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Posts posted by Binabik15

  1. I like ultra elite vamps best, Blood Knights back in the day already diluted the terror of facing a Warhammer vampire a bit, IMO. They were still scary monsters, but a real lord could be a ⅓ or more of your points and blender almost everything. That's what I'd prefer, but with GW likely going for vamp units I'd like them to "only" make up the elite small units - and better in 3s than 5! - and the bulk to be made up of thralls of varying levels of eliteness and skellies or zombies.

    Looks-wise I liked all the old clans in metal, the newer stuff is too mixed in quality.  It's  a bit sad that probably only one bloodline/look gets new models - or they go with a new werewolf one.

    PS: Ideas I had for Vamp armies that I never realised:

    1) The Usurpers horde

    A martialistic-minded vamp took over a tribe of Norsca barbarians close to the real Chaos wastes after slaying the chieftain in a duel. He amuses himself ruling ravaging hordes of barbarians too primitive to even understand his title properly, while he and his vampire subjects feed freely under the guise of blood sacrifices and rituals - of course he picked a tribe worhipping a very bloodthirsty deity (= Khorne under a different name).

    Vamp would've been a Chaos Lord, one of the Blood Dragon models with fur - or a vamped up foot Archaon, had I gotten my hands on one for this project

    His vamp cohorts Chosen and knights 

    Tribesmen of course Chaod marauders

    All sorts of enthralled or summoned beasts could run with the army and Norscans would think it a *blessing*, e.g. Varghasts, wolves, bat swarms or crows


    2) Strigoi travellers

    I'm not sure if there was a story like this in some WD blurb or if this is just from the White Wolf gypsie vampires, but the other idea was sort of like a gypsi king Strigoi travelling with a group of Sylvania peasants or war refugees from someplace in the Empire. People would (rightfully!) distrust them, considering that a hungry, malformed vampire and his ghoul entourage rides with them.


    Army wise I wasn't as sure what to use as count-as, especially for the wagons, but they could have been just for scenery.  Humans in form of rugged scouts and outriders in leather coats and gear and some more run-down armed rabble regular followers and a more elite troupe of twisted perfomers like dancers, stromgmen, acrobats and hedge witches (that are actual necromancers) and lots of ghouls.

    The Warcry Corvus models and the Slaanesh belly dancers might actually  make this easier to do...and ironically a kit with vampire hunter henchmen would make  good caravan fighters.




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    • Confused 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    Nice teases all around. The palanquin had some cool characters in there although the chariot/palanquin feels a bit chunky to me.  I do really like the lore, a Slaanesh lord who wants to taste everything. Great that it focuses on such an aspect of Slaanesh. 

    gotta say, I’m excited for things to come. So the teaser worked😊


    The Old World had a merchant in the Empire that got a taste for exotic meats (implied to be human) imported from all over the world, Norsca and beyond included. I think the blurb ended with him discovered as a giant fat spaen blob thing, but the idea stuck with me.

    A fat dude that likes to eat is a bit boring, though. I would have done a super fat body with stubby arms and legs and thick jowels and quadrupple chins with a hollowed out, husk-like belly, showing how Slaanesh's blessing is also a curse that won't ever allow him to be sated. 

    I might replace him with a gaunt dude or a beastman made from a Slaughterpriest, back in 6th ed I wanted a pretty boy Nohorn Beastlord on a chariot 🤔

    The chubby new guy can go into a bathtub on wheels filled with wine and intoxicants and be a sorcerer or whatever.




  3. On 12/20/2020 at 8:35 PM, Klamm said:

    Nice conversion! You'll get some good adornment spares from the keeper kit. I grabbed a pack of gems from greenstuff world to Slaaneshi-ify my various conversions. Depends what facet of slaanesh you want to focus on, I like the gleam but sounds like you want the mutilations.

    The hellstrider kit might be a good addition. Not only can the shields be used for armour plating but I notice your bull is missing a tail and the tendrils of hellstrider whips might be perfect.

    I've considered doing elk head slaanesh bullgors, horse heads would work nicely, like a Slaaneshi Sorry to Bother You. I was gonna use crypt horrors for the base because they're nicer sculpts and a bit lither but perhaps it's not your bag.

    Also, if you do get a ghorgon, you can use the spares from the keeper of secrets to kitbash a more bestial greater Daemon. Good luck with your project!


    Thanks for the reply! I'm not sure about the mutilation angle, that's why I was asking for ideas. It's always the case that I like what I sculpted and don't want to change it, I guess, but for the bull I'm thinking about mostly no decoration but his physique - line the golden calf or a prize bull of the Warherd. I'm just unsure if that'd be boring with just a fancy ring/piercing and maybe some gemstones and carvings on his horns. Maybe one of those piercing chains going from his nose to his  horns similiar to the KoS? For the tail I have both a sculpted regular bull one and a big rat tail with a small spiked ball at the end (from Bonebreaker I think). Not yet sure which I'll use, the rat one is freaky looking, which might be a  nice contrast to an otherwise "plain" model.

    Great tip with the feral Ghorgon Keeper, I'll probably get SC BoC for the Bestigors and more Ungors (bought one of the mixed BoC boxes back in...6th Edition) and while I don't like the anatomy of the Ghorgon with a Keeper headswap and new shoulders he might actually be cool.


    Now to the revealed models. So tasty. Those gigantic seahorse steeds look expensive. I'm surprised that  they come in units of five, but the Slaangors are three to a box - those don't even look like they have a ton of options! The Slaangors probably aren't E2B, either, so I'm really wondering at the price GW will be asking for them. With a small but maybe kit the rules might be pretty good, though ;)

    Overall I hope that mortals plus BoC is a decent enough army. And that including a Depravity Drove is still possibly, of course. Daemons are ok, but the current deamonettes not really my cup of tea to build and paint dozens of them (and my Diaznettes collection is rather small).

    Re: Greco-Slaanesh, I really dig the Lors on Steed GW killed and got it for Christmas. 


    I want a unit or two of spear and shield dudes and dudettes in his style (hello Hellstrider bits), but what to use them as? Ungors? 


    KoS, heroes, one or two units of Painbringers, couple of archers, both kinds of new riders, Slaangors and a  "Warherd" Drove.


    PS: someone bought the last Twisting Catacombs Minotaur General, so I'll have to wait for a restock for my Moo-notaurs. Boooh.




    • Like 1
  4. I haven't posted in forever, but the Zealot Miniatures Mino/Bullgor and the upcoming Slaanesh release made me remember my plan for a 1000 points Warherd.  With the upcoming mortals I now want Hedonites with a large helping of BoC stuff under that beastly new Sigvald. 


    So yesterday I just had to

    a) rush to the Zealot website, but they're on Xmas break soon - and after that who knows if importing from UK to the EU will be a total hassle and cost lots of tax and fee money. I still want them for that udderly depraved Warherd.


    b) start working on the Bale Taurus I originally wanted to turn into a Nurgle Varanguard, but deemed to large and earmarked as a count-as Gorgon for the Warherd


    I quite like the big boy so far, though he's starting to get freakishly heavy with all that FIMO and Miliput. His lower legs and hooves need more work and he has a WIP tail that I can attach after I'm happy with the volumes of his legs, but I never imagined it'd  turn out so well in half a weekend. To be honest I planned on using Thaumaturge legs, but I was too lazy to go looking for them. Now I'm happy I didn't. I might make a mould for the stuff I sculpted, actually, and do a second one this way to gift to someone as a statue, just need to get new silicone and a second Endless Spells set.

    For this Slaanesh prize bull, though, any ideas on what to adorn him with, to keep him simple and focused on the muscles, but also fitting for a Depraved Drove/Warherd? I haven't bought any Slaanesh plastic kits yet, my non-converted Slaanesh stuff consists of Diaz metals and soon a Snake Lord (gifts, yay). I'll buy some of the new mortals once released and probably a Keeper and Hellstriders (I like their helmets and they're cheap-ish on ebay). Still, ideas? I can scratch build some stuff, have a lot of other Warcry and 40k and AoS Chaos stuff and can ebay/bits buy more specific bits.  An elaborate nose ring seems a must, then just a Slaanesh rune carved into a slab of muscle or more? Pain hooks in the skin and flayed skins stapled into him as tassles? Some casings or stuff added to his horns? The fire mane will  be painted as liquid gold, I think.


    List building will have to wait until after the release of the mortals, but I fully intend to do a couple of herds of Zealot Minos and maybe a second monster. I have a conversion of the Thaumaturge with (horse) Dorghars head as a  Slaanesh"Bullgor" for a Warcry band. I'm thinking about doing more horse head beastmen/Bullgors, as the graceful equine look fits Slaanesh well. A Slaughterpriest with a Chaos knight horse head (especially the one with giant spike) and knives is a conversion idea I've toyed with for some time, maybe that make a good Beastlord stand-in? And more horse Bullgors based on Ogroids and the Orruk Warboss and the Rogue trader big boys? I'm not sure what role besides fodder and maybe killy monsters BoC have in a Hedonites army, but I don't really play, anyway, but like my collections to *potentially* work as legal lists at least. 

    I'd love some input on the conversion - and of course on what to buy besides the new kits (and Minos), but that nobody really knows -  and I hope the picture attachement works, otherwise I'll edit in the abload.de link.


    • Like 2
  5. I bet (and posted it in the Warcry thread ;) )  that the Chaos-only focus of Warcry won't last. Sigmar will send Stormcast kill teams to murder any groups that get too far, witch hunters/devoted have found a spot where they can pick and choose who to burn that day, Orks going there would have an endless supply of battle-hardened opponents, etc.. Let's just hope that they pump stuff out on a schedule more like Underworlds than Necromunda.

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. I love the Warcry stuff. LOVE it. It's nice to see GW pulling off very differently flavoured Chaos models these days, after they got into a bit of a rut with very same-y Khorne and Nurgle designs for both 40k and Fantsy/AoS vor ages. Stuff that I like, mind you, but a group of red armoured guys and gals (and dwarfs) with fish bowl helmets and tenderisers are much more exciting then even more Blood Warriors with different spikes and axes...and they're the weaker faction compared to the lovely fur fans!

    The faction symbols alone are so intriguing that my mind is wondering what'll be shown for them. The tanky/gladiatoral faction for example has a gate or steel fence looking symbol, so they're tough guys that both defend *and* break fortifications? Their blunt weapons tie into that very well, smash them doors! So what'll the snake faction turn out to be? Snake (beast)men? Dragon tamers? Chaos ninjas?!

    The only complaints (besides price, maybe, and that IT IS NOT OUT ALREADY) I can think about would be:

    1) Maybe weak campaign mode, sadly GW is not as good at this right now, probably because they don't have the same "just convert your dudes with tripple power fists if you can afford them" mentality of old

    2) Only Chaos teams.

    For 1) there'll be house rules by some clever guys I bet and for 2), well, I can see stuff like Stormcast strike teams and witch hunter retinues in the future, send to stop the Chaos worshippers from reaching the Varanspire or Orks drawn there to have a scrap with the toughened survivors, I mean, where better to find good opponents? Again, if GW doesn't do it and the game is fun enough, fan content will port in other races or you can simply use count-as and build your own warband.

    Depending on the success of the game and the campaign system they made, they could release "Commander" and "Elite" expansions for each faction, showing your tribes ascension to glory/Chaos Warrior status/juicy mutations on the way to the top.  Feral monster add-on(s) if there can be environmental hazzards, so to speak. "Bruiser" add-ons with a  Ogre-sized heavy for each  and maybe one faction getting two less powerful to increase diversity. Stuff like that. There's a lot of stuff to sell here if they to this right, so the support and effort put into this might be  quite high and the game as well received as Underworlds as a result.

    • Like 2
  7. What about this 1000 points list:




    "Chaos Sorc Lord on Manticore" -> minotaur matriarch with magical teleporting/levitation powers


    3x3 Bullgors




    1000 on the nose. Thatt'd let me use the Twisted Catacombs Matriarch model as more meaty than a Great Bray Shaman. Or I could use Thaumaturge rules instead, freeing up 20 points. The shaman would give even more points, but not enough for even more big beasties and runty beastmen would stop it from being ultra low model count.

  8. I'm almost done with a real themed 1000 points list, as in stuff is built specifically for it.


    Gutrot's Reavers with a mix of pirates (his ship crews and allied privateers) and Viking-themed reavers. With flying ships as fire support and transports.




    5 Blightkings -> pirate-y guys, I love the "IoB rat ogre turned gun platform" conversion that sparked the whole unit's creation

    10 Blightkings -> Vikings

    Gorebeast Chariot

    Warshrine (I want a Harbinger to use in ALL my different Nurgle theme lists, but I'm trying to hold out until I can get a metal one from ebay) -> finally got a corpse cart and started to turn it into a flying boat with a squid in the middle getting its tentacles cut off to soil the land to seed it for Nurgle's glory.


    I'm not trying to have the greatest list, but marauders are in the works, too. And I have more BKs not built for this army that I can throw in for bigger games.


    I have two questions on count-as watscrolls for centre-piece models:


    1) The army started when I thought about turning the Gloomtide Vortrx wreck into two floating Plagueclaw catapult platforms. Those are easy to include both keyword and pointswise, replacing 5 BKs or the shrine in 1000 pts lists if I want to.


    The Chaos Dwarf artillery seems to be better, though, and I can ally them if I remember it correctly. I'm not sure how many catapults and canons I can stick on the wrack (depends on bits sites and if the Ironblaster is indeed in stock at GW even though the email link spits out an error message), but I want one half to have rocket pods in the front and a mortar or catapult on the aft. The Chaos Dwarf rocket warmachine scroll seems a more thematic fit for it.


    2) I snagged up a Maw-Krusha on a bits sale, now I'm wondering how to represent it with a warscroll. I was thinking Slaughterbrute bound to my Viking leader (who is a BB ogre I turned into Drago Bludvist from How to train your dragon 2 because the faces look so alike). I could run my Drago as a LoP or Lord of Chaos and the Krusha as a Slaughterbrute.


    But the Krusha obviously has wings and Jabberslythe or Chimera rules might fit, too. If I could've gotten a Lord of Change head too I'd have turned it into a Chimera, but no luck.

    Help, please?


  9. On 7/12/2018 at 9:15 AM, RuneBrush said:

    Cheers guys.  Always nice to know it's still being used!  My intention is to do an update so that we can create warscrolls using the new layout that GW have done for Soul Wars - it's a much clearer design in my opinion.  That ideally needs the option to add an image so I'm probably going to use the opportunity to rehash the editor which I feel has become pretty clunky.

    Not got an estimated time for this being done though sadly - the rest of this month is busy with commitments and getting my Blackout army ready :D  Hopefully August may be a little kinder

    Really great work. Thank you!

    Do you have a recommendation on how to get an image printed on the flip side correctly *and* easily, also like on the new warscrolls from Soul Wars? That'd be awesome, especially for conversions/count-as scrolls. 



  10. Can anybody pleeease tell me Paul Norton's paint scheme for Knights Excelsior from the battle damage SC article? Or ask him on twitter? I want a small allied contingent of needlessly brutal Stormcasts looking just like that  (and blood splatters) and the guides on Warhammer TV or elsewhere I saw look vastly different.



  11. I just assembled my first spirit host unit. Tremble before my enormous undead swarm!


    I haven't pulled the plug on a starter set yet, though. I have two KoSoS from ebay, as well as an Executioner, plus a Cairn Wraith and Hexwraiths from conversion projects.  The store as well as the GW the town over are out of Myrmourn Banshees since early Sat last week and I didn't see any battletomes when I got there today, either. 





    Without the tome I have to ask. I can picture a banshee and spirit heavy force around Olynder, thematically. As well as a knightly host around the Craven King ("float me closer so I can hit them with my mace").  Or a batshit crazy horde of the wrongly killed with three executioners (the two starter doubles in black with ivory equipment and white with ebony, and the alt one in red), the Chainrasp and a bunch of the swordghosts and jailer spirits.


    Black Knights are much better looking and a fitting household guard for a King, but as allies, would they have a place mechanicaly or use them as count-as Hexwraiths with a proper ghostly paintjob?

  12. Compared to the massive /sprue eating heroes, Prosecutors and Khorgorath and from the first AoS starter this seems a bit lacking. Or tje Bloat Drone and weird bigfoot jump pack Marines in DI. I was hoping for both executioners or the sorceror ghost, some banshees and the two other knights at least to visually break the floating robes up some more. The SCs are not wowing me.


    Never thought I'd say this but I think at 125€ like DI I'll wait and have a look at the cut-down sets likely coming.

  13. On 20.4.2018 at 11:55 AM, zabbraxas said:

    A bit late but there is my dwarf






    I planned on doing one of mine like that, with the others in differnt states of burning red hot or just having glowing runes etc, so I'm even more happy to see it looks great when done well. I'm under pressure to make mine look good now, though :D

    • Like 1
  14. There's an anglerfish on the first sprue for the Eidolon on the GW webstore. Upper left.


    The sawfish might not have rules, but his little amulet or whatever tied to his tail might mark him as a special companion with rules like the stabby octopus. Or not. At least to me it looks like the dangling gold bit is connected to a metal ring on the tail of the fish.  It's the only fish with some sort of jewlery or gear from what I've seen. My phone screen is to be blamed for that if I'm wrong :ph34r:


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, BURF1 said:

    As long as they plan on redoing the points cost of EVERY SINGLE MODEL IN THE GAME at the same time. There is no possible way that murderhost, hammerstrike, daughters of khaine just in general, or any other army in the game that can get multiple units into combat turn 1 doesn't need to be readjusted after a change like that. Same with slow take the hit units like pheonix guard or liberators needing drops just to justify them existing.

    Well, elves could get a special rule to lessen the impact of being charged. They could *always* strike first or something :ph34r:

    One of the great things about Nighthaunts in the starter -besides the ridiculously cool hooded skellies in the artwork for the Knight of Shrouds- would be that you could do their whole half of the starter in a matter of hours with washes and have it look great. 

  16. I don't know what's harder, waiting for a new starter once announced or waiting for a new starter to be announced :o

    I kind of wish Death would put more emphasis on the different vampire clans again, plus updated zombies. More and more different ghost types are cool, but certainly no more unique given the amount of such things in mini wargaming alone.  I guess I used the Cairn Wraith in so many conversion I'll have to get a few similiar guys, too, but better zombies should've been a higher priority.


    For Shadespire GW missed out on several (direct) sales because their stores didn't have it while even my FLGS has it - with discount. For a new season I want Free Guild models already, new Skaven band, preferably Moulder and a Nurgle band, bonus points if it's a carneval with members going from tiny Nurgling to hulking ocre or spawn. I expect will get different Blight Kings at best, though, so I won't be too upset.


    PS: I still wish GW/FW would go and do a real skirmish game with XP with  a double sprue of monopose models with very high details and interesting poses for each established faction  and a few smaller ones. They could knock out models for obscure minifactions like swifthawk or unique minis they probably have concepts of like a Khorne ogre for the Khorne sprue, a Nurgle plague doctor sorceror and an Eshin Rat Ogre. Maybe finally a good Kroxigor model, too! Totally unrealistic given GW's manufacturing situation but I'd buy all boxes.


    THAT could be the jumping in game while Shadespire could stay its own thing without people demanding this or that from a game that'd rather be a booster selling boardgame than a small-sized wargame.

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