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Spell Thief Question



Can the Lord of Change steal (on a 9+)and use the spell Progeny of Damnation from a KoS.

The "Spell Thief" description says "...if it is possible for it to do so". The question arose because Progeny of Damnation is for "Slaanesh Greater Deamons only", the LoC does not have "Slaanesh" as a keyword.

The consensus was that it can steal it but cannot cast it because it does not have the Slaanesh keyword

Is this correct


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2 answers to this question

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The "SLAANESH GREATER DAEMONS only" restriction shouldn't affect the Lord of Change's ability to cast the spell, simply because that restriction is on the spell lore (Forbidden Sorceries of Slaanesh). It's used to restrict which wizards in a Slaanesh army can choose spells from that lore, not whether or not they can be cast - that would need to be specified in the spell description.

(Note that whenever an army has access to multiple spell lores, those will generally have similar list-based restrictions, e.g. the Lore of Pain and Pleasure is "MORTAL SLAANESH WIZARDS only", the Lore of Gutmagic is "BUTCHER only", the Lore of Dark Storms is "THUNDERSCORN WIZARD only", and so on. A Lord of Change doesn't match any of those, but they should still be able to cast those spells if they manage to steal them.)

However, Progeny of Damnation is perhaps a poor choice of example, since its effect can only apply to a friendly DAEMON HEDONITE HERO. So unless you had both a Lord of Change and a Slaaneshi daemon hero in the same army, you'd have nobody to target with it.

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thank you for the answer, i was really struggling to figure it out and we both chose the 'safe' option of my interpretation, for info we never considered your explanation (the wife and I have only been playing for a month or two)

that makes it clear, i was unaware of how lores worked, and when you say it that way it makes sense

thanks again


8 hours ago, Kadeton said:

The "SLAANESH GREATER DAEMONS only" restriction shouldn't affect the Lord of Change's ability to cast the spell, simply because that restriction is on the spell lore (Forbidden Sorceries of Slaanesh). It's used to restrict which wizards in a Slaanesh army can choose spells from that lore, not whether or not they can be cast - that would need to be specified in the spell description.

(Note that whenever an army has access to multiple spell lores, those will generally have similar list-based restrictions, e.g. the Lore of Pain and Pleasure is "MORTAL SLAANESH WIZARDS only", the Lore of Gutmagic is "BUTCHER only", the Lore of Dark Storms is "THUNDERSCORN WIZARD only", and so on. A Lord of Change doesn't match any of those, but they should still be able to cast those spells if they manage to steal them.)

However, Progeny of Damnation is perhaps a poor choice of example, since its effect can only apply to a friendly DAEMON HEDONITE HERO. So unless you had both a Lord of Change and a Slaaneshi daemon hero in the same army, you'd have nobody to target with it.



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