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Everything posted by endtransmission

  1. Slaughterpriest, follower of the King in Yellow
  2. Excellent stuff, I have one of them in my painting queue as well!
  3. What a fantastic idea. The page themselves are a really interesting way of building up the project and showcasing ideas, I will certainly give it a crack, thank you! It would be nice to see more of these appear, each covering some of the fantastic warbands that other people on the forums are creating. The Triumvirates are also a good thing to think about when forging the stories as no-one works alone. You've got me really thinking now [update] I just noticed that you are planning on adding yours to the Hinterlands document. They will make a fantastic addition to an already essential download!
  4. I absolutely love that basing. They all look great on their own, but the tray really brings it all together
  5. Just a quick update today. Some more work has been done on the Orruks, but none of it is interesting or photogenic... it is just sticking together the bodies of 5 brutes and continuing to greenstuff the shoulders back onto the Boss. Maybe sometime I'll get the sculpting part done to a stage that makes it clearer. At some point I need to sort out better photos too While the greenstuff is drying, I did a bit more painting; mostly going back and revisiting the Questor and mini horrors to neaten them up a bit. The mini horrors had the whites toned down a bit with some yellow and orange washes. I also added some greeny eyes so they can now see where they are going. The Questor had a few tweaks following some suggestions in an earlier post. Thanks guys, it does look better with the gold in the helmet Lastly was taking the Pink horror form the base coat stage through to completion. Rather than the bright bright pinks normally associated with Horrors, I decided to go for a purple-ish and green scheme to show a constant state of change in the horror
  6. That theme works really nicely with the dwarves and should look fantastic when all set up
  7. List building was one of the things that eventually put me off 40k and much earlier, WFB, too. It took me a while to come to terms with the base AoS system of no points, no limits... but now I'm used to it, it allows for much more thematic forces, which I'm enjoying. Much like your book, I was thinking of turning each unit into a postcard sized sheet instead of the A4 ones for easier tracking in games and easy to store in little boxes for transport
  8. I'm loving that colour combination. Not one I would have thought of for Khorne, but it looks brilliant.
  9. No worries. I needed to look it up at some point for when I get around to my starter set too
  10. I did a little bit more cleaning up on the other horrors and put the first bit of paint onto one horror as an experiment. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the colour, but it is a deep pinky purple from Vallejo applied as a few washes over white. A little bit of blue was added for some shadows/splotchyness to break up the overall PINK. The aim is for it to blend out to purple or blue towards the finger and tentacle tips. We shall see... So what is this problem? The problem is my butterfly like nature getting the better of me already. I knew I wanted to start a small AoS force at some point as a friend's son has just started collecting Seraphon as his first ever army and he has no-one to play against. The original aim was to just use the Silver Tower models as a small Tzeentch force, bolstered by their ST models if needed. ...Then I started reading the source books for the Realmgate wars because it would be rude not to know more about the new universe right? This meant starting at the beginning and picking up the starter set. So two more potential armies in the painting pile. Not, in itself, a massive issue as I can convert a number of them into the additional Silver Tower characters. Then I read the Flesh Eater's Court and really really want one of those too. The last straw that broke my resolve was the global campaign announcement coming along side reading the Ironjawz book. So what we now have is the start of an Ironjawz force too. Grrr Waaagh and all that. I have a rough concept for a theme for this force based on one line from early in their book, but I want to see if anyone can guess what it is as the Boss comes into being. The initial stage isn't going to give anything away yet
  11. A quick check of what paints are on my table (always a sure fire way to see what I've been painting with over the last month or three), the only colour that is anywhere near is a few layers of thinned Thunderhawk Blue over a black undercoat. There would have been targetted washes of black to darken some areas as well. You're both right, gold would work well in place of the silver. I may try that on the Celestant if I ever get around to painting up the AoS starter set in the same scheme
  12. Wonderful stuff! I love the eyes appearing from the maggoth
  13. Gorgeous colours and transitions
  14. Sounds like a great concept for the city. I'm still trying to decide on the background to my mob As for names... you could go for a variation on Greyskull that might be more appropriate. Da GreatSkull tribe?
  15. The two colours that I dislike painting are black and white as both are really easy to make look like grey instead of the intended colours. Your blacks look great, but I'm loving your skin tones and nmm. I'll have to give that painting technique a go at some point. I've found nmm works well on small bits, or weapons, but trying to do multiple plates next to each other is really easy to make look confusing. I made the mistake of trying to do full plate armour in nmm as an early experiment. It did not go well as the lighting/alignment was slightly off on a few plates, which made it really stand out
  16. Really nice bases. I'm trying to decide on how to base my models. Up until recently, everything has been based on clear bases so that they work on any surface, but well done bases do really make a model pop
  17. Hmmm I will have a think on the gold. I want the overall effect of this scheme to be cold and battered, so not too much gold elsewhere... But I could see the scrollwork in the halo-like headpiece working as an additional detail.
  18. Many many moons ago, back when Goblins fought High Elves along side cardboard monsters and war machines I had a fun Dwarf gunline that did fairly well in our local shop. Over time, as Warhammer armies grew in scale, my interests waned as I'm a hobby butterfly. The games that retained my interest were smaller scale games like Mordheim and Warhammer Quest due to the ability to hop form one theme to another without having to make a massive commitment to one army. I've not, however, gamed in the Warhammer world for about 12 years. I'd just started to contemplate restarting when the End Times hit and the whole world went kaboom... It wasn't until Silver Tower's release that I decided it was time to delve into the new Realms. Having spent the last few years on Dakka, my view of things was slightly skewed towards moaning... so it has been really nice to find TGA, so a big thanks to you all for being a nice place to explore So. Onto the projects. Silver Tower is going to be the main focus of this blog, though I am tempted to start a small AoS force or two and try to get involved with the global campaign at our local store so I can start gaming again. I'll do some posts on those at a later date when the options are a bit clearer in my mind. The first group of monsters to be completed for Silver Tower were the Scuttlings. Not my favourite models in the world, so the paintjob is... less than stellar. Definitely a "Could do better" moment On the plus side, there is also my first attempt at a new (to me) Sigmarite. The Knight-Questor. I decided to go for a dark turquoisey-blue with silver as I prefer darker toned models. Bright, glaring gold armour just doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm still waiting for a delivery of 32mm clear bases for the Questor, so for now you'll have to do with these WIP shots instead. there is still a bit of tidying up to do on him, but I'm much happier with him than with the scuttlings
  19. Great looking game with some wonderful terrain in there. I love the massive statue
  20. A quick paintjob on the grots
  21. I tried more of a living flame approach to these... running very hot; hence the very white look to them.
  22. Forge World event model (2013, I think)
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