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Posts posted by Silphid

  1. 22 minutes ago, Nagash42 said:

    If we get boobsnake heavy cavalry I'll just toss out those hellstriders that came in that new box lol.

    That warcry profile is armor 3, which is very light in game terms. 35W corresponds to a leader+ mount, but toughness 3 means its light cavalry I am convinced. 

    As long as the mount is new (yes Id love a reworked boobsnake), it will be a great base for converting a lord on mount, making it as heavily armored as you wish. Heck if the mount is good, i’ll use it to convert slaanesh varanguard or lord on Karkadrak of Slaanesh and have fun with it.

    Crossing fingers we get an interesting mounted lord of Slaanesh rules-wise, and I’ll sculpt the steed if I need to...

  2. More thoughts;

    I would guess we are getting a new mount (fingers crossed). The small picture in the warcry shows frills, but it seems that they are positionned behind a shield. If my interpretation of the blurry pic is right, then those frills couldn’t be attached tohe neck of the mount, its just not at the right place. So it may just be a decoration or feature of the rider, not the mount. It shows up on the leader page of warcry, so it could technically be a new leader on mount with no troop equivalent, but I feel that is unlikely.

    The second page of leaks, opposite the sybarite troopers shown, shows the same ranged attack of 3-15” and a melee weapon on an unseen unit entitled”Bliss”(giver?). Is Blissgiver already a slaanesh unit?

    It feels unnecessary on a unit that won’t add much to the army list, whereas a more anvilish unit would have been able to shake listbuilding more.

    • Confused 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Golub87 said:

    Has anyone here experimented with Anvil of Apotheosis?

    I have been looking into it and it seems that a good option for us would be a dirt cheap commander hero with +1 armor save CA and an extra CP at the start of the game. That should be 90pts without any stat upgrades or fancy weapons.

    I ran a league with Apotheosis. Its fun but it allows you to circumvent inherent flaws or difficulties in armies, to the point where these heroes really can take centerstage. Essentially, have fun with it you will not find a stronger unit in your army for the points than the one youcustom-build for it. But remember it is not meant for match play and can really unbalance it.

  4. 1 hour ago, carnith said:

    I'm wondering if we will see the model within a day or two as GW goes "Well ****** someone's seen it... time to show case it"

    The video this picture is from mentions the he’s been asked not to show the pages yet. As he passed through the pages he (un)accidentally shows a bit of 2 pages.  Don’t think GW will see as spoiling it, but I am sure whatever is in the warcry book was planned to be shown this week already. Looking forward to it!

  5. That spoiled picture shows that on the opposite page are abilities, not models. That makes 2 pages of models, between 6 and 7 per page as the right row has 3, it couldn,t be 8 per page. So 12 to 14 units total. I hate to be a party pooper, but the first page is leader versions, and as I see it the second one are 6 or 7 new models.




    -(speculative) bow infantry

    -(speculative) spear infantry

    -  this “seeker” cavalry

    -potential for one more unit on the page.

    interestingly, a new faction symbol implies they a separate group and not directly an add-on to hedonites/daemons of slaanesh. Wonder if in AoS terms it implies it’s onw stand alone group, which can ally with daemons of slaanesh, in the same fashion as warcry...

    • Like 2
  6. 47 minutes ago, Golub87 said:

    Marauders are a staple in my lists. Combined with Lurid Haze suballegiance outflank ability they can tip the whole game.

    Chaos Warriors can fulfill the role of a last minute cheap battleline for 90pts. Block of 15 can be very tanky, but I have not found the way to make it work, too expensive and you want as much points as possible in heroes, not troops.

    Lord on Karkadrak is also quite good. I use him to tie up units with no rend. His good armor and regeneration will make sure he stays alive and his ton of attacks will munch trough the unit. Like the Hero on the Exalted Chariot, he is a good chaff killer, a bit more tanky but less killy.

    Knights and Chariots are meh...
    Warshrine is good, but not in Slaanesh lists, as you don't want too many troops to begin with.

    Both Manticore variants are quite decent, though they do suffer from a bit of "jack of all trades, master of none" - not as good on the defense as Karkadrak, not as good on the offense as the Keeper.

    Sorcerer on foot is decent, if you have a good StD Hero to buff.

    Lord on foot is overshadowed by the Keeper who has better fight again command, since the Lord is limited to StD keyword.

    Good info, but are there army synergies that do not work from using StD with hedonites, like generating depravity points?

  7. Am I the only one to think this will NOT be an addition to Hedonites and instead a stand alone faction?

    Based on the amount of new kits hinted at by the background of the video, this would bloat the range of hedonites to Stormcast level. I don’t recall, SC aside, such a large upgrade to the range of was rolls on an existing faction. Also, the video showcases the new army, like they did lumineth, DoK, etc. Later we will see the full display. The fact that there does not appear to be a single hedonite of slaneesh model there tells me it ma not be Hedonites.

    Hellstrider no longer being battleline in Hedonites may be because they want to further split daemons and mortals of slaanesh. Hellstrider may become a battleline choice in this new army...

    Of course, just speculating here; I’m interested in arguments for both scenarios.

  8. So the blood sisters are still 3A at 3+/3+/-1/1dmg? With a nerfed crystal touch (in perspective of synergies with other rules); sounds like they are rather clearly inferior to witches in terms of damage output, or am I missing something?

    I getthat you can stack buffs on them and that may be viable, but sounds like a lot of work to get past witch efficiency. On a competitive standpoint Id like to have an on-par alternative; not sure we do...

    Perhaps a new Battletome is upcoming that will shake things up further? Historically speaking it sounds likely a couple of months after a box set like this one.

  9. Blood stalkers at 140 is a touch steep. Whether the meta favors having a 10-snake unit holding a backline objective while peppering shots with Morathi

    ‘s CA remains to be seen. If we could confirm the blood sister warscroll update we’d have a clear picture of the snake coven’s offerings. But if the Blood sisters essentially only get their previous 3A melee weapons, Would much rather field witches with twice the attacks per point, and avoid the listbuilding sheninagans to boost your snakes to 5-6 attacks per model (3 per wound, like the witches).

    Causiously pessimistic on my full snake build now...

  10. You are probably right, well spotted. Since it also specifies “at the end of the combat phase”, can’t even make shenanigans with Morathi’s or the Slaughter queen’s CA to make them fight out of phase for more MW...

    Assuming the blood sisters stay the same with this nerfed Turned to crystal attack, at 140pts  they would feel overcosted. Thoughts?

  11. With all these buffs to snakes, am I the only one concerned that the MW attack on the blood sisters will get removed or changed to an end of combat phase roll? With so many ways to add attacks, 4+ MW x 3 attacks per snake sounds too good. Sure you need to synergize with it but if you run snakes you would be doing that anyway, so it really seems like a new Battletome to come in the months following would see that rule nerfed...

    what are your thoughts? I concerned to buy and paint tons of snakes and have it all change in Q1 2021 (speculatively speeking)

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