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Everything posted by GeneralZero

  1. Seeing what they already written about Lumineth, my bet is that the next article will be just a detailed description of the new teclis model with his sphinx, keeping under their sleeve the next big reveals for (live) adepticon.
  2. A dual army box for new factions is now possible. Some facts: - the pattern of dual army box is now well known. It seems that the attempt to do a big box (essentially big in price 😉 ) like the The Blood of the Phoenix didn't get the success of other normal dual army boxes. So, it is more likely that we get a box equivalent to 2 SC! like other dual army boxes (DAB) - The SoB (not sister of battle, SOns Of Behemats 😉 ) is probably an IK army for AoS. The pattern is also well known: a big kit (IK class) , allowing several builds and armaments, and some other more little guys (Armiger class). (Maybe the gargant can play this role, but I expect not). Plus eventually some other normal size guys (wizzards?etc..)... - a 100% new DAB is possible as there were some precedent. Main example is Shadowspear. - a box with new giant has a precedent: Forgebane. This DAB introduced the Armiger warglaive which later invited customers to expand the collection with IK. It can be a smart move to make a Forgebane like DAB: most people will buy then the big Behemats at full price to get the full army! - DAB are like a spark to ignite sales: DAB disappear in a blink of an eye. Then those players hit the table with some WIN, the other players buy the same army at full price. It is the OBR story lol. - SoB is not a normal army (sales wise): you have to buy some big boxes. Only big boxes. If you already have the intermediate guys, the pills are easier to swallow 😉 . This is a good way to ignite the sales. (see the point above) I won't be surprised if GW decided to go the DAB route for a Lumineth/Behemat launch. In fact, I'd be (a bit) surprised if they didn't 😎
  3. Those new elves look so classic "high elves"...I don't know if I'm happy because I can bring back my old high elves or If I'm disappointed because of those soulless minis...I'm looking forfard to seeing the big beasties or the heavy stuff... ATM, this army is the exact counter part of OBR (infantry (shield sword lance) +cavalry (idem)...)
  4. All ogroids look amazing: I'm dreaming of a tome/allegiange where an Ogroid Myrmidon leads a unit of 2 or 3 Fomoroid Crusher buffed by an Ogroid Thaumaturge (as wizard fighter or something). Unfortunately, those warscrols doesn't exist and it is a missed opportunity by GW...again. Raging when superb miniatures are not backed up by good (or at least above average) rules. PS: you could even fit a Spyranx in this bunch of ogroid !
  5. The biggest argument: marauders are awful, warriors and knights are magnificent (especially the new ones). Period. lol
  6. As I have already ansered, our best shooting is ...magic! One of the best of the best shooter: wizzard on manticore.
  7. Well,the cat could have had his uses...if it weren't an aptitude launched in the hero phase making it super weird and hard to use it efficiently (timing...phhh).... Same for the crusher...in a worse lol.
  8. Also in the schedule, a persistent rumor is that there is a 40k dual army box coming with the next PA Ork vs space wolves, with their respective leaders. Side note: I couldn't resist to spiranx and formroid, ordered both despite knowing that they are almost useless. But they look so damn good in a StD army! (especially here: )
  9. Everything points to a big reveal of...NEW 40K release. So, I'm not expecting anything else. Maybe, just maybe, few ersatz of Son of behemoths...
  10. fock 😞 Problem solved then. Which FAQ was that?
  11. Reading the latest warscroll: "A unit of Chaos Warriors has any number of models, each armed with one of the following weapon options: Chaos Hand Weapon and Chaos Runeshield; Chaos Halberd and Chaos Runeshield; Chaos Greatblade; or pair of Chaos Hand Weapons " : you can mix them. [edit] contrary to most of other units: "The unit is armed with one of the following weapon options"
  12. The problem is not buying/money (10 bucks or less and look nice 😉 ) the problem is battlefield efficiency. I read that our warriors are resilient but do zero damage. If you run them for example: Unit of 15 warriors the boss/aspiring champion with a greatblade 1 standart+ 1hornblower (considered to have weapon+shield 7 (for example can be more can be less) greatblades 5 shields When attaking, your front has at least (lets say) 5 attakers = 5*2+1 = 11 attaks with rend -1 and still have shields/survivability in the unit? Am I right?
  13. For you, the great blades are useless? We can run them with a mix of weapons, so the shields serve the saving, and the greatblades serve the damaging?
  14. What is the loadout of those warriors? I'm am hesitating to buy the great blade kit to make them hit at rend -1. So, how to build the unit?
  15. What do you think about the 2 big beasts we have (in the same kit) : the Mutalith and the Slaughterbrute ? The miniature is wonderful, the Mutalith can also be plaid in a 40K Thousand Sons army (and being not that bad as it is cheap in pts). So, how could we buff & play those big beasties?
  16. I think you are plain wrong. 20 less for this miniature is 20 point less for the unit. Being not good enough for its points, you can't even think of him. But, being for example 20 points less, make a "unit" of 2 (or 2 single minis) completely thinkable of; It is 160pts and has several tricks for him. You can put this in perspective of other units. You can cover much more board (and threat several decors) , and the shooting can be more helpfull. (Far from OP I must admit). The thing is: 20 points here is just 1% of the army but several 20 points can make a unit spamable and compensate his weakness. That's it. And if on the whole army you can save 80/100 pts, it is another schaff unit at the end or whatever. You're true about bad rules are always bad rules. But cost can give you some compensations...
  17. results from hammerandbolter2020 last weekend Lists are here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14dWASWOy9HsetcZ4xgMbwzTgygqpSEmI/view Some things to notice: - 6 different factions in the top 10 - at least 10 differents factions in top 20 - most of lists are really different - it is really refresshing to see that no list is unbeatable. - Big guys are really playable and sometimes winners but not OP: nagash, archaon,...Many of less bigger (around 400pts) heros/monsters are enjoyable and effective (LoC, GKoTG, KoS, Stonehorns etc...). It is such a relief to see so many big guys on tables... I am sure that in the near future, we will see some other builds especially with recent books releases. Unfortunately, some miniatures are (close to) "must have" and some others are pure trash. For example, in tzeentch and also StD armies, Gaunt summoner is super good due to his free horror spam and being a wizzard 2 spells. All in all, except for several armies not in the top 40, the game is in a very good shape, well balanced, miles ahead of its sci-fi brother. It is time for GW to do the same to 40k
  18. I have a big crush on the Formoroid 😉 I know he is not good (the least we can say) especially at 100 pts (hoping in summer a point drop mayber, around 80...). So, the idea is to try to make him good playable. First: how to make them +1 to hit with ranged attaks? Same for to wound? He is by default 3+ 3+: if we can get him to 2+ (eventually RR 1) with -1 D2, behind a block of (for example) warriors, everyone marching ahead , could be nice... Please help the community (= me! hahahha) to play those badass. I'd like to play a pair of them.
  19. I find the Sphiranx a bit exensive: 90pts would have been better. The worse is the Formoroid crusher. At 100 pts, so random shooter with a so situational aptitude I can't find him a role. It is a shame that GW did a so bad warscroll for them. For example, just make him "unit of 1 to 3" with a 70 pts each, and/or rend -1 CC, and I would have taken 2 (at least). And he is the only shooter in the StD army! So unfortunate: Because this kit come with 2 builds! (each looking superb, like the cat which is also a 2 builds kit). Shame on you GW!🤬
  20. Acolyte: use the monk hamsters and add a cheap ball in their hand, done and good looking. I didn't do it myself (yet) but I've read that it is a cheap elegant solution. You are right about the battleline but the other stuff are great (things in the SC!, stormfiends, tanquol, lords etc...)
  21. Skaven have soooo many things in plastic that are amazing. Don't hesitate, try them! But I agree about ID, which are like so many recent release (OBR, Ironjawz, Sylvaneth etc...): too few entries.
  22. TBH, I don't expect seeing more than a hero for existing factions in the future especially if they are sold in a dual armies box. Maybe we'll see something like they did for starmcast (a whole new range/faction) but it will be the exception that confirm the rule. Adding some new units isn't profitable enough in a GW business point of view...
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