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Posts posted by DOGGED

  1. 34 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    I absolutely see where you are coming from, but th counterpoint, which may be just as unpopular is this...

    GW have been too obsessively focused on their "main games" for long enough, there is actually no rule which says that those should be the focu s. With proper support the "Side games" could be just a big of a brand. They know what sells better than we do, and will always follow the money.

    That. Moreover, aren't Warcry warbands incorporated into the "main" AoS chaos faction? Also, Underworlds gangs are in the battletomes so the only fantasy looking "not mainstream" game that has no models incorporated into AoS is Blood Bowl.

    Maybe an unpopular opinion would be that there is, in the community, much nitpicking and lack of perspective; I mean, we are contemplating things in the now when we should be looking at them in the long run. In six years, we have seen nicely revamped or wholly new ranges (and then, those being expanded) like Stormcast, Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Soulblight, Daughters , Flesh Eaters, Bonesplitterz, Ironjawz, Ossiarch, Idoneth, Lumineth... Frankly, even the armies which did not get such resets are likely due to do so sooner or later. Then, the fluff is actually nice; IIRC the idea was that Skavens were able to "gnaw" their way across the Realms, and they are a main character of the biggest feature in the lore of late.

    Just my 2 cents on that.

  2. On 10/23/2021 at 3:59 PM, Orbei said:

    Very confused by this. You say free warscrolls has been a change for the better, which I am with you on. How does monetizing them not mean that free warscrolls are gone?

    How do you feel about warscroll updates? Let's say I buy a $123 leviadon. Well unfortunately it sucked until they decided to update it in Broken Realms. Should I not be allowed to use the model in game now unless I buy that book, which I otherwise don't give a hoot about? I find it to be absurd.

    First, there are free warscrolls as @Roland said, and then those from Legends too. Then, the app can offer warscrolls which are out of the army books (as can the magazine); so if warscrolls were something which appeared only in army books, their being accessible out of them could be publicized (and considered) as "free" in the sense that they would be an unusual addition to the usual contents in the app/magazine. Of course you're paying for it. But if you're paying for the app/magazine, and it gives you access to contents which are free for you as a customer who bought the app/magazine... That's my point.

    About warscroll updates: Curiously I have 2 Leviadons). I could use them before Broken Realms even if they "sucked". I can use them without recurring to Broken Realms. Do I want the newer warscroll? If a new edition comes around, will I have to buy the newer army books to use my Leviadons? At the end, it depends on us wanting to use the latest (best?) versions of the warscrolls (or the game, for that matter). I don't have the intention to buy an Orruk army book other than the original Ironjawz one, for example. I don't play tournaments, if that matter, but I guess I'm not the only one.

    20 hours ago, jjb070707 said:

    Perhaps it is simply a language/translation issue. The whole post you quoted seems worded in such a way to suggest colloquial British or American English may not be the language the thought behind the post was conceived in. 

    I "think" what was trying to be conveyed is that warscrolls on a database on an app are still more accessible than warscrolls printed in army books, and that if we disregard the past 6 years of accessibility this situation is still favorable to early 1990s distribution of army rules.  

    Either way I strongly disagree with the sentiment that anything about this change is good for either the game or the user, and agree with you completely Yukishiro. It seems like a tenuous position to be defending that this change is for the better. 

    That is true. Obviously the change has been made with the company benefit in mind, first and foremost. Obviously it's not directly better for the game or user to restrict access to warscrolls. Then it is obvious that benefitting the company that produces the game you play benefits the game you play and its users. It's a thing of POV, really.

    I don't, ever wanted to, mean that restricting access to warscrolls is a change for the better. I don't have the app nor will I buy/subscribe to it. But I can't honestly consider (the majority of) warscrolls being now accessible for me only if I pay for the app as an antifan/anticustomer movement but just a company decision to make more money and/or promote the app. For me, what really matters is that the company keeps releasing cool models, units and lore and that the game keeps being good.

    Fact is that every new player will buy the army book for the chosen army, and current players can choose to use older books or update their armies. As ever. I keep calm and enjoy.

    It's business I guess.

  3. I was going to put my unpopular opinion as my belief, in a perspective joining rules to lore, that AoS is actually a good game with a good lore being worked in support of it, in comparison to the not as good (even bad) game with its lore being badly worked that WHFB generally was, but it seems it's not much of an unpopular opinion at all.

    • Like 6
  4. On 10/16/2021 at 9:41 AM, KrrNiGit said:

    A tale of 3 ways to play




    Looking at the 3 ways to play has helped me see our game differently. It has invigorated my curiosity and got me enthused for trying out the different game modes on offer. I even have some ideas for potential mods I’d like to build.

    Do you consider yourself a balanced player? Do you think it is worth giving some of the other ways to play a try? 

    If you could change anything about AoS what would it be? Why don’t you give it a try and see how it goes?


    I started at both 40K and Warhammer in a friendly competitive way and always stayed the same, while looking for other games (historical ones) for narrative playing. AoS definitely changed that and even got me playing narrative 40K. These and every other GW game I tried or might try, even when playing competitively (again, in a friendly manner), I do so now from a narrative perspective, and will to play in the narrative mode too. With games with a lore that extense as AoS, narrative is a boon that takes them beyond the tournament and offers the chance to actually play all the things we have read about and which, for a good lot of us, have hooked us to the games.

    So yes, it is worth giving a try to the different modes; while matched affords for setting up games on the fly (for example), narrative gives the opportunity to grow characters and armies and build a name and a history for them, or to replay "historical" battles from the lore.


    On 10/20/2021 at 1:58 AM, KrrNiGit said:


    I guess my follow up question then is how do we help new people to the AoS community into narrative play? How do we show them the breadth of what’s possible? Or is this something people need to do on their own?

    Path to Glory should be the way to introduce new players, because of its obvious low level introduction and progressive escalation. Both Underworlds and Warcry are good introduction games too, in a more indirect way. Using multiplayer forces with new players leading Path to Glory warbands as part of the different armies comes to mind as a way to use such warbands beyond Path to glory.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  5. Been following, getting into the GW hobby and out of it and into it again since 1991. There have been plenty of changes in 30 years, and those that had happened in the last six years have been for the better, Free warscrolls being one. Now it's not gone but put behind a pay restriction. Nothing new, really; rules on White Dwarf have been that same thing (paying for rules out of the rules and army books) all the way from the beginning. We have our battletomes/codexes and we still have the White Dwarf and the apps. Then as @Roland just said there are free warscrolls, and finally the Warhammer Legends ones are all still available; those are definitely a gift for the pre-AoS costumer base (I still remember that video of a guy who brunt his dark elf army).

    So it's not a tragedy nor an outrageous anticostumer/antifan movement, but just a thing of a company taking a decision in regards to its products. It may be that we like it more or less or not at all, but it's true too that said company has given us the very best time of its hobby in the last six years. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 6
  6. Though it surprises me a bit that nobody came with this before (unless I shamely missed it), and in line with some aforementioned suggestions:

    *Plastic AoS Squiggoth, with (optional) armour. Would work both as a "tank" and as a "siege machine" (i.e. a ram), being in character with Orruk (whatever its flavour). And would not step on Forgeworld squiggoths which are 40K ones.

    Undoubtedly one kit that would sell if nt just because rule of cool and that.

    Collateral benefit for us all would be its conversion potential into 40K for handy people.

    If a new range, plastic Kislevites like those pictured in the last trailer of TOtal War: Warhammer III. Huge.

    • LOVE IT! 2
  7. Orcs and Druchii come to mind as old ranges which could do with new minis to  substitute for the current, old ones. No need to go to Lumineth extremes but a revision of the rank and file could work wonders (and that's a few units, not that much as to be such an investment as to say a few the Idoneth Deepkin or the Lumineth). Specially as Dark Elves are pivotal in the last chunk of BR: Morathi (and further developments) and Orcs furnish the rest of the "clans" which are not Ironjawz and Bonesplittas and were mentioned in Battletome: Ironjawz at least.

  8. Well, they are.

    BTW mine is your experience. For me 40K is a great game (which I still and will play) with some issues regarding power/codex creep and creative limitations and so on (really, the only new thing is taller marines or three legged necrons?*). Not that it has no such issues, but AoS looks like more, better thought out nowadays. Guess it's a thing of it being original from its upbringing. Looks like creativity is far (FAR) more farsighted (if you get my point).

    *not to say the minis are not brilliant, they are gorgeous but feel like a revamping while AoS looks like a full revision.

  9. Actually I rage quit about 10 years ago, then just watched in contempt as the game did not get any better (IMHO). I was highly skeptycal about AoS when it came out but  kept watching and reading about it, then decided to give it a try because of low model count entry level. I absolutely loved it. Now some pals of mine are also getting in so we can start an AoS group at our hometown... :D

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