may be asking too darn much 🤣

  12. 8 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    yeah, when we've got small greenskins and large greenskins, medium greenskins doesn't top the wanted list
    something to make kragnos fit in well, that'll be tough tbh

    Still holding out for some kind of centaur based destruction elf thing tbh ..... Feel I'm going to be disappointed when "bog gobbos" drop

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