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Blog Entries posted by Shrapnelsmile

  1. Shrapnelsmile
    Welcome to the first Legacy of Ink and Blood entry.
    Posed shot during match set-up:  Warriors of Chaos enter the Blood Forest.
       Terrain from the Fanticide Range by Architects of war / Alien dungeon (R.I.P.)

    Scenario Setting:
    The Realm of Life is steadily growing poisoned, tainted with the blight of Chaos and their troops who revel in miasma and disease.
    Vast black shardes of volcanic rock have jutted from the despoiled lands once lush with green.  Many portions of the majestic forest have withered and
    fell to decay.  Once a haven for the Nobler races, their people now wage war at the borders attempting to stifle the majority of the approaching armies.
    It is on the borders of Ghyran, in a key strategic location, where rival factions of the same evil ilk collide.
    Battle Report 1:  Watchtower Scenario
    Chaos Grand Alliance
    Clans Pestilens vs. Clans Verminus
    Realm:  Ghyran, the Realm of Life
    Matched play points per side:  800
    After several practice games using Stormcast Eternals and a smattering of different Aelves and Khorne units, my friend Phil and I felt well versed in the rules of AoS.  It  was time to begin our consecutive ongoing battles.
    Phil's army consisted of primarily Clans Verminus Battle line units, but included Rat Ogres and others from various Skaven hordes.  Since any units under a Grand Alliance are playable in an Age of Sigmar army, he was able to field the points despite having a rather modest collection for our first encounter.  Despite being unde 1k, we followed the guidelines of the Generals Handbook for a Vanguard sized game.
    These smelly beasts were led by a Skaven warlord as well as a Wizard.  A Doomwheel accepted the role of his main heavy-hitter in the fight.
    My Pestilens chaos force was led by Epidemius, and consisted of Plague Bearers x 10, chaos Warriors x 20, some Hounds and the like.  A giant gargaunt, intoxicated and unpainted, led my way.
    The watchtower Scenario is in the first Age of sigmar  hardcover book.  Phil was the Guardian with his Skaven infesting the objective
    with a unit of Clan Rats.  In this case, the watchtower simply was replaced with a suitable piece of forest ground, affording removable trees for aesthetics.
    My Pestilens were the invaders.  My objective was to eradicate and clear the woods, including using the Lure Them Out command ability to ensure success.
    We agreed ahead of time to end the game at the end of turn 4, as Age of Sigmar is a scenario based system and this would prevent a war of attrition.  Whoever had the most models within the objective terrain would constitute the victor.  As you will see reading on, this simple stipulation coupled with unique the command ability for each force produced a very climactic ending.
    Round One:
    As the Guardian, Phil placed an entire unit of Clan Rats in the objective to hold it firm.  We missed in the instructions that he
    also could of included a Hero as well.  While the back-placement kept him safe, make a note for your matches, as increased
    muscle up front is an important option for the defender.  This was compensated, however, by the fact that he placed both of his separate
    Battleline units into one large group.  We both made numerous rookie errors during this first battle, and they seemed to only enhance the fun!
    He opted as the guardian to take the first turn, and began advancing his troops to reinforce the woods.  This was an important time for his placement,
    and he chose well, being able to see where I had positioned my forces on the opposite edge of the 4' x 6' table.

    For my deploy, Epidemius and accompanying Warriors of Chaos took the center, storming toward the skittering eyes of
    the defending rodents.  On the left flank was the Gargaunt, and to the far right you can see my Chaos Hounds advancing
    with intent to engage the Doom Wheel and prevent it from supporting the central battle.  With a move of 10" and a guaranteed
    run of another 6", they made impressive headway with that intent.

    This careful positioning and advancement adequately reflects the beginning of the battle.  More to follow soon as these mutually repulsive armies clash in the second round!
    also forthcoming is a bit of fluff and backstory about our Hero's and their loyal troops.
    Thanks for reading.
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