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Everything posted by Flogger

  1. What I know both Rockgut and Fellwater are on 50mm bases now.
  2. I don’t agree with them being clearly worse. I think both units are perfectly fine and I could see myself taking both. However, I much prefer the rockgut models as the theme I’m going for doesn’t really suit the fellwater.
  3. Probably buying this on Saturday: 300 Dankhold Trogboss 170 Mollog 220 Dankhold Troggoth 8x 160 Rockgut (24 of them in units of 3) thats 1970, I don’t think the battalion is worth paying for when playing rockgut rather than fellwater and if you want the battalion I would probably go all fellwater instead of rockgut, and I think troggoths are always best in units of 3 and no more, especially rockguts since they shoot d3 mortal wounds per unit.
  4. I was of the impression that larger bases are fine but smaller aren't. As long as it looks good and is not weirdly oversized/undersized I say go with it.
  5. So I can't play Spiderfang and use other units outside of Spiderfang? Because if I did the spider riders would no longer be battleline, have I understood that correctly? @AdHocGames
  6. How exactly does the army selection work? if I play Spiderfang Allegiance and run 3x 10 spider riders, a boss on spider and 3 arachnaroks. But then I have another 400 points I need to spend. Can I use Troggoths? Or does that mean I no longer run Spiderfang Allegiance? Im not quite sure on this yet so please enlighten me.
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