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Everything posted by Nizrah

  1. Lances have more rend and dmg 2. I think they are better.
  2. Jeez im really excited to play this battletome. The only sad things for is gutted warscrolls like Heraldor etc... Warscrolls with just 1 abillity are sad.
  3. Intresting to see so how many people have so many opinions! My comptetetive group screams that dragon are super OP literally armies of only dragons will dominate everything and everyone.
  4. Yea. Thats why Iam best stormcast player in Poland, was 8 in general Poland laederboard in 2019-2020 season and scored 4-1 in our last Master tournament. I don't know anything about this army mate
  5. You are isane LOL. Most of the old things were touched and lifted into stright S teritory, looking at you relictor, paladins etc. Judicators are insane with their dmg output. They are literally DoK stalkers but withouy doubletap (good thing). There is huge amout of battleline options and buff to everything, hits, wounds, svs, attacks and debbufs. Liberators are still dirty cheap for what they can do now like 10 of them can counts for 30 models on obj lol. Palladors can kill things now with d3 on axes. Artefacs are amazing. Take amulet for ward or mirror shield to just say ****** you to enemy missle units. Magic dragon is superb. Prime got ward finally. Bastian is amazing. Vandus maybe finally see table. Even ducking Gardus is usefull now with ward bubble. Relictor with +1 to prayers????????? This book is amazing.
  6. They nerfed Vandus into oblivion! Not like he seen tabletop... Jeez GW...
  7. Chariot looks super good for me? Especially if it costed around 140 pts. Nice rend, nice mortals, fast, durable? Whats wrong?
  8. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/09/07/forge-your-own-stormhost-and-cheat-death-with-battletome-stormcast-eternals/ narrative only? Sigh
  9. Yea. But for giant you will roll 35 dices XD. Its nice.
  10. I think fact that we still don't know when first batttletomes for 3ed will dropout very negativly effected sales of Dominion. Especially in Kruelboiz case because they are literally unplayble. Who is gonna buy a box with unplayable army?
  11. Because battleshock immunity aura is so cool and we needed the second one! XD
  12. I bet that Lord Ordinator CA will be changed so maybe there will be additional punch
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