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Summoning into battalions



Hi! I was wondering whether I could summon a unit and add it to an existing battalion in my army assuming there is a free slot for it. For example Tzeentch change host requires 9 units in the battalion to swap twice if you have less you can only swap once. If I fielded 8 units in the battalion and then summoned a unit of pink horrors could I add him into the battalion and then swap twice because I now had 9 units in the battalion? On the same note if a unit of pink horrors split into blue horrors, could the new unit of blue horrors be added to the change host battalion?

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From the FAQ:

Q: Can I use a warscroll battalion’s abilities to summon units later during the game, or do they all need to be placed in the deployment phase?

A: You must set up all of the units in the battalion before deployment – some units may have rules that allow them to be set up in places other than the battlefield, in which case you can do so and still use the battalion’s special abilities. However, units that are not set up before the battle, and which you plan to summon through the use of spells once the battle is under way, cannot be part of a warscroll battalion.



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