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Fleshy Abundance and Disgustingly Reslient



So let's say I cast fleshy abundance or the Glottkin spell to raise the wounds characteristic of a unit.  Then a model is taken down to one wound.  When the spell ends, it would die.  But, if the spell lasts until my next hero phase and, at the start of the phase, I can heal with disgusting resilience, does it still die?  In other words, could they heal before the spell ended and thereby stay alive with one wound?

My thought is no, they would still die.  The spell lasts "until the next hero phase" and the healing doesn't happen until the "start of the hero phase."  So, it would seem the spell ended (and the model died) right before they could have been healed by disgustingly resilient.  Do I have that right?

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The spell lasts "until your next hero phase," which to me means it ends before your next hero phase starts. So the model dies before the hero phase starts, i.e. before it can be healed by the rule.

The note in the battletome that the spell expiring can result in the death of the model would also be redundant otherwise - the model would always heal and therefore would never die - which seems like another clue that that is what is intended.

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