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Posts posted by heromaster

  1. Hey,

    was thinking about picking up some skaven for a 1000pts league we were doing and wondered if anyone had any banging 1k lists or advice they could give me as im new to skaven and have been out of the game for a while!


  2. hey guys,  im puttin together a list and was trying to work out what the optimal loadout is for a unit of 5 brutes? I was thinking that running all 5 with a pair of brute choppas is the best bet but wondered if anyone can advise me if thats not the case!

    Is it better to take 3 brute choppas, 1 gore choppa and a boss klaw and brute smasha? 

    Thanks in advance! 

  3. Hey guys! Im wanting to start a 1000 points gloomspite gitz army for an instore tournament. any help or advice on this list? opponents will be DoT, Skaven and Slannesh!

    Loonboss on Mangler Squig
    Fungoid Cave Shaman
    20x stabbas w/ spear and shield

    20x stabba w/ spear and shield

    10x boingrot bounderz
    5x loonsmasha fanatics

  4. Hey guys! Im wanting to start a 1000 points gloomspite gitz army for an instore tournament. any help or advice on this list? opponents will be DoT, Skaven and Slannesh!

    Loonboss on Mangler Squig
    Fungoid Cave Shaman
    20x stabbas w/ spear and shield

    20x stabba w/ spear and shield

    10x boingrot bounderz
    5x loonsmasha fanatics


    Thanks in advance!

  5. Thanks for the quick reply! Im just a little worried about having boots on the ground. Im mainly going to be playing against a nighthaunt horde army and the new fec with loads of monsters so its hard trying to find the balance to death with these!

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